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Drake is a make-like task runner for Deno.
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// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any
import { existsSync, path } from "./deps.ts";import { abort, debug } from "./utils.ts";
export type EnvValue = boolean | string | Array<string>;type EnvValues = { [name: string]: EnvValue };type EnvFunction = (name?: string, value?: EnvValue) => any;
/** Factory class for creating environment functions. */export class Env { private values: EnvValues;
private constructor() { this.values = { ...{ "--tasks": [], "--debug": !!Deno.env.get("DRAKE_DEBUG"), "--default-task": "", "--cache": "", "--directory": Deno.cwd(), "--abort-exits": false, "--always-make": false, "--dry-run": false, "--help": false, "--list-all": false, "--list-tasks": false, "--quiet": false, "--version": false, }, } as EnvValues; }
/** Set command-line options and variables. */ private setValue(name: string, value: EnvValue) { switch (name) { case "--abort-exits": case "--always-make": case "--debug": case "--dry-run": case "--help": case "--list-all": case "--list-tasks": case "--quiet": case "--version": if (typeof value !== "boolean") { abort(`${name} must be a boolean`); } break; case "--cache": if (typeof value !== "string") { abort(`${name} must be a string`); } if (value !== "") { const dir = path.dirname(value); if (!existsSync(dir) || !Deno.statSync(dir).isDirectory) { abort(`--cache file directory missing or not a directory: ${dir}`); } value = path.join(Deno.realPathSync(dir), path.basename(value)); } break; case "--directory": if (typeof value !== "string") { abort(`${name} must be a string`); } if (!existsSync(value) || !Deno.statSync(value).isDirectory) { abort(`--directory missing or not a directory: ${value}`); } value = Deno.realPathSync(value); Deno.chdir(value); break; case "--default-task": if (typeof value !== "string") { abort(`${name} must be a string`); } break; case "--tasks": if ( !(value instanceof Array) || !value.every((v) => typeof v === "string") ) { abort("--tasks must be a string array"); } break; default: if (name.startsWith("-")) { abort(`illegal option: ${name}`); } if (!/^[a-zA-Z]\w*$/.test(name)) { abort(`illegal variable name: ${name}`); } if (typeof value !== "string") { abort(`variable value must be a string: ${name}`); } } this.values[name] = value; }
/** Return a new environment getter/setter function with `this` set to a new Env object. */ static create(): EnvFunction { const env = new Env(); return function ( this: Env, name?: string, value?: EnvValue, ): any { if (name === undefined) { return this; // Return function's Env object if called without parameters. } if (arguments.length !== 1) { debug("set", `${name}: ${value}`); this.setValue(name, value!); } return this.values[name]; }.bind(env); }
/** Parse command-line arguments. */ parseArgs(args: string[]): void { let arg: string | undefined; // deno-lint-ignore no-extra-boolean-cast while (!!(arg = args.shift())) { const match = arg.match(/^([a-zA-Z]\w*)=(.*)$/); if (match) { this.values[match[1]] = match[2]; // Set named variable. continue; } const shortOpts: { [arg: string]: string } = { "-a": "--always-make", "-D": "--debug", "-d": "--directory", "-n": "--dry-run", "-h": "--help", "-l": "--list-tasks", "-L": "--list-all", "-q": "--quiet", } as const; if (shortOpts[arg] !== undefined) { arg = shortOpts[arg]; } switch (arg) { case "--always-make": case "--debug": case "--dry-run": case "--help": case "--list-tasks": case "--list-all": case "--quiet": case "--version": this.setValue(arg, true); break; case "--cache": // deno-lint-ignore no-case-declarations case "--directory": const value = args.shift(); if (value === undefined) { abort(`missing ${arg} option value`); } this.setValue(arg, value); break; default: if (arg.startsWith("-")) { abort(`illegal option: ${arg}`); } (this.values["--tasks"] as Array<string>).push(arg); break; } } }}
/** * The Drake `env` API function gets and optionally sets the command-line * options, task names and variables. * * Options are keyed by their long option name e.g. `env("--dry-run")`. * Command-line flag options return a boolean; the `--cache` and `--directory` options * return a string. * * Command-line variables are keyed by name. For example `vers=1.0.1` on the * command-line sets the `vers` value to `"1.0.1"`. * * Command-line tasks are stored in the `--tasks` string array. * * Examples: * * env("--abort-exits", true); * env("--default-task", "test"); * console.log(`version: ${env("vers")}`); * if (!env("--quiet")) console.log(message); */export const env = Env.create();