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A microframework for Deno's HTTP server with zero third-party dependencies
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import { assertEquals } from "../deps.ts";import * as Drash from "../../mod.ts";import { GraphQL, GraphQLService } from "../../src/services/graphql/graphql.ts";
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const schema = GraphQL.buildSchema(` type Query { hello: String }`);
const root = { hello: () => { return "Hello world!"; },};
const graphQL = new GraphQLService({ schema, graphiql: true, rootValue: root });
async function serverAction( action: "close", server: Drash.Server,): Promise<void>;
async function serverAction(action: "run"): Promise<Drash.Server>;
async function serverAction( action: "run" | "close", server?: Drash.Server,): Promise<Drash.Server | void> { if (action === "run") { const server = new Drash.Server({ resources: [], protocol: "http", port: 1337, hostname: "localhost", services: [graphQL], });; return server; } if (action === "close" && server) { await server.close(); }}
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Deno.test("graphql_test.ts", async (t) => { await t.step("GraphQL", async (t) => { await t.step( "Can respond with a playground when used as middleware", async () => { const server = await serverAction("run"); const res = await fetch("http://localhost:1337/graphql"); await serverAction("close", server); const text = await res.text(); assertEquals( text.indexOf("<title>GraphQL Playground</title>") > -1, true, ); assertEquals(res.status, 200); assertEquals(res.headers.get("Content-Type"), "text/html"); }, ); await t.step( "Will make a query on a request when used as middleware", async () => { const server = await serverAction("run"); const res = await fetch("http://localhost:1337/graphql", { method: "POST", headers: { Accept: "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ query: "{ hello }", }), }); await serverAction("close", server); const json = await res.json(); assertEquals(res.status, 200); assertEquals( res.headers.get("Content-Type"), "application/json", ); assertEquals(json, { data: { hello: "Hello world!" } }); }, ); });});