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Web Scraping with Deno  –  DOM + GraphQL

DQL lets you use GraphQL queries to extract data from the DOM of a web page or HTML fragment (for sandboxing or use cases without network access). It accepts GraphQL Queries as input, and returns formatted JSON data as output.

This is a fork of DenoQL with some heavy refactoring and some additional features:

  • Compatibility with the Deno Deploy architecture
  • Ability to pass variables alongside all queries
  • New state-management class with additional methods
  • Modular project structure (as opposed to a mostly single-file design)
  • Improved types and schema structure
  • This is a work-in-progress and there is still much to be done. *


The primary function exported by the module is the workhorse named useQuery:

import { useQuery } from "";

const data = await useQuery(`query { ... }`);

Query Options

You can also provide an options object for the second argument of useQuery:

const data = await useQuery(`query { ... }`, {
  concurrency: 8,
  fetch_options: {
    // passed as the second param to fetch()
  variables: {
    // any variables used in your queries go here

Authenticated Requests

To authenticate your requests, you can add an Authorization header like so:

const data = await useQuery(`query { ... }`, {
  fetch_options: {
    headers: {
      "Authorization": "Bearer ghp_a5025a80a24defd0a7d06b4fc215bb5635a167c6",


Junkyard Inventory Scraper

Here we check a Nevada Junkyard for new vehicles in their inventory.

import { useQuery } from "";

const query = `query Junkyard ($url: String, $itemSelector: String) {
  vehicles: page(url: $url) {
    totalCount: count(selector: $itemSelector)
    items: queryAll(selector: $itemSelector) {
      id: index
      vin:   text(selector: "td:nth-child(7)", trim: true)
      sku:   text(selector: "td:nth-child(6)", trim: true)
      year:  text(selector: "td:nth-child(1)", trim: true)
      model: text(selector: "td:nth-child(2) > .notranslate", trim: true)
      aisle: text(selector: "td:nth-child(3)", trim: true)
      store: text(selector: "td:nth-child(4)", trim: true)
      color: text(selector: "td:nth-child(5)", trim: true)
      date:  attr(selector: "td:nth-child(8)", name: "data-value")
      image: src(selector: "td > a > img")

// pass any variables using the 'variables' key
const response = await useQuery(query, {
  variables: {
    "url": "",
    "itemSelector": "table > tr > td",

// Do something with response (Object)

GraphQL Playground

Command Line Usage (CLI)

# spin up a playground on port 8080
deno run -A --unstable
# ... or using a custom port
deno run -A --unstable --port 3000

Note: you need to have the Deno CLI installed for CLI usage.

Programmatic Usage

import { createServer } from "";

// start a playground on port 8080

// or using a custom port

MIT © Nicholas Berlette • Based on DenoQL © nyancodeid