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Access Yr's weather API and Nominatim's API with Deno
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// @deno-types='../mod.d.ts'
import { Command, GithubProvider, UpgradeCommand } from '../deps.ts';import { _fetch, getCurrentWeather, getForecastedWeather } from './util.ts';
const currentCmd = new Command() .description('Return current weather.') .action(async (options: unknown, name: string) => { console.log(await getCurrentWeather(name, options.json as boolean)); });
const forecastCmd = new Command() .description('Return forecast.') .action(async (options: unknown, name: string, interval = 1) => { console.log( await getForecastedWeather(name, interval, options.json as boolean), ); });
await new Command() .name('yr') .version('v1.4.0') .description('Get weather data from Yr using Deno.') .meta('Author', 'Tim Hårek Andreassen <>') .meta('Source', '') .example('Current weather in Bergen', `yr current bergen`) .example('Forecast next 5 hours in Bergen', `yr forecast 5 bergen`) .globalOption('-d, --debug', 'Show debugging output.') .globalOption('--json', 'Display JSON output.') .command('current <name:string>', currentCmd) .command( 'forecast <name:string> [interval:number]', forecastCmd, ) .parse(Deno.args);