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Easily generate .docx files with JS/TS with a nice declarative API. Works for Node and on the Browser.
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// Track Revisions aka. "Track Changes"// Import from 'docx' rather than '../build' if you install from npmimport * as fs from "fs";import { AlignmentType, DeletedTextRun, Document, Footer, FootnoteReferenceRun, InsertedTextRun, Packer, PageNumber, Paragraph, ShadingType, TextRun,} from "../build";
/* For reference, see - -
The setting `features: { trackRevisions: true }` adds an element `<w:trackRevisions />` to the `settings.xml` file. This specifies that the application shall track *new* revisions made to the existing document. See also
Note that this setting enables to track *new changes* after teh file is generated, so this example will still show inserted and deleted text runs when you remove it.*/
const paragraph = new Paragraph({ children: [ new TextRun("This is a simple demo "), new TextRun({ text: "on how to ", }), new InsertedTextRun({ text: "mark a text as an insertion ", id: 0, author: "Firstname Lastname", date: "2020-10-06T09:00:00Z", }), new DeletedTextRun({ text: "or a deletion.", id: 1, author: "Firstname Lastname", date: "2020-10-06T09:00:00Z", }), ],});
const doc = new Document({ footnotes: { 1: { children: [ new Paragraph({ children: [ new TextRun("This is a footnote"), new DeletedTextRun({ text: " with some extra text which was deleted", id: 0, author: "Firstname Lastname", date: "2020-10-06T09:05:00Z", }), new InsertedTextRun({ text: " and new content", id: 1, author: "Firstname Lastname", date: "2020-10-06T09:05:00Z", }), ], }), ], }, }, features: { trackRevisions: true, }, sections: [ { properties: {}, children: [ paragraph, new Paragraph({ children: [ new TextRun("This is a demo "), new DeletedTextRun({ break: 1, text: "in order", color: "ff0000", bold: true, size: 24, font: { name: "Garamond", }, shading: { type: ShadingType.REVERSE_DIAGONAL_STRIPE, color: "00FFFF", fill: "FF0000", }, id: 2, author: "Firstname Lastname", date: "2020-10-06T09:00:00Z", }), new InsertedTextRun({ text: "to show how to ", bold: false, id: 3, author: "Firstname Lastname", date: "2020-10-06T09:05:00Z", }), new TextRun({ bold: true, children: ["\tuse Inserted and Deleted TextRuns.", new FootnoteReferenceRun(1)], }), new TextRun({ bold: true, text: "And some style changes", revision: { id: 4, author: "Firstname Lastname", date: "2020-10-06T09:05:00Z", bold: false, } }), ], }), ], footers: { default: new Footer({ children: [ new Paragraph({ alignment: AlignmentType.CENTER, children: [ new TextRun("Awesome LLC"), new TextRun({ children: ["Page Number: ", PageNumber.CURRENT], }), new DeletedTextRun({ children: [" to ", PageNumber.TOTAL_PAGES], id: 4, author: "Firstname Lastname", date: "2020-10-06T09:05:00Z", }), new InsertedTextRun({ children: [" from ", PageNumber.TOTAL_PAGES], bold: true, id: 5, author: "Firstname Lastname", date: "2020-10-06T09:05:00Z", }), ], }), ], }), }, }, ],});
Packer.toBuffer(doc).then((buffer) => { fs.writeFileSync("My Document.docx", buffer);});