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Storage for private, distributed, offline-first applications.
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import { AuthorAddress, Base32String, ShareAddress,} from "../util/doc-types.ts";import { AuthorKeypair, ICrypto, ShareKeypair } from "./crypto-types.ts";import { isErr, ValidationError } from "../util/errors.ts";
import { randomId } from "../util/misc.ts";import { base32BytesToString, base32StringToBytes } from "./base32.ts";import { decodeKeypairToBytes, isAuthorKeypair } from "./keypair.ts";import { assembleAuthorAddress, assembleShareAddress, checkAuthorIsValid, checkShareIsValid, parseAuthorOrShareAddress,} from "../core-validators/addresses.ts";
import { GlobalCryptoDriver } from "./global-crypto-driver.ts";
import { Logger } from "../util/log.ts";let logger = new Logger("crypto", "cyan");
/** Higher-level crypto functions. Mostly used for generating new author and share keypairs. */export const Crypto: ICrypto = class { /** Do a sha256 hash, then return the output bytes encoded as base32. */ static async sha256base32( input: string | Uint8Array, ): Promise<Base32String> { const b32 = await GlobalCryptoDriver.sha256(input);
return base32BytesToString(b32); }
static updatableSha256() { return GlobalCryptoDriver.updatableSha256(); }
/** * Generate a new author keypair — a keypair of public and private keys as strings encoded in base32. * * NOTE: this will return a different keypair every time, even if the name is the same. * (Names are not unique.) * * Returns a ValidationError if the name doesn't follow the rules. * * @param shortname A 4-character nickname to make the address easier to remember and identify. */ static async generateAuthorKeypair( shortname: string, ): Promise<AuthorKeypair | ValidationError> { logger.debug(`generateAuthorKeypair("${shortname}")`); const keypairBytes = await GlobalCryptoDriver .generateKeypairBytes(); const keypairFormatted = { address: assembleAuthorAddress( shortname, base32BytesToString(keypairBytes.pubkey), ), secret: base32BytesToString(keypairBytes.secret), }; // Make sure it's valid (correct length, etc). return error if invalid. const err = checkAuthorIsValid(keypairFormatted.address); if (isErr(err)) return err; return keypairFormatted; }
/** * Generate a new share keypair — a keypair of public and private keys as strings encoded in base32. * * NOTE: this will return a different keypair every time, even if the name is the same. * (Names are not unique.) * * Returns a ValidationError if the name doesn't follow the rules. * * @param name A free-form name to identify the share. */ static async generateShareKeypair( name: string, ): Promise<ShareKeypair | ValidationError> { logger.debug(`generateAuthorKeypair("${name}")`); const keypairBytes = await GlobalCryptoDriver .generateKeypairBytes(); const keypairFormatted = { shareAddress: assembleShareAddress( name, base32BytesToString(keypairBytes.pubkey), ), secret: base32BytesToString(keypairBytes.secret), }; // Make sure it's valid (correct length, etc). return error if invalid. const err = checkShareIsValid(keypairFormatted.shareAddress); if (isErr(err)) return err; return keypairFormatted; }
/** * Sign a message using an Earthstar keypair. * Return a signature as base32 string. * * Can return a ValidationError if the keypair is bad or something goes unexpectedly wrong with signing. */ static async sign( keypair: AuthorKeypair | ShareKeypair, msg: string | Uint8Array, ): Promise<Base32String | ValidationError> { logger.debug(`sign`); try { const keypairBytes = decodeKeypairToBytes(keypair); if (isErr(keypairBytes)) return keypairBytes;
const signed = await GlobalCryptoDriver.sign(keypairBytes, msg);
return base32BytesToString(signed); } catch (err) { /* istanbul ignore next */ return new ValidationError( "unexpected error while signing: " + err.message, ); } }
/** * Check if a ed25519 signature is valid. * * This returns false on any kind of failure: * * bad author address format * * bad signature base32 format * * signature base32 format is valid but signature itself is invalid * * unexpected failure from crypto library */ static verify( address: AuthorAddress | ShareAddress, sig: Base32String, msg: string | Uint8Array, ): Promise<boolean> { logger.debug(`verify`); try { const parsed = parseAuthorOrShareAddress(address);
if (isErr(parsed)) return Promise.resolve(false); return GlobalCryptoDriver.verify( base32StringToBytes(parsed.pubkey), base32StringToBytes(sig), msg, ); } catch { // catch any unexpected errors return Promise.resolve(false); } }
/** * Check if an ed25519 keypair is valid, e.g. does the secret match the pubkey. * * Returns... * - true on success (format is correct, and secret matches pubkey) * - a ValidationError if the secret does not match the pubkey. * - a ValidationError if the author address or secret are not validly formatted strings. * - a ValidationError if anything else goes wrong */ static async checkKeypairIsValid( keypair: AuthorKeypair | ShareKeypair, ): Promise<true | ValidationError> { // We check if the secret matches the pubkey by signing something and then validating the signature. // However, key generation is deterministic, so it would be more direct to just do this: // // let pubkeyBytes = LowLevelCrypto.generateKeypairBytes(base32StringtoBytes(keypair.secret)) // then check if pubkeyBytes matches keypair.address // // ...but only some of the cryptodrivers let you give a seed for keypair generation. // this signature trick will work for now. logger.debug(`checkAuthorKeypairIsValid`);
const address = isAuthorKeypair(keypair) ? keypair.address : keypair.shareAddress;
try { if ( typeof address !== "string" || typeof keypair.secret !== "string" ) { return new ValidationError( "address and secret must be strings", ); } const parseErr = parseAuthorOrShareAddress(address); if (isErr(parseErr)) return parseErr;
const msg = "a test message to sign. " + randomId(); const sig = await this.sign(keypair, msg); if (isErr(sig)) return sig;
const isValid = await this.verify(address, sig, msg); if (isValid === false) { return new ValidationError("pubkey does not match secret"); }
return true; } catch (err) { return new ValidationError( "unexpected error in checkAuthorKeypairIsValid: " + err.message, ); } }};