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Deno shell tools inspired by zx

#!/usr/bin/env dzx
/// <reference path="" />

$.verbose = true;
$.shell = "/usr/local/bin/zsh";

console.log(`Hello from ${$.blue.bold("dzx")}!`);

const branch = await $`git branch --show-current`;
await $`dep deploy --branch=${branch}`;

// Print command output to stdout. Will be reverted to "piped" after all async ops are done.
$.stdout = "inherit";
$.stderr = "inherit";
await Promise.all([
  $`deno lint`,
  $`deno fmt --check`,
  $`deno test --allow-all`,

const name = "foo bar";
await $`mkdir ./tmp/${name}`; // Params will be quoted if required: /tmp/'foo bar'.

cd("tmp/foo bar");
console.log(Deno.cwd()); // ./tmp/foo bar

console.log(Deno.cwd()); // ./tmp

await async.delay(1000);
const basename = path.basename(import.meta.url);
const stdin = await io.readAll(Deno.stdin);
await fs.ensureDir("./tmp");



deno install --allow-all --unstable -f

--unstable is required for the bundle command which uses Deno.emit, for std/fs/copy and for web workers.


To start writing a dzx script, add next shebang at the beginning of your script:

#!/usr/bin/env dzx

To enable typings for typescript in your IDE, you can add a tripple slash reference to the top of the file,

#!/usr/bin/env dzx
/// <reference path="" />

or you can import all symbol directly from the dzx/mod.ts module instead of using globals.

#!/usr/bin/env dzx
import { $, cd, fs, io, log, path } from "";

After making your script executable,

chmod +x ./script.ts

you can simply run it with:



You can use dzx without installation by using next shebang. This also allows you to explicitly set the permissions for your script.

#!/usr/bin/env deno run --allow-run --allow-read --allow-env
/// <reference path="" />

console.log(`Hello ${$.blue.bold("world")}!`);


This is currently an exerminental feature. Permission flags doens’t support values currently. Read permissions are required by default.

If dzx is called with -w or --worker, the script is executed inside an isolated web worker. If enabled, you can pass explicit permissions directly to the dzx cli.

#!/usr/bin/env dzx --worker --allow-read
/// <reference path="" />

console.log(`Hello from ${$.blue.bold("worker")}!`);


With dzx you can run the js/ts code blocks from a Markdown file as if they were a regular script. This is very convenient when you want to blend some nicely formatted documentation in with the actual steps of execution.

Give it a try by running:

dzx ./examples/

See the markdown example for further documentation and notes.


  • $`command`: Executes a shell command.

    const count = parseInt(await $`ls -1 | wc -l`);
    console.log(`Files count: ${count}`);

    If the executed program was successful, an instance of ProcessOutput will be return.

    class ProcessOutput {
      readonly stdout: string;
      readonly stderr: string;
      readonly combined: string;
      readonly status: Deno.ProcessStatus;
      toString(): string;

    If the executed program returns a non-zero exit code, a ProcessError will be thrown.

    The ProcessError class extends from the Error class and implements all properties and methods from ProcessOutput.

    try {
      await $`exit 1`;
    } catch (error) {
      console.log(`Exit code: ${error.status.code}`);
      console.log(`Error: ${error.stderr}`);
  • $s`command`: Executes a shell command and only returns its exit code (without throwing an error)

    const trueStatus = await $s`true`);
    console.log(trueStatus); // -> 0

    If the executed program returns a non-zero exit code, no error will be thrown. Either the non-zero code will be the return value, or a 1 will be returned by default.

    const falseStatus = await $s`false`);
    console.log(falseStatus); // -> 1
  • $o`command`: Executes a shell command and only returns its trimmed stdout (without throwing an error)

    const stdout = await $o`pwd`);
    console.log(stdout); // -> '/home/code/project

    If the executed program returns a non-zero exit code, no error will be thrown. Either the failed processes stdout will be the return value, or an empty string will be returned by default

    const stdout = await $o`echo 'hello' >&2; exit 1;`);
    console.log(stdout); // -> ""
  • $e`command`: Executes a shell command and only returns its trimmed stderr (without throwing an error)

    const stderr = await $e`pwd`);
    console.log(stderr); // -> ""

    If the executed program returns a non-zero exit code, no error will be thrown. Either the failed processes stderr will be the return value, or an empty string will be returned by default

    const stderr = await $e`echo 'hello' >&2; exit 1;`);
    console.log(stderr); // -> "hello"
  • cd(): Change the current working directory. If path does not exist, an error is thrown. The path is always relative to the original cwd, unless the path is an absolute path or starts with ~ which indecates the home directory.

    console.log(Deno.cwd()); // --> /example/directory
    console.log(Deno.cwd()); // --> /example/directory/foo/bar
    console.log(Deno.cwd()); // --> /example/directory/foo/baz
    console.log(Deno.cwd()); // --> /tmp
    console.log(Deno.cwd()); // --> [HOME]/Documents
  • quote`string`: The quote methods quotes safly a string. by default the shq package is used. Can be overidden with $.quote.


  • $.[style]: Cliffy’s color module. A chainable wrapper for Deno’s std/fmt/colors module. Available on the global $ symbol.

    console.log($.blue.bold("Hello world!"));
  • async: Deno’s std/async module.

    await async.delay(1000);
  • path: Deno’s std/path module.

    const basename = path.basename(import.meta.url);
    const options: path.GlobToRegExpOptions = { os: "linux" };
    const regex: RegExp = path.globToRegExp("*.ts", options);
  • io: Deno’s std/io module.

    const fileReader = await"./example.txt");
    for await (let line of io.readLines(fileReader)) {
  • streams: Deno’s std/streams module.

    const data = await streams.readAll(Deno.stdin);
  • fs: Deno’s std/fs module.

  • log: Deno’s std/log module."Some info!");
  • flags: Deno’s std/flags module.

    const args: flags.Args = flags.parse($.args);


  • $.shell: Set the shell that is used by $`command`. Default: /bin/bash
  • $.prefix: Command prefix. Default: set -euo pipefail;.
  • $.mainModule: The executed dzx script.
  • $.verbose: Enable debugging output (log shell commands and execution time).
  • $.stdout: Change stdout mode of $`command`. Can be "inherit", "piped", "null" or number. Will be reverted to default after all async ops are done. Default: "piped"
  • $.stderr: Change stderr mode of $`command`. Can be "inherit", "piped", "null" or number. Will be reverted to default after all async ops are done. Default: "piped"
  • $.throwErrors: Throw errors instead of calling Deno.exit.
  • $.args: Equivalent to Deno.args, but without the script name as first argument.
  • $.startTime: The execution start time in ms.
  • $.time: The time left since execution start (now() - $.startTime).
  • $.quote: Parser method that is used to safely quote strings. Used by: $`command`


Usage:   dzx [script] [args...]
Version: 0.3.1


  🦕 A custom deno runtime for fun.


  -h, --help       - Show this help.
  -V, --version    - Show the version number for this program.
  -A, --allow-all  - Allow all permissions.                                           (Depends: --worker)
  --allow-env      - Allow environment access.                                        (Depends: --worker)
  --allow-hrtime   - Allow high resolution time measurement.                          (Depends: --worker)
  --allow-net      - Allow network access.                                            (Depends: --worker)
  --allow-ffi      - Allow loading dynamic libraries.                                 (Depends: --worker)
  --allow-read     - Allow file system read access.                                   (Depends: --worker)
  --allow-run      - Allow running subprocesses.                                      (Depends: --worker)
  --allow-write    - Allow file system write access.                                  (Depends: --worker)
  -w, --worker     - Run script in an isolated web worker with it's own permissions.


  bundle   [script]                                           - Bundle an dzx script to a standalone deno sript.
  compile  [compile-options...] [script] [script-options...]  - Combile an dzx script to a standalone binary.
  eval     <code>                                             - Evaluate a dzx script from the command line.
  repl                                                        - Start a dzx repl.
  upgrade                                                     - Upgrade dzx executable to latest or given version.
  • dzx [script] [...args]: Run a local or remote dzx script (optional in a web worker).

    dzx --worker ./example.ts
  • dzx bundle [script]: Bundle a dzx script to a standalone deno script. Can also read from stdin.

    dzx bundle ./example.ts > bundle.js
    deno run --allow-read --allow-env --allow-run bundle.js
  • dzx compile [...permissions] [script] [...script-arguments]: Compile an dzx script to a standalone binary. Can also read from stdin.

    dzx compile --allow-read --allow-env --allow-run ./example.ts --port 8080

    Note that when reading from stdin, you must separate “deno compile” flags (i.e. your permissions) from your “script args” with a double dash (--), i.e.

    cat ./example.ts | dzx compile --allow-read -- --port 8080

    It is also recommended when reading from stdin that you pass the –output flag with your permissions to specify the output file name, otherwise the compiled file will be emitted with a random value as its name.

  • dzx eval: Evaluate a dzx script from command line.

    dzx eval "console.log($.shell)"

    Eval can also read from stdin:

    echo "console.log($.shell)" | dzx eval
  • dzx repl: Start a dzx repl (Read eval print loop).

    The repl command starts a deno repl bootstrapped with the dzx runtime code.

  • dzx upgrade: Upgrade the dzx executable to latest or given version.

    Upgrade to latest version:

    dzx upgrade

    Upgrade to specific version:

    dzx upgrade --version 3.0.0

    List all available versions:

    dzx upgrade --list-versions


Any kind of contribution is welcome!
