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An experimental Deno tool to transform XML to DOCX with a little XPath- and component based configuration
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type alias RprI
import { type RprI } from "";

All the formatting options that can be given on a text run (inline text).

Serializes to the <w:rPr> element.

definition: { color?: string | null; verticalAlign?:
| "baseline"
| "subscript"
| "superscript"
| null
; isUnderlined?:
| null
| boolean
| "single"
| "words"
| "double"
| "thick"
| "dotted"
| "dottedHeavy"
| "dash"
| "dashedHeavy"
| "dashLong"
| "dashLongHeavy"
| "dotDash"
| "dashDotHeavy"
| "dotDotDash"
| "dashDotDotHeavy"
| "wave"
| "wavyHeavy"
| "wavyDouble"
| "none"
| null
; isBold?: boolean | null; isItalic?: boolean | null; isSmallCaps?: boolean | null; language?: string | null; fontSize?: HalfPoint | null; }