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A fully typed, async-first docker client library for Deno.


import Docker from ""

Add this to your deno.json file, to upgrade version just edit the version here and use the above url in your code.

  "imports": {
    "": ""


Simple example

import Docker from ""

const docker = new Docker("/var/run/docker.sock");
const container = await docker.containers.create("my_container", {
  Image: "alpine",
  Cmd: ["ls"],
  StopTimeout: 10,
await docker.containers.start(container.Id);

Manipulating containers

// Fetch the list of currently running containers
const containers = await docker.containers.list({all: true});

// Create a container
const container = await docker.containers.create("my_container", {
  Image: "alpine",
  Cmd: ["echo", "hello"],

// Start the container
await docker.containers.start(container.Id);

// Stop a container
await docker.containers.stop(container.Id);

// Kill a container
await docker.containers.kill(container.Id, "SIGKILL");

// Restart a container
await docker.containers.restart(container.Id);

// Wait until the container has finished running
await docker.container.wait(container.Id);

// Delete a container
await docker.containers.rm(container.Id);


// List images 
await docker.images.list(ImageListOptions)

// Create Image
await docker.images.create('ubuntu', {"fromImage": "ubuntu", tag: 'latest'})

API reference

