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Drake is a make-like task runner for Deno.
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// Drake API.export { abort, debug, DrakeError, env, glob, log, outOfDate, quote, readFile, sh, shCapture, ShCaptureOpts, ShOpts, ShOutput, touch, updateFile, writeFile,} from "./lib/utils.ts";export { desc, execute, run, task, vers };
import { existsSync } from "";import * as path from "";import { help } from "./lib/help.ts";import { Action, TaskRegistry } from "./lib/tasks.ts";import { abort, env, parseEnv } from "./lib/utils.ts";
const DRAKE_VERS = "0.41.0";
env("--abort-exits", true);
/** Global task registry. */const taskRegistry = new TaskRegistry();
// Parse command-line options into Drake environment.parseEnv(Deno.args.slice(), env);
if (env("--help")) { help();} else if (env("--version")) { console.log(vers());} else { // Caclulate drakefile path relative to cwd prior to processing --directory option. let drakefile = env("--drakefile") ?? "Drakefile.ts"; if (!path.isAbsolute(drakefile)) { drakefile = path.join(Deno.cwd(), drakefile); } env("--drakefile", drakefile);
if (env("--directory")) { const dir = env("--directory"); if (!existsSync(dir) || !Deno.statSync(dir).isDirectory) { abort(`--directory missing or not a directory: ${dir}`); } Deno.chdir(dir); }}
/** Returns the Drake version number string. */function vers(): string { return DRAKE_VERS;}
/** Set description of next registered task. */function desc(description: string): void { taskRegistry.desc(description);}
/** * Create and register a task. * @param name - A unique task name. * @param prereqs - An array of prerequisite task names. Prerequisites can be _Normal task_ names, _File task_ names, file paths or globs (wildcards). * @param action - An optional function that is run if the task is selected for execution. */function task( name: string, prereqs: string[] = [], action?: Action,): void { taskRegistry.register(name, prereqs, action);}
/** * Execute named tasks along with their prerequisite tasks (direct and indirect). If no `names` are * specified then the command-line tasks are run. If no command-line tasks were specified the * default task (set in `env("--default-task")`) is run. * * Task execution is ordered such that prerequisite tasks are executed prior to their parent task. * The same task is never run twice. */async function run(...names: string[]) { if (env("--help") || env("--version")) { return; } if (env("--list-tasks") || env("--list-all")) { taskRegistry.list().forEach((t) => console.log(t)); } else { if (names.length === 0) { names = env("--tasks"); if (names.length === 0 && env("--default-task")) { names.push(env("--default-task")); } } if (names.length === 0) { abort("no task specified"); } await; }}
/** * Unconditionally execute task action functions asynchronously. * Silently skip tasks that have no action function. */async function execute(...names: string[]) { await taskRegistry.execute(...names);}