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import { AuthorKeypair } from "../crypto/crypto-types.ts";import { AuthorAddress, Base32String, DocBase, DocInputBase, FormatName, ShareAddress, Timestamp,} from "../util/doc-types.ts";import { ValidationError } from "../util/errors.ts";import { DocEs5, FormatEs5 } from "./format_es5.ts";
export interface FormatterGenerateOpts< FormatType extends string, DocInput extends DocInputBase<FormatType>, DocType extends DocBase<FormatType>, ConfigType,> { keypair: AuthorKeypair; config: ConfigType; input: DocInput; share: ShareAddress; timestamp: Timestamp; prevLatestDoc?: DocType;}
/** Formats are each responsible for one document format such as "es.4". They are used for signing and validating documents, as well as generating new documents from a given input. */// According to the rules of Earthstar: documents are validated statelessly,// one document at a time, without knowing about any other documents// or what's in the Storage.export interface IFormat< FormatType extends FormatName, DocInputType extends DocInputBase<FormatType>, DocType extends DocBase<FormatType>, ConfigType extends Record<string, unknown> | undefined,> { /** The string name of the format, like "es.4" */ id: FormatType;
/** Deterministic hash of this version of the document */ hashDocument(doc: DocType): Promise<Base32String | ValidationError>;
/** * Generate a signed document from the input format the validator expects. */ generateDocument( opts: FormatterGenerateOpts< FormatType, DocInputType, DocType, ConfigType >, ): Promise< | { doc: DocType; attachment?: ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | Uint8Array } | ValidationError >;
/** * Sign an unsigned document. */ signDocument( keypair: AuthorKeypair, doc: DocType, config: ConfigType, ): Promise<DocType | ValidationError>;
/** * Overwrite the user-written contents of a document, wipes any associated attachments, and signs the document. */ wipeDocument( keypair: AuthorKeypair, docToWipe: DocType, config: ConfigType, ): Promise<DocType | ValidationError>;
/** * Return a copy of the doc without extra fields, plus the extra fields * as a separate object. * If the input is not a plain javascript object, return a ValidationError. * This should be run before checkDocumentIsValid. The output doc will be more likely to be valid once the extra fields have been removed. */ removeExtraFields( doc: DocType, ): { doc: DocType; extras: Record<string, unknown> } | ValidationError;
/** * This calls all the more detailed functions which start with underscores. * Returns true if the document is ok. */ checkDocumentIsValid( doc: DocType, now?: number, ): Promise<true | ValidationError>;
/** * Returns information about a doc's attachment, if it has one. If it doesn't, a `ValidationError` will be returned. This does not indicate if that attachment is actually present locally. */ getAttachmentInfo(doc: DocType): { size: number; hash: string; } | ValidationError;
/** * Some information can only be known once an attachment (especially if it comes in the form of a stream) has been consumed. For this reason, a Formatter's `generateDocument` method may not be able to generate a valid document for a attachment, even if it already knows it has one. */ updateAttachmentFields( keypair: AuthorKeypair, doc: DocType, size: number, hash: string, config: ConfigType, ): Promise<DocType | ValidationError>;}
/** Extracts a IFormat's input type, used to generate a new document. */export type FormatInputType<FormatterType> = FormatterType extends IFormat< infer _FormatType, infer DocInputType, infer _DocType, infer _ConfigType> ? DocInputType : never;
/** Extracts a IFormat's document type, e.g. `DocEs5` */export type FormatDocType<FormatterType> = FormatterType extends IFormat< infer _FormatType, infer _DocInputType, infer DocType, infer _ConfigType> ? DocType : FormatterType extends IFormat< infer _FormatType, infer _DocInputType, infer DocType, infer _ConfigType >[] ? DocType : never;
/** Extracts a IFormat's name, e.g. `es.5` */export type FormatNameType<FormatterType> = FormatterType extends IFormat< infer FormatType, infer _DocType, infer _DocInputType, infer _ConfigType> ? FormatType : never;
/** Extracts a IFormat's config type */export type FormatConfigType<FormatterType> = FormatterType extends IFormat< infer _FormatType, infer _DocInputType, infer _DocType, infer ConfigType> ? ConfigType : FormatterType extends IFormat< infer _FormatType, infer _DocInputType, infer _DocType, infer ConfigType >[] ? ConfigType : never;
export type FormatsConfigRecord<FormatterType> = [FormatterType] extends [IFormat< infer _F, infer _I, infer _D, infer _C >[]] ? { [NameType in FormatterType[number]["id"]]: FormatConfigType< Extract< FormatterType[number], { id: NameType } > >; } : undefined;
/** Verifies a given type is an array of `IFormat` */export type FormatsArg<Init> = Init extends Array<IFormat<infer _N, infer _I, infer _O, infer _C>> ? Init : never;
/** Verifies a given type is of type `IFormat` */export type FormatArg<Init> = Init extends IFormat<infer _N, infer _I, infer _O, infer _C> ? Init : never;
export type DefaultFormat = typeof FormatEs5;export type DefaultFormats = [DefaultFormat];export type DefaultDoc = DocEs5;