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Moby's name generation now in Deno!
import { generateName, generateNameCustom } from "./mod.ts";
const genCommands = ["g", "-g", "--generate"];const helpMessage = ` Supported commands are: [${genCommands.join(", ")}] The syntax for generating is {separator? or retry?} {separator?} [? means optional parameter] ------ The following are valid examples: deno run .\\cli.ts ... results in something_somegion deno run .\\cli.ts g "@" ... results in something@someone deno run .\\cli.ts g 10 ... results in something_someone10 deno run .\\cli.ts g 20 "@" ... results in something@someone20`;
/** * Describes a rule for running the name generation via CLI. */interface GenerationStrategy { retry: boolean; separator: boolean; strategy: (retryAmount?: number, separatorString?: string) => string;}
/** * Builder for Commands. */class CommandBuilder { private generationDecisionMatrix: GenerationStrategy[] = [ { retry: true, separator: true, strategy: (retry, separator) => generateNameCustom(separator as string, retry), }, { retry: true, separator: false, strategy: (retry, _separator) => generateName(retry), }, { retry: false, separator: true, strategy: (_retry, separator) => generateNameCustom(separator as string), }, { retry: false, separator: false, strategy: (_retry, _separator) => generateName(), }, ]; private baseCommand: string; private retry?: number; private separator?: string;
private constructor(base: string) { this.baseCommand = base; }
public static CreateCommand(base: string): CommandBuilder { return new CommandBuilder(base); }
public AddRetry(retry: number): CommandBuilder { if (isNaN(retry)) { return this; } this.retry = retry; return this; }
public AddSeparator(separator: string): CommandBuilder { this.separator = separator; return this; }
public BuildAndRun(): string { if (genCommands.includes(this.baseCommand)) { return this.generationDecisionMatrix .filter((p) => p.retry === (typeof this.retry !== "undefined") && p.separator === (typeof this.separator !== "undefined") )[0]?.strategy(this.retry as number, this.separator as string); }
return helpMessage; }}
/** * Handles command execution * @param command Command to be ran (check supported Commands) * @param firstArgs First argument, might be a separator or a retry number * @param secondArgs Second argument, should be a retry number or undefined */function handleCommand( command: string, firstArgs?: string, secondArgs?: string,) { const builder = CommandBuilder.CreateCommand(command);
if (typeof firstArgs !== "undefined") { isNaN(parseInt(firstArgs)) ? builder.AddSeparator(firstArgs) : builder.AddRetry(parseInt(firstArgs)); }
if (typeof secondArgs !== "undefined") { builder.AddSeparator(secondArgs); }
return builder.BuildAndRun();}
const [command = "g", retry, separator] = Deno.args;console.log(handleCommand( command, retry, separator,));