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A fast, zero-permission Dotenv parser.

This module doesn’t load any file, it only parses their content.


Import dotenv-parser:

// From Denopkg
import { dotEnvParser } from "";
// From Github
import { dotEnvParser } from "";

Read your .env file and decode its content into a string, or just declare a string variable with KEY=VALUE pairs. For example:

const config = `

Parse the configuration:

const res = dotEnvParser(config);
//  Output:
//    { SERVER_HOST: "localhost", SERVER_PORT: "3000", SERVER_HTTPS: "true" }

By default, all values are of type string. If you wish to automatically convert numbers and booleans to their respective types, you need to specify the infer parameter to true:

const res = dotEnvParser(config, true);
//  Output:
//    { SERVER_HOST: "localhost", SERVER_PORT: 3000, SERVER_HTTPS: true }


The parser has the following signature

function dotEnvParser<false>(raw: string): Data;
function dotEnvParser<false>(raw: string, infer: false): Data;
function dotEnvParser<true>(raw: string, infer: true): TypedData;

Data interface

Data describes the object returned when the infer parameter is false or undefined. It describes a plain object where all values are of type string.

interface Data {
  [key: string]: string;

TypedData interface

TypedData describes the object returned when the infer parameter is true. It describes a plain object where the values can be of type string, number or boolean.

interface TypedData {
  [key: string]: string | number | boolean;

Parsing rules

Coming soon


PRs are welcome!