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Next-generation ES module bundler ported for Deno
import type { RollupWatcher, RollupWatchOptions, WatcherOptions,} from "./mod.ts";import type { GenericConfigObject } from "../types.ts";import { Task } from "./task.ts";
const eventsRewrites: Record<string, Record<string, string | "warn" | null>> = { create: { create: "warn", modify: "create", remove: null, }, remove: { create: "modify", remove: "warn", modify: "warn", }, modify: { create: "warn", remove: "remove", modify: "modify", },};
/** * Watcher * * @private */export class Watcher { emitter: RollupWatcher;
private buildDelay = 50; private buildTimeout: number | null = null; private invalidatedIds: Map<string, string> = new Map(); private rerun = false; private running: boolean; private tasks: Task[]; private clearScreen = true;
constructor(configs: RollupWatchOptions[], emitter: RollupWatcher) { this.emitter = emitter; emitter.close = this.close.bind(this);
this.tasks = => new Task(this, config as GenericConfigObject) );
for (const config of configs) { if ( && === false) { this.clearScreen = false; } }
this.buildDelay = configs.reduce( (buildDelay, { watch }) => watch && typeof watch.buildDelay === "number" ? Math.max(buildDelay, (watch as WatcherOptions).buildDelay!) : buildDelay, this.buildDelay, );
this.running = true;
setTimeout(() =>; }
close() { if (this.buildTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.buildTimeout); }
for (const task of this.tasks) { task.close(); }
this.emitter.emit("close"); this.emitter.removeAllListeners(); }
invalidate(file?: { path: string; kind: string }) { if (file) { const prevEvent = this.invalidatedIds.get(file.path); const event = prevEvent ? eventsRewrites[prevEvent][file.kind] : file.kind;
if (event === null) { this.invalidatedIds.delete(file.path); } else { this.invalidatedIds.set(file.path, event); } }
if (this.running) { this.rerun = true;
return; }
if (this.buildTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.buildTimeout); }
this.buildTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.buildTimeout = null;
for (const [id, event] of this.invalidatedIds.entries()) { this.emitter.emit("change", id, { event }); }
this.invalidatedIds.clear(); this.emitter.emit("restart");; }, this.buildDelay); }
private async run() { this.running = true;
if (this.clearScreen) { console.clear(); }
this.emitter.emit("event", { code: "START", });
for (const task of this.tasks) { await; }
this.running = false;
this.emitter.emit("event", { code: "END", });
if (this.rerun) { this.rerun = false; this.invalidate(); } }}