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A microframework for Deno's HTTP server with zero third-party dependencies
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import { assertEquals, TestHelpers } from "../deps.ts";import { Errors, IResource, Request, Resource, Response, Server,} from "../../mod.ts";
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FILE MARKER - APP SETUP /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
interface ICoffee { name: string;}
export class CoffeeResource extends Resource implements IResource { paths = ["/coffee", "/coffee/:id"];
protected coffee = new Map<number, ICoffee>([ [17, { name: "Light" }], [18, { name: "Medium" }], [19, { name: "Dark" }], ]);
public GET(request: Request, response: Response) { // @ts-ignore Ignoring because we don't care let coffeeId: string | null | undefined = request.pathParam("id"); const location = request.queryParam("location"); if (location) { if (location == "from_query") { coffeeId = request.queryParam("id"); } }
if (!coffeeId) { response.text("Please specify a coffee ID."); return; }
response.text(JSON.stringify(this.getCoffee(parseInt(coffeeId)))); }
protected getCoffee(coffeeId: number): ICoffee { let coffee = null;
try { coffee =; } catch (error) { throw new Errors.HttpError( 400, `Error getting coffee with ID "${coffeeId}". Error: ${error.message}.`, ); }
if (!coffee) { throw new Errors.HttpError( 404, `Coffee with ID "${coffeeId}" not found.`, ); }
return coffee as ICoffee; }}
const server = new Server({ resources: [ CoffeeResource, ], protocol: "http", hostname: "localhost", port: 3000,});
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FILE MARKER - TESTS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Deno.test("coffee_resource_test.ts", async (t) => { await t.step("/coffee (path params)", async (t) => { await t.step("works as expected with path params", async () => {;
let response;
// response = await fetch("http://localhost:3000/coffee"); // assertEquals( // await response.text(), // 'Please specify a coffee ID.', // );
// response = await fetch("http://localhost:3000/coffee/"); // assertEquals( // await response.text(), // 'Please specify a coffee ID.', // );
// response = await fetch("http://localhost:3000/coffee//"); // assertEquals((await response.text()).startsWith("Error: Not Found"), true);
// response = await fetch("http://localhost:3000/coffee/17"); // assertEquals(await response.text(), '{"name":"Light"}');
response = await fetch("http://localhost:3000/coffee/17/", { headers: { Accept: "text/plain", }, }); assertEquals(await response.text(), '{"name":"Light"}');
response = await fetch("http://localhost:3000/coffee/18", { headers: { Accept: "text/plain", }, }); assertEquals(await response.text(), '{"name":"Medium"}');
response = await fetch("http://localhost:3000/coffee/18/", { headers: { Accept: "text/plain", }, }); assertEquals(await response.text(), '{"name":"Medium"}');
response = await fetch("http://localhost:3000/coffee/19", { headers: { Accept: "text/plain", }, }); assertEquals(await response.text(), '{"name":"Dark"}');
response = await fetch("http://localhost:3000/coffee/19/", { headers: { Accept: "text/plain", }, }); assertEquals(await response.text(), '{"name":"Dark"}');
response = await fetch("http://localhost:3000/coffee/20", { headers: { Accept: "text/plain", }, }); assertEquals( (await response.text()).startsWith( 'Error: Coffee with ID "20" not found.', ), true, );
response = await "http://localhost:3000/coffee/17/", { headers: { Accept: "text/plain", }, }, ); assertEquals( (await response.text()).startsWith("Error: Method Not Allowed"), true, );
await server.close(); }); });
await t.step("/coffee (url query params)", async (t) => { await t.step("works as expected with URL query params", async () => {;
const response = await fetch( "http://localhost:3000/coffee/19?location=from_query&id=18", { method: "GET", headers: { Accept: "text/plain", }, }, ); const t = await response.text(); assertEquals(t, '{"name":"Medium"}');
await server.close(); }); });});