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A microframework for Deno's HTTP server with zero third-party dependencies
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/** * Contains the type of LoggerConfigs * @remarks * enabled: boolean * * Is the logger enabled? This is useful if you have a config file that * can toggle this option between `true` and `false`. * * file?: string * * The filename to log to (used in Drash.CoreLoggers.FileLogger). * * level?: string * * Options are: * * all * trace * debug * info * warn * error * fatal * off * * Defaults to "debug". * * tag_string?: string * * A string with tags. Tags must be wrapped in brackets in order for the * logger classes to properly identify them. For example, * * {some_tag} | {some_tag} * {some_tag} [{some_tag}]`. * * tag_string_fns?: {[key: string]: any} * * This takes an object of key-value pairs where the key is the name of * the tag defined in the `tag_string` config. This object is used to * replace tags in the `tag_string` config by matching keys to tags and * replacing tags with the values of the keys. For example, if * `tag_string` was `{my_cool_tag}` and `tags_string_fns.my_cool_tag` * returns `"HELLO"`, then `{my_cool_tag}` would be replaced with * `HELLO`. * * test?: boolean * * Is the logger running in a test process? Setting this to true will * silence the console logger from outputting to the console so you can * test without actually logging to the console. */export interface LoggerConfigs { enabled: boolean; file?: string; level?: string; tag_string?: string; tag_string_fns?: { [key: string]: any }; // `any` because it can be a string, or an object with functions and/or strings, and the compiler throws errors when trying to execute certain logic with said type test?: boolean;}