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An experimental Deno tool to transform XML to DOCX with a little XPath- and component based configuration
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type alias TableProperties
import { type TableProperties } from "";
definition: { style?: string | null; width?:
| null
| number
| "`${number}%"
| string
| { length: "`${number}%" | string | number; unit:
| null
| "nil"
| "auto"
| "dxa"
| "pct"
; }
; look?: null | { firstColumn?: null | boolean; lastColumn?: null | boolean; firstRow?: null | boolean; lastRow?: null | boolean; noHBand?: null | boolean; noVBand?: null | boolean; }; borders?: null | { top?: null | TableBorder; left?: null | TableBorder; bottom?: null | TableBorder; right?: null | TableBorder; insideH?: null | TableBorder; insideV?: null | TableBorder; }; }