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Storage for private, distributed, offline-first applications.
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import { DocAttachment } from "../../util/doc-types.ts";import { isErr, ReplicaIsClosedError, ValidationError,} from "../../util/errors.ts";import { IReplicaAttachmentDriver } from "../replica-types.ts";import { randomId } from "../../util/misc.ts";import { Crypto } from "../../crypto/crypto.ts";import { AttachmentStreamInfo } from "../../util/attachment_stream_info.ts";import { walk } from "";import * as fs from "";import * as path from "";import { bufferToBytes } from "../../util/buffers.ts";import { deferred } from "../../../deps.ts";
/** An attachment driver which persists attachments using the local filesystem. * Works with Node. */export class AttachmentDriverFilesystem implements IReplicaAttachmentDriver { private path: string; private closed = false;
/** @param path - The filesystem path all attachments will be stored under. */ constructor(path: string) { this.path = path; }
private async ensurePath(...args: string[]) { try { await fs.lstat(path.join(this.path, ...args)); } catch { await fs.mkdir(path.join(this.path, ...args), { recursive: true, }); } }
async stage( formatName: string, attachment: ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | Uint8Array, ) { if (this.closed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); // Create the path await this.ensurePath("staging", formatName);
const tempKey = randomId();
const stagingPath = path.join(this.path, "staging", formatName, tempKey);
if (attachment instanceof Uint8Array) { await fs.writeFile(stagingPath, attachment); const hash = await Crypto.sha256base32(attachment);
return { hash, size: attachment.byteLength, commit: async () => { try { await fs.lstat(path.join(this.path, formatName)); } catch { await fs.mkdir(path.join(this.path, formatName)); }
return fs.rename(stagingPath, path.join(this.path, formatName, hash)); }, reject: () => { return fs.rm(stagingPath); }, }; }
const attachmentStreamInfo = new AttachmentStreamInfo();
try { await fs.truncate(stagingPath); } catch { // It's fine. }
const file = await, "w"); const writeStream = file.createWriteStream({ start: 0 });
await attachment.pipeThrough(attachmentStreamInfo).pipeTo( new WritableStream({ async write(chunk) { await new Promise((res) => { writeStream.write(chunk, "binary", res); }); }, close() { writeStream.end(); }, }), );
const hash = await attachmentStreamInfo.hash; const size = await attachmentStreamInfo.size;
return { hash, size, commit: () => { return fs.rename(stagingPath, path.join(this.path, formatName, hash)); }, reject: () => { return fs.rm(stagingPath); }, }; }
async erase(formatName: string, attachmentHash: string) { if (this.closed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); const filePath = path.join(this.path, formatName, attachmentHash);
try { await fs.rm(filePath); return true; } catch { return new ValidationError(`Attachment not found`); } }
async wipe() { if (this.closed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); await this.clearStaging();
try { const entries = await fs.readdir(this.path); for (const entry of entries) { await fs.rm(path.join(this.path, entry), { recursive: true }); } } catch { // Do nothing... return Promise.resolve(); } }
async getAttachment( formatName: string, attachmentHash: string, ): Promise<DocAttachment | undefined> { if (this.closed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); const filePath = path.join(this.path, formatName, attachmentHash);
try { await fs.lstat(filePath); } catch { return undefined; }
return { bytes: async () => bufferToBytes(await fs.readFile(filePath)), stream: () => { const readableStream = new ReadableStream<Uint8Array>({ async start(controller) { const file = await, "r"); const readStream = file.createReadStream();
readStream.on("end", () => { controller.close(); });
readStream.on("data", (chunk: Buffer) => { controller.enqueue(bufferToBytes(chunk)); }); }, });
return Promise.resolve(readableStream); }, }; }
async clearStaging() { if (this.closed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); try { await fs.rm(path.join(this.path, "staging"), { recursive: true }); } catch { return Promise.resolve(); } }
async filter( attachments: Record<string, Set<string>>, ): Promise<{ format: string; hash: string }[]> { if (this.closed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); try { await fs.lstat(this.path); } catch { return []; }
const erased: { format: string; hash: string }[] = [];
const walkDeferred = deferred();
walk(this.path, async (_error, entries) => { for (const entry of entries) { if (entry.dirent.isFile()) { const format = path.dirname(path.relative(this.path, entry.path)); const hash = path.basename(entry.path);
if (format !== "staging") { const allowedHashes = attachments[format];
if (allowedHashes && !allowedHashes.has(hash)) { const res = await this.erase(format, hash);
if (!isErr(res)) { erased.push({ format, hash }); } } } } }
walkDeferred.resolve(); });
await walkDeferred;
return erased; }
isClosed(): boolean { return this.closed; }
async close(erase: boolean): Promise<void> { if (this.closed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError();
if (erase) { await this.wipe(); }
this.closed = true;
return; }}