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Storage for private, distributed, offline-first applications.
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import { DocAttachment, DocBase, FormatName, ShareAddress,} from "../util/doc-types.ts";import { Query } from "../query/query-types.ts";import { ValidationError } from "../util/errors.ts";import { Replica } from "./replica.ts";import { DefaultFormats, FormatConfigType, FormatsArg, FormatsConfigRecord,} from "../formats/format_types.ts";
//================================================================================// TYPES AND EVENTS
export type ReplicaId = string;
// IngestEvents are returned from replica.set() and replica.ingest(),// and sent as events on the replica.bus 'ingest' channel.
export interface IngestEventFailure { kind: "failure"; reason: "write_error" | "invalid_document"; err: Error | null;}export interface IngestEventNothingHappened< DocType extends DocBase<string>,> { kind: "nothing_happened"; reason: "obsolete_from_same_author" | "already_had_it"; doc: DocType; // won't have a _localIndex because it was not actually ingested}export interface IngestEventSuccess< DocType extends DocBase<string>,> { kind: "success"; maxLocalIndex: number; doc: DocType; // the just-written doc, frozen, with updated extra properties like _localIndex
/** Whether the doc is the latest at this path for any author. */ docIsLatest: boolean;
/** The most recent doc from the same author, at this path, before the new doc was written. */ prevDocFromSameAuthor: DocType | null;
/** the latest doc from any author at this path, before the new doc was written. * note this is actually still the latest doc if the just-written doc is an older one (docIsLatest===false) */ prevLatestDoc: DocType | null;
/** An ID representing the source of this ingestion. 'local' means the doc was created locally. */ sourceId: "local" | string;}export interface DocAlreadyExists< DocType extends DocBase<string>,> { // for a doc that was previously ingested, when a live query is catching up. kind: "existing"; doc: DocType; // the just-written doc, frozen, with updated extra properties like _localIndex
//docIsLatest: boolean, // is it the latest at this path (for any author)?
//// the most recent doc from the same author, at this path, before the new doc was written. //prevDocFromSameAuthor: Doc | null,
//// the latest doc from any author at this path, before the new doc was written. //// note this is actually still the latest doc if the just-written doc is an older one (docIsLatest===false) //prevLatestDoc: Doc | null,}
export interface ReplicaEventWillClose { kind: "willClose";}
export interface ReplicaEventDidClose { kind: "didClose";}
export interface ExpireEvent< DocType extends DocBase<string>,> { kind: "expire"; doc: DocType;}
export interface AttachmentIngestEvent<DocType extends DocBase<string>> { kind: "attachment_ingest"; doc: DocType; hash: string; size: number; sourceId: "local" | string;}
export interface AttachmentPruneEvent { kind: "attachment_prune"; hash: string; format: string;}
/** * - IngestEventSuccess — a new doc was written * - IngestEventFailure — refused an invalid doc * - IngestEventNothingHappened — ingested an obsolete or duplicate doc */export type IngestEvent< DocType extends DocBase<string>,> = | IngestEventFailure | IngestEventNothingHappened<DocType> | IngestEventSuccess<DocType>;
/** * - DocAlreadyExists — processing an old doc as you catch up * - IngestEvent — the result of a replica ingesting a document * - ExpireEvent - An ephemeral document has expired * - AttachmentIngestEvent - A new attachment has been ingested * - AttachmentPruneEvent - An attachment without a corresponding document has been pruned. * - ReplicaEventWillClose — the replica is about to close * - ReplicaEventDidClose — the replica has closed */export type ReplicaEvent< DocType extends DocBase<string>,> = | IngestEvent<DocType> | ExpireEvent<DocType> | AttachmentIngestEvent<DocType> | AttachmentPruneEvent | ReplicaEventWillClose | ReplicaEventDidClose;
// Query events
/** An event representing when a QuerySource has processed all existing documents. */export type ProcessedAllExistingEvent = { kind: "processed_all_existing";};
/** * - ExpireEvent - An ephemeral document has expired * - IngestEvent — the result of a replica ingesting a document * - DocAlreadyExists — processing an old doc as you catch up */export type QuerySourceEvent<DocType extends DocBase<string>> = | ExpireEvent<DocType> | IngestEventSuccess<DocType> | ProcessedAllExistingEvent | DocAlreadyExists<DocType>;
export type QuerySourceOpts<F> = { replica: Replica; formats?: FormatsArg<F>; query: Omit<Query<string[]>, "formats">; mode?: QuerySourceMode;};
/** * A mode representing what kind of docs are desired from a query stream. * - `existing` - Only pre-existing documents. * - `new` - Only documents written after the stream is initiated * - `everything` - Both pre-existing and incoming documents. */export type QuerySourceMode = "existing" | "new" | "everything";
export interface IReplicaConfig { // These methods will be mixed into the IReplica. // This is for local replica of configuration details for replica instances. // This data will not be directly sync'd with other instances. // replica drivers implement these, and IReplica just has stubs of // these methods that call out to the replica driver. getConfig(key: string): Promise<string | undefined>; setConfig(key: string, value: string): Promise<void>; listConfigKeys(): Promise<string[]>; // sorted deleteConfig(key: string): Promise<boolean>;}
/** * A document driver provides low-level access to a replica's documents. ReplicaDocDrivers are not meant to be used directly by users; let the Replica talk to it for you. */export interface IReplicaDocDriver extends IReplicaConfig { share: ShareAddress; //-------------------------------------------------- // LIFECYCLE
/** Returns if the doc driver has been closed or not. */ isClosed(): boolean;
/** * Close the replica Driver. * The replica will call this. * You cannot call close() if the replica is already closed (it will throw a ReplicaIsClosedError). * If erase, actually delete and forget data locally. * Erase defaults to false if not provided. */ close(erase: boolean): Promise<void>;
//-------------------------------------------------- // GET
/** The max local index used so far. */ // The first doc will increment this and get index 1. getMaxLocalIndex(): Promise<number>;
/** Returns an array of Docs given a Query. */ // these should return frozen docs queryDocs(query: Query<string[]>): Promise<DocBase<string>[]>; // queryPaths(query: Query): Doc[]; // TODO: add a special getAllDocsAtPath for use by ingest?
//-------------------------------------------------- // SET
/** Add or update a signed document. */ // do no checks of any kind, just save it to the indexes // add a doc. don't enforce any rules on it. // overwrite existing doc even if this doc is older. // return a copy of the doc, frozen, with _localIndex set. upsert< N extends FormatName, DocType extends DocBase<N>, >( doc: DocType, ): Promise<DocType>;
/** Erase all expired docs from the replica permanently, leaving no trace of the documents. Returns the paths of the expired documents. */ eraseExpiredDocs(): Promise<DocBase<string>[]>;}
/** Options for configuring a new replica. * - `validators`: Validators for the kinds of documents this replica will replicate, e.g. FormatValidatorEs4. * - `driver`: A driver the replica will use to read and persist documents. */export interface MultiFormatReplicaOpts<F = DefaultFormats> { driver: IReplicaDriver; config: FormatsConfigRecord<F>;}
/** * An attachment driver provides low-level access to a replica's attachments. ReplicaAttachmentDrivers are not meant to be used directly by users; let the Replica talk to it for you. */export interface IReplicaAttachmentDriver { /** Returns an attachment for a given format and hash.*/ getAttachment( formatName: string, attachmentHash: string, ): Promise<DocAttachment | undefined>;
/** Upserts the attachment to a staging area, and returns an object used to assess whether it is what we're expecting. */ stage( formatName: string, attachment: Uint8Array | ReadableStream<Uint8Array>, ): Promise< { hash: string; size: number; /** Commit the staged attachment to storage. */ commit: () => Promise<void>; /** Reject the staged attachment, erasing it. */ reject: () => Promise<void>; } | ValidationError >;
/** Erases an attachment for a given format and hash.*/ erase( formatName: string, attachmentHash: string, ): Promise<true | ValidationError>;
/** Erase all stored attachments */ wipe(): Promise<void>;
/** Delete all stored attachments not included in the provided list of hashes and their formats. * @returns An array of all erased hashes and their formats. */ filter( attachments: Record<string, Set<string>>, ): Promise<{ format: string; hash: string }[]>;
/** Reject all attachments waiting in staging. */ clearStaging(): Promise<void>;
/** * Close the replica Driver. * The replica will call this. * You cannot call close() if the replica is already closed (it will throw a ReplicaIsClosedError). * If erase, actually delete and forget data locally. * Erase defaults to false if not provided. */ close(erase: boolean): Promise<void>;
/** Returns if the attachment driver has been closed or not. */ isClosed(): boolean;}
/** * A replica driver provides low-level access to a replica's documents and attachments. ReplicaDrivers are not meant to be used directly by users; let the Replica talk to it for you. */export interface IReplicaDriver { docDriver: IReplicaDocDriver; attachmentDriver: IReplicaAttachmentDriver;}