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Access Yr's weather API and Nominatim's API with Deno
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declare namespace Yr { interface IWeather { type: string; geometry: { type: string; coordinates: Array<number>; }; properties: { meta: { updated_at: Date; units: { air_pressure_at_sea_level: string; air_temperature: string; cloud_area_fraction: string; precipitation_amount: string; relative_humidity: string; wind_from_direction: string; wind_speed: string; }; }; timeseries: Array<ITimeseries>; }; }
interface ITimeseries { time: string; data: { instant: { details: { air_pressure_at_sea_level: number; air_temperature: number; cloud_area_fraction: number; relative_humidity: number; wind_from_direction: number; wind_speed: number; }; }; next_12_hours: INextHour; next_1_hours: Required<INextHour>; next_6_hours: Required<INextHour>; }; }
interface INextHour { summary: { symbol_code: string; }; details?: { precipitation_amount: number; }; }
interface IWeatherSymbols { [key: string]: string; }}
declare namespace CLI { interface Options { verbose: number; }
interface ITimeseriesSimple { location_name?: string; datetime: string; symbol: string; wind_speed: string; temperature: string; wind_direction: number; rain: string; }}
declare interface Coordinates { lng: number; lat: number;}