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Drake is a make-like task runner for Deno.
import { abort, DrakeError, glob, isDirectory, isFile, makeDir, pathExists, quote, readFile, remove, sh, shCapture, stat, updateFile, writeFile,} from "../lib/utils.ts";import { assert, assertEquals, assertNotEquals, assertRejects, assertThrows, path,} from "./deps.ts";
Deno.test("abortTest", function () { assertThrows( () => abort("Abort test"), DrakeError, "Abort test", );});
Deno.test("fileFunctionsTest", function () { const tmpDir = Deno.makeTempDirSync(); try { const file = path.join(tmpDir, "fileTest"); assertEquals(stat(file), null); assertEquals(stat(file), null); assertEquals(stat(file)?.isFile, undefined); assertEquals(stat(file)?.isDirectory, undefined); assertEquals(pathExists(file), false); assertEquals(isFile(file), false); assertEquals(isDirectory(file), false); const text = "foobar"; writeFile(file, text); assertNotEquals(stat(file), undefined); assertEquals(!!stat(file), true); assertNotEquals(stat(file)?.isFile, undefined); assertEquals(stat(file)?.isDirectory, false); assertEquals(pathExists(file), true); assertEquals(isFile(file), true); assertEquals(isDirectory(file), false); assertEquals(readFile(file), text); assertEquals(updateFile(file, /o/g, "O!"), true); assertEquals(readFile(file), "fO!O!bar"); assertEquals(updateFile(file, /o/g, "O!"), false); assertEquals(updateFile(file, /zzz/g, "O!"), false); assertThrows( () => readFile("non-existent file"), DrakeError, "readFile: non-existent file", ); const filename = path.join("dir", "non-existent file"); assertThrows( () => writeFile(filename, text), DrakeError, `writeFile: ${filename}`, ); const dir = path.join(tmpDir, "c/d/e"); assert(makeDir(dir), "directory should not have already existed"); assert( Deno.statSync(dir).isDirectory, "directory should have been created", ); assertNotEquals(stat(dir), null); assertEquals(!!stat(dir), true); assertEquals(stat(dir)?.isFile, false); assertEquals(stat(dir)?.isDirectory, true); assertEquals(pathExists(dir), true); assertEquals(isFile(dir), false); assertEquals(isDirectory(dir), true); assert(!makeDir(dir), "directory should have already existed"); assert( Deno.statSync(dir).isDirectory, "directory should exist", ); Deno.removeSync(dir); writeFile(dir, ""); assertThrows( () => makeDir(dir), DrakeError, `file is not directory: ${dir}`, ); } finally { Deno.removeSync(tmpDir, { recursive: true }); }});
Deno.test("globAndRemoveTests", function () { let files = glob("./mod.ts", "./lib/*.ts"); assertEquals( files, [ "lib/deps.ts", "lib/env.ts", "lib/graph.ts", "lib/help.ts", "lib/registry.ts", "lib/tasks.ts", "lib/utils.ts", "mod.ts", ] .map((p) => path.normalize(p)).sort(), ); files = glob("./mod.ts", "./lib/!(deps|registry|graph|utils).ts"); assertEquals( files, ["lib/env.ts", "lib/help.ts", "lib/tasks.ts", "mod.ts"].map((p) => path.normalize(p) ).sort(), ); const tmpDir = Deno.makeTempDirSync(); try { makeDir(path.join(tmpDir, "a/b")); const fixtures = ["a/b/z.ts", "a/y.ts", "u", "x.ts"].map((f) => path.join(tmpDir, f) ).sort(); fixtures.forEach((f) => writeFile(f, "")); // glob tests. files = glob(...["**/*.ts", "u"].map((f) => path.join(tmpDir, f))); assertEquals(files, fixtures); assertEquals(glob(path.join(tmpDir, "non-existent-file")), []); assertEquals(glob(path.join(tmpDir, "non-existent-directory/*")), []); assertEquals(glob(path.join(tmpDir, "non-existent-directory/**")), []); const saved = Deno.cwd(); try { Deno.chdir(tmpDir); files = glob("./**/*.ts", "u"); assertEquals( files, ["./u", "a/b/z.ts", "a/y.ts", "x.ts"].map((p) => path.normalize(p)) .sort(), ); files = glob("./**/@(x|y).ts"); assertEquals( files, ["a/y.ts", "x.ts"].map((p) => path.normalize(p)).sort(), ); Deno.chdir("a"); files = glob("../**/*.ts"); Deno.chdir(".."); assertEquals( files, ["../a/b/z.ts", "../a/y.ts", "../x.ts"].map((p) => path.normalize(p)) .sort(), ); assert(glob("no-such-file").length === 0); // remove tests. assert(isFile("a/b/z.ts")); remove("a/b/z.ts"); assert(!pathExists("a/b/z.ts")); assertEquals(glob("a/**").length, 1); remove("a/**/*"); assertEquals(glob("a/**").length, 0); assertEquals(glob("**").length, 2); remove("x.*"); assertEquals(glob("**").length, 1); remove("*"); assertEquals(glob("**").length, 0); } finally { Deno.chdir(saved); } } finally { Deno.removeSync(tmpDir, { recursive: true }); }});
Deno.test("quoteTest", function () { assertEquals(quote(["foo", '"bar"']), '"foo" "\\"bar\\""');});
Deno.test("shTest", async function () { await sh("echo Hello", { stdout: "null" }); await assertRejects( async () => await sh("non-existent-command", { stderr: "null" }), DrakeError, "sh: non-existent-command: error code:", ); await sh( ["echo Hello 1", "echo Hello 2", "echo Hello 3"], { stdout: "null" }, );});
Deno.test("shCaptureTest", async function () { let { code, output, error } = await shCapture("echo Hello"); assertEquals([code, output.trimEnd(), error], [0, "Hello", ""]);
({ code, output, error } = await shCapture( "a-nonexistent-command", { stderr: "piped" }, )); assertNotEquals(code, 0); assertEquals(output, ""); assert(error.includes("a-nonexistent-command"));
const cat = `deno eval "import { copy } from ''; copy(Deno.stdin, Deno.stdout)"`; ({ code, output, error } = await shCapture(cat, { input: "Hello" })); assertEquals([code, output, error], [0, "Hello", ""]);
({ code, output, error } = await shCapture(cat, { input: "" })); assertEquals([code, output, error], [0, "", ""]);
const text = readFile("Drakefile.ts"); ({ code, output, error } = await shCapture(cat, { input: text })); assertEquals([code, output, error], [0, text, ""]);
({ code, output, error } = await shCapture( `deno eval "console.log(Deno.cwd())"`, { cwd: "lib" }, )); assertEquals( [code, output.trimEnd(), error], [0, path.join(Deno.cwd(), "lib"), ""], );
({ code, output, error } = await shCapture( `deno eval "console.log(Deno.env.get('FOO')+Deno.env.get('BAR'))"`, { env: { FOO: "foo", BAR: "bar" } }, )); assertEquals([code, output.trimEnd(), error], [0, "foobar", ""]);
({ code, output, error } = await shCapture( "echo Hello", { stdout: "null", stderr: "null" }, )); assertEquals([code, output, error], [0, "", ""]);
({ code, output, error } = await shCapture( cat, { input: "", stdout: "inherit", stderr: "inherit" }, )); assertEquals([code, output, error], [0, "", ""]);
({ code, output, error } = await shCapture( `cd examples deno eval "console.log(Deno.cwd())"`, )); assertEquals( [code, output.trimEnd(), error], [0, path.join(Deno.cwd(), "examples"), ""], );});