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Storage for private, distributed, offline-first applications.
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import { AuthorAddress, DocBase, Path, ShareAddress,} from "../util/doc-types.ts";import { Replica } from "../replica/replica.ts";import { FormatArg, FormatDocType, FormatsArg,} from "../formats/format_types.ts";import { TransferManager } from "./transfer_manager.ts";import { SyncerManager } from "./syncer_manager.ts";import { NotSupportedError } from "../util/errors.ts";
/** A short string with a timestamp and hash of the document's path and author. */export type DocThumbnail = string;
export type RangeMessage = | { type: "EMPTY_SET"; canRespond: boolean; } | { type: "LOWER_BOUND"; value: DocThumbnail; } | { type: "PAYLOAD"; payload: DocThumbnail; end?: { canRespond: boolean; upperBound: DocThumbnail }; } | { type: "EMPTY_PAYLOAD"; upperBound: DocThumbnail; } | { type: "FINGERPRINT"; /** Base64 encoded version of the fingeprint. */ fingerprint: string; upperBound: DocThumbnail; } | { type: "DONE"; upperBound: DocThumbnail } | { type: "TERMINAL" };
/** An event to be passed on to a RangeMessenger */export type SyncAgentRangeMessageEvent = { kind: "RANGE_MSG"; /** A JSON encoded message. */ message: RangeMessage;};
export type SyncAgentHaveEvent = { kind: "HAVE"; thumbnail: DocThumbnail;};
/** Signals that a SyncAgent wants a document/documents from another SyncAgent */export type SyncAgentWantEvent = { kind: "WANT"; thumbnail: DocThumbnail;};
/** An event with an Earthstar document and corresponding ID. */export type SyncAgentDocEvent = { kind: "DOC"; thumbnail: DocThumbnail; doc: DocBase<string>; attachmentHeld: boolean;};
export type SyncAgentWantAttachmentEvent = { kind: "WANT_ATTACHMENT"; doc: DocBase<string>; shareAddress: string; attachmentHash: string;};
/** An event sent when a SyncAgent doesn't want anything anymore, though it'll still serve HAVE requests. */export type SyncAgentFulfilledEvent = { kind: "FULFILLED";};
export type SyncAgentAbortEvent = { kind: "ABORT";};
/** A special event for the implementation of a PlumTree. Asks the recipient to begin lazily messaging us. */export type SyncAgentPruneEvent = { kind: "PRUNE";};
export type SynceAgentNewAttachmentEvent = { kind: "NEW_ATTACHMENT"; path: Path; author: AuthorAddress; format: string; hash: string;};
/** A type of message one SyncAgent can send to another. */export type SyncAgentEvent = | SyncAgentRangeMessageEvent | SyncAgentWantEvent | SyncAgentDocEvent | SyncAgentWantAttachmentEvent | SyncAgentAbortEvent | SyncAgentHaveEvent | SyncAgentPruneEvent | SynceAgentNewAttachmentEvent | SyncAgentFulfilledEvent;
/** The current status of a SyncAgent. */export type SyncAgentStatus = { /** The number of documents requested by this agent */ requestedCount: number; /** The number of documents received by this agent */ receivedCount: number; /** The number of documents sent by this agent */ sentCount: number; status: "preparing" | "reconciling" | "gossiping" | "done" | "aborted"; // TODO: Add if partner is done yet.};
export type SyncAgentOpts<F> = { replica: Replica; formats?: FormatsArg<F>; transferManager: TransferManager<F, unknown>; syncerManager: SyncerManager; syncAppetite: SyncAppetite; initiateMessaging: boolean; payloadThreshold: number; rangeDivision: number;};
// ===================
/** An event for disclosing which shares a Peer has without actually revealing them. Another peer can use the salt to hash their own shares' addresses and see if they match. */export type SyncerDiscloseEvent = { kind: "DISCLOSE"; syncerId: string; salt: string; shares: string[]; formats: string[]; canRespond: boolean;};
export type SyncerFulfilledEvent = { kind: "SYNCER_FULFILLED";};
export type SyncerHeartbeat = { kind: "HEARTBEAT";};
/** A SyncAgentEvent addressed to a specific share address. */export type SyncerSyncAgentEvent = SyncAgentEvent & { to: string;};
/** An event a Syncer can send or receive. */export type SyncerEvent = | SyncerSyncAgentEvent | SyncerDiscloseEvent | SyncerHeartbeat | SyncerFulfilledEvent;
/** Provides a syncer with the means to connect the peer being synced with (the partner). */export interface ISyncPartner<IncomingAttachmentSourceType> { /** */ syncAppetite: SyncAppetite;
/** The number of permitted concurrent attachment transfers */ concurrentTransfers: number;
/** The size at which a subdivided reconciliation range should send a fingerprint instead of items. **Must be at least 1**. * * A lower number mean fewer messages transmitted. */ payloadThreshold: number;
/** The number of subdivisions to make when splitting a mismatched range. **Must be at least 2**. */ rangeDivision: number;
/** An async iterable of events from the partner. */ getEvents(): AsyncIterable<SyncerEvent>;
/** Sends a syncer event to the partner. */ sendEvent(event: SyncerEvent): Promise<void>;
closeConnection(): Promise<void>;
/** Attempt to download an attachment directly from the partner. * @returns A `ReadableStream<Uint8Array>` to read data from, `undefined` if this peer does not have the attachment, or `NotSupportedError` in the case that there is no way to initiate a transfer (e.g. in the case of a web server syncing with a browser). */ getDownload( opts: GetTransferOpts, ): Promise<ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | undefined | NotSupportedError>;
/** Handles (usually in-band) request from the other peer to upload an attachment. * @returns A `WritableStream<Uint8Array>` to write data to, or `undefined` in the case that there is no way to initiate a transfer (e.g. in the case of a web server syncing with a browser). */ handleUploadRequest( opts: GetTransferOpts, ): Promise<WritableStream<Uint8Array> | NotSupportedError>;
/** Handles an out-of-band request from the other peer to start a transfer. * @returns A `Readable<Uint8Array>` for a download, A `WritableStream<Uint8Array>` for an upload, `undefined` if a download request was made an we have no attachment to serve, or `NotSupportedError` in the case we do not expect to handle external requests (e.g. in the case of a browser syncing with a server). */ handleTransferRequest( source: IncomingAttachmentSourceType, kind: "upload" | "download", ): Promise< | ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | WritableStream<Uint8Array> | undefined | NotSupportedError >;}
// ===================
export type GetTransferOpts = { syncerId: string; doc: DocBase<string>; shareAddress: string; attachmentHash: string;};
/** An 'appetite' which determines when the syncer will stop syncing. * - `once` - The syncer will only attempt to reconcile existing docs and then stop. * - `continuous` - Indefinite syncing, including existing docs and new ones as they are ingested into the replica. */export type SyncAppetite = "once" | "continuous";
/** Options to initialise a Syncer with. */export interface SyncerOpts<F, I> { /** The manager this syncer will be managed by. */ manager: SyncerManager; /** Determines how sync messages will be sent and received */ partner: ISyncPartner<I>; /** An optional array of formats to sync. Defaults to just `es.5`. */ formats?: FormatsArg<F>;}
/** A map of sync statuses by the share address they're associated with. */export type SyncerStatus = Record< ShareAddress, { /** The status of document sync for a single share. */ docs: SyncAgentStatus; /** The status of attachment transfers for a single share. */ attachments: AttachmentTransferReport[]; }>;
// =============== Attachments
export type AttachmentTransferStatus = | "ready" | "in_progress" | "complete" | "failed" | "missing_attachment";
export type AttachmentTransferOpts<F> = { stream: ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | WritableStream<Uint8Array>; replica: Replica; doc: FormatDocType<F>; format: FormatArg<F>; requester: "us" | "them"; counterpartId: "local" | string;};
export type AttachmentTransferReport = { author: string; path: string; format: string; hash: string; status: AttachmentTransferStatus; /** The number of bytes transferred so far. */ bytesLoaded: number; /** The total number of bytes of the data being transferred. */ totalBytes: number; kind: "download" | "upload";};
export type AttachmentTransferProgressEvent = { status: AttachmentTransferStatus; bytesLoaded: number; totalBytes: number;};