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Active Development

This module is currently in active development. Nothing is going to stay consistent as it reaches a stable release.


Docs | | NPM

An API wrapper for the OpenCloud Roblox API using the Deno runtime (with full web compatibility and mostly NodeJS compatbility).

This is a stripped-down version of the original library, for Open Cloud.


Node Installation

Steps to install Node can be found here.
Run npm install @dynabloxjs/opencloud to install.

Import it with CommonJS:

const dynablox = require("@dynabloxjs/opencloud");

or ESModule:

import * as dynablox from "@dynabloxjs/opencloud";

Deno Installation

Steps to install Deno can be found here.

Unlike Node or Python, Deno modules only need to be imported via a path (and then cached).

Because this is a private repository, more has to be done to remotely import it. See the Deno manual for more information. You can also just download it and import locally.

Once you have done the necessary steps, import it:

import * as dynablox from "";

… and it’s done! Only the --allow-net flag is needed for Dynablox Open Cloud, see more information about flags in the Deno manual.

Starting Guide

NOTE: If you are not using tooling, you are fcked

All Uses (Functional Programming)

In BaseClient, there is almost no usage of OOP. All APIs on Open Cloud endpoints can be accessed via <BaseClient>.services, though with little documentation.

Import BaseClient from the module entrypoint, either the module name (NodeJS) or mod.ts (Deno) Construct a new BaseClient with either API key or other credentials.

const client = new BaseClient({
    credentials: {
        type: "APIKey",
        value: "APIKEYHERE"

Open Cloud (API Key, OOP)

In OpenCloudClient, it is mostly object-orientated, with all methods available on <OpenCloudClient> with clear documentation, though APIs on Open Cloud endpoints are still accessible via <BaseClient>.services.

Import OpenCloudClient from the module entrypoint, either the module name (NodeJS) or mod.ts (Deno) Construct a new OpenCloudClient with your APIKey.

const client = new OpenCloudClient({
    credentialValue: "APIKEYHERE"

Permission Scopes

It is also possible to define scopes to tell the client what and what it can not access. This is similar to the actual Scopes system Roblox uses for OpenCloud and oAuth.

By default, all scopes are allowed.

const client = new OpenCloudClient({
    credentialValue: "APIKEYHERE",
    scopes: [{
        // The scope type, see TSDoc for more options.
        scopeType: "universe-datastores.objects",
        // Allows for universe ID 13058 and datastoreName.
        // a Target part can also be "*" to allow all. Some target parts may be optional.
        targetParts: ["13058", "datastoreName"],
        // Allows for reading entry values in the DataStore.
        operations: ["read"],
        // NOTE: this is optional. If set to `true`, `operations` is ignored.
        allowAllOperations: false,


the OpenCloudClient also has a built-in ratelimit helper. If a ratelimit is reached, it will throw an OpenCloudClientError.

You can opt in for yielding behavior by setting ratelimiterShouldYield to true:

const client = new OpenCloudClient({
    credentialsValue: "APIKEYHERE",
    ratelimiterShouldYield: true,

It also exposes the Ratelimiter helper publicly, so you can have mutiple OpenCloudClients using the same ratelimit helper instance:

const client1 = new OpenCloudClient({
    credentialsValue: "APIKEYHERE",

const client2 = new OpenCloudClient({
    credentialsValue: "APIKEYHERE",
    ratelimiter: client1.ratelimiter,