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Storage for private, distributed, offline-first applications.
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import { parseShareAddress } from "../../core-validators/addresses.ts";import { Crypto } from "../../crypto/crypto.ts";import { Peer } from "../../peer/peer.ts";import { extractTemplateVariablesFromPath, globToQueryAndRegex, parseTemplate,} from "../../query/query-helpers.ts";import { Replica } from "../../replica/replica.ts";import { ShareAddress } from "../../util/doc-types.ts";import { notErr } from "../../util/errors.ts";import { IServerExtension } from "./extension.ts";
interface ExtensionServerSettingsOpts { /** The address of the share to read settings from. */ settingsShare: ShareAddress; /** The method used to create the replica for the settings share. */ onCreateReplica: ( settingsShareAddress: string, ) => Replica;}
const HOSTED_SHARE_TEMPLATE = `/server-settings/1.*/shares/{shareHash}/{hostType}`;
/** A server extension which reads settings from a specified share, e.g. which shares to host on the server. Settings are modified by other peers syncing with this server. */export class ExtensionServerSettings implements IServerExtension { private configReplica: Replica; private onCreateReplica: ( configurationShareAddress: string, ) => Replica;
constructor(opts: ExtensionServerSettingsOpts) { this.configReplica = opts.onCreateReplica(opts.settingsShare); this.onCreateReplica = opts.onCreateReplica; }
register(peer: Peer): Promise<void> { peer.addReplica(this.configReplica);
const onCreateReplica = this.onCreateReplica;
const { glob } = parseTemplate(HOSTED_SHARE_TEMPLATE); const { query, regex } = globToQueryAndRegex(glob);
const configShareAddress = this.configReplica.share;
this.configReplica.getQueryStream(query, "everything").pipeTo( new WritableStream({ async write(event) { if (event.kind === "existing" || event.kind === "success") { if ( regex != null && new RegExp(regex).test(event.doc.path) ) { const pathVariables = extractTemplateVariablesFromPath( HOSTED_SHARE_TEMPLATE, event.doc.path, );
if (!pathVariables) { return; }
const shareHash = pathVariables["shareHash"];
const configHash = await Crypto.sha256base32( configShareAddress, );
if (shareHash === configHash) { return; }
if ( event.doc.text.length > 0 && notErr(parseShareAddress(event.doc.text)) && !peer.hasShare(event.doc.text) ) { // Add const replica = onCreateReplica(event.doc.text);
console.log("Server settings:", `now hosting ${replica.share}`); } else if (event.doc.text.length === 0) { let replicaToClose;
for (const replica of peer.replicas()) { const rShareHash = await Crypto.sha256base32( replica.share, );
if (rShareHash === shareHash) { replicaToClose = replica; } }
if (replicaToClose) { await replicaToClose.close(true); peer.removeReplica(replicaToClose); console.log( "Server settings:", `stopped hosting ${replicaToClose.share}`, ); } } } }
if (event.kind === "expire") { if ( regex != null && new RegExp(regex).test(event.doc.path) ) { // Remove const pathVariables = extractTemplateVariablesFromPath( HOSTED_SHARE_TEMPLATE, event.doc.path, );
if (!pathVariables) { return; }
const shareAddress = pathVariables["shareAddress"];
const replicaToClose = peer.getReplica(shareAddress);
if (replicaToClose) { await replicaToClose.close(true); peer.removeReplica(replicaToClose); console.log( "Server settings:", `stopped hosting ${replicaToClose.share}`, ); } } } }, }), );
return Promise.resolve(); }
handler(_req: Request): Promise<Response | null> { return Promise.resolve(null); }}