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Deno Simple Orm

Build Status

dso is a simple ORM Library based on deno_mysql


// const * as orm, { FieldTypes } from "";
const * as orm, { FieldTypes } from "";

// Define a database model
const User = orm.define("users", {
    id: { autoIncrement: true, length: 11, type: FieldTypes.INT, primary: true },
    name: { length: 30, type: FieldTypes.STRING },
    password: { length: 30, type: FieldTypes.STRING },

async function main(){
    // The database must be created before linking
    await orm.connect({
        hostname: "",
        port: 3306,
        username: "root",
        passwod: "",
        db: "dbname"

    // When installing or initializing a database, 
    // you can use sync to synchronize the database model to the database.

    // await orm.sync(false);

    // You can add records using insert method
    const insertId = await User.insert({name: "user1", password: "password"});

    // You can use the Model.findById method to get a record
    const user = await User.findById(1);

Top Level API


You need to use this method to link to the database before you can manipulate the database

await orm.connect({
    hostname: "", // database hostname
    port: 3306, // database port
    username: "root", // database username
    passwod: "", // database password
    db: "dbname" // database name. (tips: The database must be created before linking)


Define database model orm.deine(tableName:string, schema: Object);

Each key of the schema object is defined as a database field. Each value inherits the orm.Field interface, describing the specific types of fields, default values, whether they are primary keys, and so on.

This method returns the defined database model, which has a series of database operation methods.

const User = orm.define("users", {
    id: { autoIncrement: true, length: 11, type: FieldTypes.INT, primary: true },
    name: { length: 30, type: FieldTypes.STRING },
    password: { length: 30, type: FieldTypes.STRING },
// User.findById(...)
// User.findAll(...)
// User.findOne(...)
// User.insert(...)
// User.update(...)
// User.delete(...)


When installing or initializing a database, you can use sync to synchronize the database model to the database.

// If set to FORCE, tables will be deleted before they are created,
// otherwise only new models will be synchronized.
const force = true; // force 
await orm.sync(force);


Use parameters to automatically replace placeholders in SQL statements. export from deno_mysql

console.log(orm.replaceParams("select ?? from ?? where id = ?", [["id","name"], "users", 1]));
// select (`id`,`name`) from `users` where id = 1

Top Level Types


  • DATE
  • INT
  • TEXT


Field type describes the following properties of a field

key type default value desc
type one of the FieldTypes null types of database fields
length number unfixed field length
primary boolean false database primary key?
default any null default values for fields
autoIncrement boolean false identify auto-increment fields. It can only be used for INT types
notNull boolean false identity fields can not be null
autoUpdate boolean false updated automatically according to the current timestamp. It can only be used for DATE types