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Get the formated time duration
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// deno-fmt-ignore-file// deno-lint-ignore-file// This code was bundled using `deno bundle` and it's not recommended to edit it manually
const digits = [ "", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", ];const teens = [ "", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen", ];const tens = [ "", "ten", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety", ];const tenPowers = { int: [ "{ones}", "{tens}", "{ones} hundred and", "{ones} thousand,", "{tens}", "{ones} hundred and", "{ones} million,", "{tens}", "{ones} hundred and", "{ones} billion,", "{tens}", "{ones} hundred and", "{ones} trillion,", "{tens}", "{ones} hundred and", "{ones} thousand,", "{tens}", ], in: [ "{ones}", "{tens}", "{ones} hundred and", "{ones} thousand,", "{tens}", "{ones} lakh,", "{tens}", "{ones} crore,", "{tens}", "{ones} hundred and", "{ones} thousand,", "{tens}", "{ones} lakh,", "{tens}", "{ones} crore,", "{tens}", ]};function getTenPower(i, indian = false) { const arr = indian ? :; i = i % arr.length; return arr[i];}function __default(n, indian = false) { if (n === 0) return "zero"; const digitNumbers = n.toString().split("").map((x)=>Number(x) ).reverse(); const digitStrings = []; for(let i = 0; i < digitNumbers.length; ++i){ if (getTenPower(i + 1, indian)?.startsWith("{tens}")) { if (digitNumbers[i + 1] === 1) { digitStrings.push(`${teens[digitNumbers[i]]} ${getTenPower(i, indian).replace(/\{ones\}\s?/, "")}`); ++i; continue; } } digitStrings.push(getTenPower(i, indian).replace("{ones}", digits[digitNumbers[i]]).replace("{tens}", tens[digitNumbers[i]])); console.log(i - digitNumbers.length); } return digitStrings.reverse().join(" ");}const keyList = { d: "days", h: "hours", m: "minutes", s: "seconds", ms: "milliseconds", us: "microseconds", ns: "nanoseconds"};const BaseDurationObj = { raw: 0, d: 0, h: 0, m: 0, s: 0, ms: 0, us: 0, ns: 0};class Duration { raw; d; h; m; s; ms; us; ns; constructor(timestamp = Duration.getCurrentDuration()){ if (timestamp < 0) timestamp = 0; timestamp = Number(timestamp); this.raw = timestamp; this.d = Math.trunc(timestamp / 86400000); this.h = Math.trunc(timestamp / 3600000) % 24; this.m = Math.trunc(timestamp / 60000) % 60; this.s = Math.trunc(timestamp / 1000) % 60; = Math.trunc(timestamp) % 1000; = Math.trunc(timestamp * 1000) % 1000; this.ns = Math.trunc(timestamp * 1000000) % 1000; } get array() { return [ { type: "d", value: this.d }, { type: "h", value: this.h }, { type: "m", value: this.m }, { type: "s", value: this.s }, { type: "ms", value: }, { type: "us", value: }, { type: "ns", value: this.ns }, ]; } get µs() { return; } get json() { return this.array.reduce((acc, stuff)=>(acc[stuff.type] = stuff.value, acc) , BaseDurationObj); } addDays(n) { this.d += n; return this.reload(); } addHours(n) { this.h += n; return this.reload(); } addMinutes(n) { this.m += n; return this.reload(); } addSeconds(n) { this.s += n; return this.reload(); } addMilliseconds(n) { += n; return this.reload(); } addMicroseconds(n) { += n; return this.reload(); } addNanoseconds(n) { this.ns += n; return this.reload(); } clone() { return new Duration(this.raw); } getSimpleFormattedDuration() { return this.toString(); } getFormattedDurationArray() { return>[ "ms", "us", "ns" ].includes(x.type) ? addZero(x.value, 3) : addZero(x.value, 2) ); } reload() { const ts = this.d * 86400000 + this.h * 3600000 + this.m * 60000 + this.s * 1000 + + / 1000 + this.ns / 1000000; if (ts === this.raw) return this; const newDuration = new Duration(ts); this.d = newDuration.d; this.h = newDuration.h; this.m = newDuration.m; this.s = newDuration.s; =; this.ns = newDuration.ns; =; this.raw = newDuration.raw; return this; } setDays(n) { this.d = n; return this.reload(); } setHours(n) { this.h = n; return this.reload(); } setMinutes(n) { this.m = n; return this.reload(); } setSeconds(n) { this.s = n; return this.reload(); } setMilliseconds(n) { = n; return this.reload(); } setMicroseconds(n) { = n; return this.reload(); } setNanoseconds(n) { this.ns = n; return this.reload(); } toDescriptiveString(values = []) { if (!Array.isArray(values) || values.length == 0) { return `${>`${x.value} ${keyList[x.type]}` ).join(", ")}`; } return `${this.array.filter((x)=>values.includes(x.type) ).map((x)=>`${x.value} ${keyList[x.type]}` ).join(", ")}`; } toJSON() { return this.json; } toShortString(values = []) { if (!Array.isArray(values) || values.length == 0) { return `${>`${x.value}${x.type}` ).join(" ")}`; } return `${this.array.filter((x)=>values.includes(x.type) ).map((x)=>`${x.value}${x.type}` ).join(" ")}`; } toString() { return `${this.getFormattedDurationArray().join(":")}`; } toTimeString(fromT = "d", toT = "ns") { if (typeof fromT !== "string" || typeof toT !== "string" || !, fromT.toLowerCase()) || !, toT.toLowerCase())) { return this.getSimpleFormattedDuration(); } const durations = this.getFormattedDurationArray(); const listOfKeys = Object.keys(keyList); return durations.slice(listOfKeys.indexOf(fromT), listOfKeys.indexOf(toT) + 1).join(":"); } toWordString(values = []) { if (!Array.isArray(values) || values.length === 0) { return `${>`${__default(x.value).trim()} ${keyList[x.type]}` ).join(", ")}`; } if (values.length > 0) { return `${this.array.filter((x)=>values.includes(x.type) ).map((x)=>`${__default(x.value).trim()} ${keyList[x.type]}` ).join(", ")}`; } return `${>`${__default(x.value).trim()} ${keyList[x.type]}` ).join(", ")}`; } valueOf() { return this.raw; } static between(duration1, duration2) { let myDuration1, myDuration2; if (duration1 instanceof Duration) myDuration1 = duration1; else if (typeof duration1 === "string") { if (isNaN(+duration1)) myDuration1 = Duration.fromString(duration1); else myDuration1 = new Duration(+duration1); } else if (typeof duration1 === "number") { myDuration1 = new Duration(duration1); } else myDuration1 = new Duration(); if (duration2 instanceof Duration) myDuration2 = duration2; else if (typeof duration2 === "string") { if (isNaN(+duration2)) myDuration2 = Duration.fromString(duration2); else myDuration2 = new Duration(+duration2); } else if (typeof duration2 === "number") { myDuration2 = new Duration(duration2); } else myDuration2 = new Duration(); return new Duration(myDuration1.raw > myDuration2.raw ? myDuration1.raw - myDuration2.raw : myDuration2.raw - myDuration1.raw); } static fromString(str, doNotParse = false) { const { raw , d , h , m , s , ms , ns , us } = Duration.readString(str); const ts = raw; const newDuration = new Duration(ts); if (doNotParse) { newDuration.d = d; newDuration.h = h; newDuration.m = m; newDuration.s = s; = ms; newDuration.ns = ns; = us; } return newDuration; } static getCurrentDuration() { return - new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); } static readString(str) { str = str.replace(/\s\s/g, ""); const days = matchUnit(str, "d") || matchUnit(str, "days") || matchUnit(str, "day"); const hours = matchUnit(str, "h") || matchUnit(str, "hours") || matchUnit(str, "hour"); const minutes = matchUnit(str, "m") || matchUnit(str, "min") || matchUnit(str, "minute") || matchUnit(str, "mins") || matchUnit(str, "minutes"); const seconds = matchUnit(str, "s") || matchUnit(str, "sec") || matchUnit(str, "second") || matchUnit(str, "secs") || matchUnit(str, "seconds"); const milliseconds = matchUnit(str, "ms") || matchUnit(str, "millisecond") || matchUnit(str, "milliseconds"); const nanoseconds = matchUnit(str, "ns") || matchUnit(str, "nanosecond") || matchUnit(str, "nanoseconds"); const microseconds = matchUnit(str, "µs") || matchUnit(str, "microsecond") || matchUnit(str, "microseconds"); matchUnit(str, "us"); return { raw: days * 86400000 + hours * 3600000 + minutes * 60000 + seconds * 1000 + milliseconds + microseconds / 1000 + nanoseconds / 1000000, d: days, h: hours, m: minutes, s: seconds, ms: milliseconds, ns: nanoseconds, us: microseconds }; } static since(when) { return Duration.between(when instanceof Date ? when.getTime() : when,; }}function matchUnit(str, t) { const reg = new RegExp(`(\\d+)\\s?${t}(?:[^a-z]|$)`, "i"); const matched = reg.exec(str); if (!matched) return 0; return parseInt(matched[1].replace(t, ""));}function addZero(num, digits1 = 3) { const arr = new Array(digits1).fill(0); return `${arr.join("").slice(0, 0 - num.toString().length)}${num}`;}export { Duration as Duration };export { matchUnit as matchUnit };export { addZero as addZero };export { Duration as default };