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Drake is a make-like task runner for Deno.
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import { env } from "../lib/env.ts";import { Task, TaskRegistry } from "../lib/tasks.ts";import { DrakeError, normalizePath, readFile, writeFile,} from "../lib/utils.ts";import { assert, assertEquals, assertThrows, assertThrowsAsync,} from "./deps.ts";
Deno.test("taskRegistryTest", async function () { env("--quiet", true); const taskRegistry = new TaskRegistry();
assertThrows( () => taskRegistry.get("quux"), DrakeError, "missing task: quux", );
let log: string[] = []; const action = function (this: Task) { log.push(; };
taskRegistry.desc("Task 1"); taskRegistry.register("1", ["2", "3"], action);
taskRegistry.desc("Task 2"); taskRegistry.register("2", ["3"], action);
taskRegistry.desc("Task 3"); taskRegistry.register("3", [], action);
assertEquals(taskRegistry.get("1").desc, "Task 1"); assertEquals( taskRegistry.resolveDependencies(["1", "3", "2"]).map((task) =>, ["3", "2", "1"], ); await"1", "2", "3"); assertEquals(log, ["3", "2", "1"], "execution log mismatch");
assertEquals( taskRegistry.list().map((s) => s.slice(-6)), ["Task 1", "Task 2", "Task 3"], "task list should have descriptions", ); taskRegistry.get("2").desc = ""; assertEquals( taskRegistry.list().map((s) => s.slice(-6)), ["Task 1", "Task 3"], "hidden tasks are not listed", ); env("--list-all", true); try { assertEquals( taskRegistry.list().length, 3, "--list-all lists hidden tasks", ); } finally { env("--list-all", false); }
taskRegistry.desc("Task 4"); taskRegistry.register("4", ["1", "4"], action); taskRegistry.get("2").prereqs.push("4"); await assertThrowsAsync( async () => await"4"), DrakeError, "cyclic dependency between '4' and '1', cyclic dependency between '4' and '4'", "cyclic dependency should throw error", );});
Deno.test("fileTaskTest", async function () { env("--quiet", true); const taskRegistry = new TaskRegistry();
const target = normalizePath("./target"); const prereq = normalizePath("./prereq"); let taskRan = false; taskRegistry.register(target, [prereq], async function () { taskRan = true; });
const dir = Deno.makeTempDirSync(); const savedCwd = Deno.cwd(); env("--directory", dir); try { const task = taskRegistry.get(target); writeFile(prereq, ""); assert( task.isOutOfDate(), "isOutOfDate should return true: no previous task cache", ); assert( task.isOutOfDate(), "isOutOfDate should return true: missing target file", ); writeFile(target, "quux"); task.updateCache(); taskRegistry.saveCache(); taskRegistry.loadCache(); assertEquals( task.cache![prereq].size, 0, "loaded file cache prereq size should match", ); assertEquals( task.cache![target].size, 4, "loaded file cache target size should match", );
writeFile(prereq, "baz"); assert( task.isOutOfDate(), "isOutOfDate should return true: modified prerequisite file", );
taskRegistry.saveCache(); Deno.removeSync(prereq); await assertThrows( () => task.isOutOfDate(), DrakeError, "missing prerequisite file:", "isOutOfDate should throw error: missing prerequisite file", ); writeFile(prereq, ""); Deno.removeSync(target); taskRan = false; await; assert(taskRan, "task should have executed: no target file");
writeFile(target, ""); taskRan = true; await; assert(taskRan, "task should have executed: new target file");
taskRan = false; await; assert(!taskRan, "task should not have executed: target file up to date");
taskRan = false; writeFile(prereq, "foobar"); await; assert(taskRan, "task should have executed: prerequisite changed");
taskRan = false; await; assert(!taskRan, "task should not have executed: target file up to date");
Deno.removeSync(prereq); await assertThrowsAsync( async () => await, DrakeError, "missing prerequisite file:", "missing prerequisite file should throw error", );
env("--dry-run", true); try { // Missing prerequisite should not throw error if --dry-run. await; } finally { env("--dry-run", false); }
const target2 = normalizePath("./target2"); taskRegistry.register(target2, [target], async function () { throw new DrakeError(); }); writeFile(prereq, ""); const oldCache = readFile(taskRegistry.cacheFile()); let didThrow = false; try { await, target2); } catch { didThrow = true; } assert(didThrow, "target2 task should throw an error"); assert( readFile(taskRegistry.cacheFile()) !== oldCache, "cache file should have updated after the error was thrown", ); } finally { env("--directory", savedCwd); Deno.removeSync(dir, { recursive: true }); }});