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Drake is a make-like task runner for Deno.
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import { bold, green, yellow } from "";import { existsSync } from "";import { Env } from "./cli.ts";import { abort, isFileTask, normalizePrereqs, normalizeTaskName } from "./utils.ts";
export type Action = (this: Task) => any;
/** Drake task. */export class Task { /** Unique task name or file path */ name: string; desc: string; prereqs: string[]; action?: Action;
/** * Create a new task. * Task name and prerequisite names are normalized. */ constructor(name: string, desc: string, prereqs: string[], action?: Action) { name = normalizeTaskName(name); = name; this.desc = desc; this.prereqs = normalizePrereqs(prereqs); if (action) { this.action = action.bind(this); } }
/** * Return true if the task target file exists and is newer than all prerequisite files * otherwise return false. * * - Return false if the task is not a file task. * - Throw error if any prerequisite path does not exist. */ isUpToDate(): boolean { if (!isFileTask( { return false; } // Check all prerequisite paths exist. for (const name of this.prereqs) { if (!isFileTask(name)) { continue; } if (!existsSync(name)) { abort( `task: ${}: missing prerequisite path: ${name}` ); } } if (!existsSync( { return false; } const targetStat = Deno.statSync(; for (const prereq of this.prereqs) { if (!isFileTask(prereq)) { continue; } const prereqStat = Deno.statSync(prereq); if (!targetStat.modified || !prereqStat.modified) { continue; } if (targetStat.modified < prereqStat.modified) { return false; } } return true; }}
/** Task registry map. */export class TaskRegistry extends Map<string, Task> { env: Env; lastDesc: string;
constructor(env: Env) { super(); this.env = env; this.lastDesc = ""; }
/** * Lookup task by task name. * Throw error if task does not exist. */ get(name: string): Task { name = normalizeTaskName(name); if (!this.has(name)) { abort(`missing task: ${name}`); } return super.get(name) as Task; }
/** * Add task to registry. * Throw error if task is already registered. */ set(name: string, task: Task) { name = normalizeTaskName(name); if (this.has(name)) { abort(`task already exists: ${name}`); } return super.set(name, task); }
/** Set description of next registered task. */ desc(description: string): void { this.lastDesc = description; }
/** Create and register a task. */ register(name: string, prereqs: string[], action?: Action): void { this.set(name, new Task(name, this.lastDesc, prereqs, action)); this.lastDesc = ""; // Consume decription. }
log(message: string): void { if (!this.env["--quiet"]) { console.log(message); } }
/** Print list of tasks to the console. */ list(): void { const keys = Array.from(this.keys()); const maxLen = keys.reduce(function(a, b) { return a.length > b.length ? a : b; }).length; for (const k of keys.sort()) { const task = this.get(k); console.log( `${green(bold(} ${task.desc} ${yellow( `[${task.prereqs}]` )}` ); } }
/** * Recursively expand prerequisites and return a list of prerequisite tasks. * Throw error if non-file task is missing. */ private expand(names: string[]): Task[] { let result: Task[] = []; names = names.slice(); names.reverse(); // Result maintains the same order as the list of names. for (const name of names) { if (isFileTask(name) && !this.has(name)) { continue; // Ignore prerequisite paths that don't have a task. } const task = this.get(name); result.unshift(task); result = this.resolveDependencies(task.prereqs).concat(result); } return result; }
/** * Return a list of tasks and all dependent tasks from the list of task names. * Ordered in first to last execution order, */ resolveDependencies(names: string[]): Task[] { names = => normalizeTaskName(name)); const result: Task[] = []; for (const task of this.expand(names)) { // Drop downstream dups. if (result.find(t => === { continue; } result.push(task); } return result; }
/** Run tasks and prerequisite tasks in the correct dependency order. */ async run(names: string[]) { const tasks = this.resolveDependencies(names); this.log(`${green(bold("task queue"))}: ${ =>}`); // Run tasks. for (const task of tasks) { if (!task.action) { continue; } if (!this.env["--always-make"] && task.isUpToDate()) { this.log(yellow(`${} skipped`) + " (up to date)"); continue; } await this.execute(; } }
/** * Unconditionally execute the task action function. Ignore task prerequisites. * Silently return is there is no task action. */ async execute(name: string) { const task = this.get(name); if (!task.action) { return; } const startTime = new Date().getTime(); if (!this.env["--dry-run"]) { this.log(green(bold(`${} started`))); if ( === "AsyncFunction") { await task.action(); } else { task.action(); } const endTime = new Date().getTime(); this.log( green(bold(`${} finished`)) + ` in ${((endTime - startTime) / 1000).toFixed(2)} seconds` ); } else { this.log(yellow(`${} skipped`) + " (dry run)"); } }}