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A microframework for Deno's HTTP server with zero third-party dependencies
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import { Cookie, deleteCookie, setCookie } from "../../deps.ts";import { mimeTypes } from "../dictionaries/mime_types.ts";import * as Drash from "../../mod.ts";
export class DrashResponse { body: BodyInit | null = null; public headers: Headers = new Headers(); public status = 200; public statusText = "OK"; public upgraded = false; public upgraded_response: Response | null = null;
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FILE MARKER - PUBLIC METHODS ////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/** * Delete a cookie for the response. * * @param name - The name of the cookie. * @param attributes - Path and domain, can be used to pass the exact same * attributes that were used to set the cookie. */ public deleteCookie( name: string, attributes?: { domain: string; path?: string; }, ): void { deleteCookie(this.headers, name, attributes); }
/** * Set the body of this response as a downloaded type given the filepath, * filename, and content type of the downloadable type. * * @param filepath - The filepath of the file to download, relative to the CWD * that executed the entrypoint script. * @param contentType - The content type of the associated file. * @param headers - Any extra headers you wish to specify apart of the content-type header * * @example * ```js * * "./images/user_1_profile_pic.png", * "image/png" * ); * ``` */ public download( filepath: string, contentType: string, headers: Record<string, string> = {}, ): void { const filepathSplit = filepath.split("/"); const filename = filepathSplit[filepathSplit.length - 1]; this.headers.set( "Content-Disposition", `attachment; filename="${filename}"`, ); this.headers.set("Content-Type", contentType); Object.keys(headers).forEach((key) => { this.headers.set(key, headers[key]); }); this.body = Deno.readFileSync(filepath); }
/** * Set the body of this response as the contents of the given filepath. The * Content-Type header will be set automatically based on the extension of the * filepath. * * @param filepath - The filepath of the file to download, relative to the CWD * that executed the entrypoint script. * @param status - The status to respond with. Default on the response is 200. * @param headers - Any extra headers you wish to specify apart of the content-type header */ public file( filepath: string, status?: number, headers: Record<string, string> = {}, ): void { // Get the extension of the file const extension = filepath.split(".").at(-1); if (!extension) { throw new Drash.Errors.HttpError( 415, "`filepath` passed into response.file()` must contain a valid extension.", ); }
// Get the MIME type of the file const type = mimeTypes.get(extension); if (!type) { throw new Drash.Errors.HttpError( 500, "Unable to retrieve content type for " + filepath + ", please submit an issue.", ); }
this.body = Deno.readFileSync(filepath); this.headers.set("Content-Type", type); Object.keys(headers).forEach((key) => { this.headers.set(key, headers[key]); }); if (status) { this.status = status; } }
/** * Set the body of this response as HTML. * * @param html - The HTML string to assign to the body. * @param status - Status to respond with. * @param headers - Any extra headers you wish to specify apart of the content-type header. */ public html( html: string, status?: number, headers: Record<string, string> = {}, ): void { this.body = html; this.headers.set("Content-Type", "text/html"); if (status) { this.status = status; } Object.keys(headers).forEach((key) => { this.headers.set(key, headers[key]); }); }
/** * Set the body of this response as JSON. * * @param json - The object to assign to the body. * @param status - The status to respond with. * @param headers - Any extra headers you wish to specify apart of the content-type header */ public json( // We ignore the following because this means a user can do // `const user: IUSer = ...; response.json(user)`, which isn't possible with // Record<string, unknown> // deno-lint-ignore ban-types json: object, status?: number, headers: Record<string, string> = {}, ) { this.body = JSON.stringify(json); this.headers.set("Content-Type", "application/json"); Object.keys(headers).forEach((key) => { this.headers.set(key, headers[key]); }); if (status) this.status = status; }
/** * Set the body of this response as XML. * * @param xml - The XML string to assign to the body. * @param status - The status to respond with. * @param headers - Any extra headers you wish to specify apart of the content-type header */ public xml( xml: string, status?: number, headers: Record<string, string> = {}, ) { this.body = xml; this.headers.set("Content-Type", "text/xml"); Object.keys(headers).forEach((key) => { this.headers.set(key, headers[key]); }); if (status) this.status = status; }
/** * This method allows users to make `this.response.render()` calls in * resources. This method is also used by Tengine: * * */ public render(_filepath: string, _data: unknown): boolean | string { return false; }
/** * Set a cookie on the response to be handled by the client. * * @param cookie - The cookie data. */ public setCookie(cookie: Cookie): void { setCookie(this.headers, cookie); }
/** * Set thie body of this response. * * @param contentType - The content type to use in the Content-Type header. * @param body - The body of the response. */ public send<T extends BodyInit>(contentType: string, body: T): void { this.body = body; this.headers.set("Content-Type", contentType); }
/** * Set the body of this response as text. * * @param text - The text to assign to the body. * @param status - The status to respond with. * @param headers - Any extra headers you wish to specify apart of the content-type header */ public text( text: string, status?: number, headers: Record<string, string> = {}, ) { this.body = text; this.headers.set("Content-Type", "text/plain"); Object.keys(headers).forEach((key) => { this.headers.set(key, headers[key]); }); if (status) this.status = status; }
/** * Upgrade the response. * * @param response - The upgraded response (e.g. a WebSocket connection * response via Deno.upgradeWebSocket()). */ public upgrade(response: Response): void { this.upgraded = true; this.upgraded_response = response; }}