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TypeScript (component) library for building and parsing a DOCX file
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type alias ParagraphProperties
import { type ParagraphProperties } from "";

All the formatting properties that can be given to a paragraph.

Serializes to the <w:pPr> element.

definition: { alignment?:
| "left"
| "right"
| "center"
| "both"
| null
; outlineLvl?: number | null; style?: string | null; spacing?: { before?: Length | null; after?: Length | null; line?: Length | null; lineRule?:
| "atLeast"
| "exactly"
| "auto"
| null
; afterAutoSpacing?: boolean | null; beforeAutoSpacing?: boolean | null; } | null
; indentation?: { hanging?: Length | null; hangingChars?: number | null; firstLine?: Length | null; firstLineChars?: number | null; start?: Length | null; startChars?: number | null; end?: Length | null; endChars?: number | null; } | null; borders?: null | { top?: null | Border<LineBorderType>; left?: null | Border<LineBorderType>; bottom?: null | Border<LineBorderType>; right?: null | Border<LineBorderType>; between?: null | Border<LineBorderType>; }; shading?: null | Shading; listItem?: null | { numbering?: null | number; depth?: null | number; }; change?: null | ({ id: number; author: string; date: Date; } & Omit<ParagraphProperties, "change">); pilcrow?: TextProperties | null; }