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TypeScript (component) library for building and parsing a DOCX file
/** * Running this script rebuilds it as a NodeJS compatible npm package. */
import { build, emptyDir } from '';
const VERSION = Deno.args[0];if (!VERSION) { throw new Error('Please specify a version, eg. "deno task dnt 1.0.0".');}
const msg = ` Creating npm package for version ${VERSION} `;console.log('-'.repeat(msg.length) + '\n' + msg + '\n' + '-'.repeat(msg.length));
await emptyDir('./npm');
await build({ entryPoints: ['./mod.ts'], outDir: './npm', typeCheck: true, test: false, declaration: true, skipSourceOutput: true, shims: { deno: true, custom: [ { package: { name: 'crypto' }, globalNames: [{ name: 'crypto', exportName: 'default' }], }, ], }, package: { name: 'docxml', version: VERSION, description: 'TypeScript (component) library for building and parsing a DOCX file', author: { name: 'Wybe Minnebo', email: '', url: '', }, contributors: [], homepage: '', repository: { type: 'git', url: 'git+', }, bugs: { url: '', }, license: 'none', keywords: ['ooxml', 'docx', 'components', 'deno', 'node', 'jsx'], type: 'module', main: 'script/mod.js', module: 'esm/mod.js', typings: 'types/mod.d.ts', }, mappings: { '': { name: 'fontoxpath', version: '3.28.2', }, '': { name: 'slimdom', version: '4.0.2', }, },});
await Deno.copyFile('', 'npm/');