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Storage for private, distributed, offline-first applications.
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import { checkShareIsValid } from "../core-validators/addresses.ts";import { Crypto } from "../crypto/crypto.ts";import { AuthorKeypair } from "../crypto/crypto-types.ts";import { ShareAddress } from "./doc-types.ts";import { isErr, ValidationError } from "./errors.ts";import { Replica } from "../replica/replica.ts";import { Peer } from "../peer/peer.ts";import { ConfigEs5 } from "../formats/format_es5.ts";
const EARTHSTAR_KEY = "earthstar";const AUTHOR_KEY = "current_author";const SHARES_KEY = "shares";const SHARE_SECRETS_KEY = "share_secrets";const SERVERS_KEY = "servers";
type SharedSettingsOpts = { /** A namespace to restrict these settings to. */ namespace?: string; /** Whether to use session storage for these settings. */ sessionOnly?: true;};
/** Get and set values from a common pool of settings for Earthstar clients, such as an author, shares, share secrets, and servers. * * Uses the Storage API, so only clients on the same origin will share the same settings. */export class SharedSettings { private namespace: string | undefined; private storage = localStorage;
constructor(opts?: SharedSettingsOpts) { this.namespace = opts?.namespace;
if (opts?.sessionOnly) { = sessionStorage; }
// Deno and Node don't know about the storage event yet // So this is just for cross-browser tab changes. addEventListener("storage", (event) => { const changedKey = (event as any).key;
switch (changedKey) { case makeStorageKey(AUTHOR_KEY, this.namespace): { this.fireAuthorEvent(); break; } case makeStorageKey(SHARES_KEY, this.namespace): { this.fireSharesEvent();
break; } case makeStorageKey(SHARE_SECRETS_KEY, this.namespace): { this.fireSecretsEvent(); break; } case makeStorageKey(SERVERS_KEY, this.namespace): { this.fireServersEvent();
break; } } }); }
// Author
/** The currently persisted author keypair. */ get author(): AuthorKeypair | null { const key = makeStorageKey(AUTHOR_KEY, this.namespace);
const authorKeypair = getParsedValue(, key, isParsedAuthorKeypair, );
return authorKeypair || null; }
set author(keypair: AuthorKeypair | null) { const key = makeStorageKey(AUTHOR_KEY, this.namespace);, JSON.stringify(keypair));
this.fireAuthorEvent(); }
// Shares
/** An array of shares stored by these settings. */ get shares(): ShareAddress[] { const key = makeStorageKey(SHARES_KEY, this.namespace);
const shares = getParsedValue(, key, isParsedSharesArray);
return shares || []; }
/** Add a share to the settings. * @returns All stored shares after the addition, or a `ValidationError` if the address is invalid. */ addShare(address: ShareAddress) { if (isErr(checkShareIsValid(address))) { return new ValidationError("Not a valid share"); }
const key = makeStorageKey(SHARES_KEY, this.namespace); const nextSharesSet = new Set([...this.shares, address]); const nextShares = Array.from(nextSharesSet);, JSON.stringify(nextShares));
return nextShares; }
/** Removes a share from settings. * @returns All stored shares after the removal, or a `ValidationError` if the share is not yet known. */ removeShare(addressToRemove: string) { const shares = this.shares;
const indexOfShareToRemove = shares.findIndex((address) => address === addressToRemove );
if (indexOfShareToRemove === -1) { return new ValidationError("That share is not known yet"); }
shares.splice(indexOfShareToRemove, 1); const key = makeStorageKey(SHARES_KEY, this.namespace);, JSON.stringify(shares));
return shares; }
// Share secrets
/** A record of known shares and their corresponding secret, if known. */ get shareSecrets() { const key = makeStorageKey(SHARE_SECRETS_KEY, this.namespace);
const shares = getParsedValue(, key, isParsedSecretsDict);
return shares || {}; }
/** Add a secret for a share already known to the settings. * @returns The next record of share secret pairs, or returns a `ValidationError` if the share is not known or if the secret is incorrect. */ async addSecret(shareAddress: ShareAddress, secret: string) { const knownShare = this.shares.find((addr) => shareAddress === addr);
if (!knownShare) { return new ValidationError("This share is not yet known."); }
if (isErr(await Crypto.checkKeypairIsValid({ shareAddress, secret }))) { return new ValidationError("Not the right secret for this share."); }
const key = makeStorageKey(SHARE_SECRETS_KEY, this.namespace); const nextSecrets = { ...this.shareSecrets, [shareAddress]: secret };, JSON.stringify(nextSecrets)); this.fireSecretsEvent(); return nextSecrets; }
/** Remove a secret from settings. * @returns The next record of share secret pairs, or returns a `ValidationError` if the share is not known. */ removeSecret(shareAddress: ShareAddress) { const secrets = this.shareSecrets; const currentSecret = secrets[shareAddress];
if (!currentSecret) { return new ValidationError("Unknown share"); }
const key = makeStorageKey(SHARE_SECRETS_KEY, this.namespace); const nextSecrets = { ...secrets }; delete nextSecrets[shareAddress];, JSON.stringify(nextSecrets));
return nextSecrets; }
// Servers
/** An array of server URLs stored by these settings. */ get servers(): string[] { const key = makeStorageKey(SERVERS_KEY, this.namespace);
const servers = getParsedValue(, key, isParsedUrlArray);
return servers || []; }
/** Add a server URL to be stored by settings. * @returns The list of servers after the addition, or a `ValidationError` if the string is not a valid URL. */ addServer(address: string): string[] | ValidationError { try { const url = new URL(address);
const urlSet = new Set([...this.servers, url.toString()]); const nextServers = Array.from(urlSet);
const key = makeStorageKey(SERVERS_KEY, this.namespace);, JSON.stringify(nextServers));
return nextServers; } catch { return new ValidationError("Not a valid URL."); } }
/** Remove a server URL from the settings' stored list of servers.. * @returns The list of servers after the removal, or a `ValidationError` if the string is not yet known. */ removeServer(addressToRemove: string) { try { const url = new URL(addressToRemove);
const servers = this.servers;
const indexOfShareToRemove = servers.findIndex((address) => address === url.toString() );
if (indexOfShareToRemove === -1) { return new ValidationError("That server is not known yet"); }
servers.splice(indexOfShareToRemove, 1); const key = makeStorageKey(SERVERS_KEY, this.namespace);, JSON.stringify(servers));
this.fireServersEvent(); return servers; } catch { return new ValidationError("Not a valid URL"); } }
/** Delete all stored settings. */ clear() { const authorKey = makeStorageKey(AUTHOR_KEY, this.namespace);, JSON.stringify(null));
const sharesKey = makeStorageKey(SHARES_KEY, this.namespace);, JSON.stringify([]));
const secretsKey = makeStorageKey(SHARE_SECRETS_KEY, this.namespace);, JSON.stringify({}));
const serversKey = makeStorageKey(SERVERS_KEY, this.namespace);, JSON.stringify([]));
this.fireAuthorEvent(); this.fireSharesEvent(); this.fireSecretsEvent(); this.fireServersEvent(); }
private authorChangedCbs = new Set<(keypair: AuthorKeypair | null) => void>();
/** Fires the given callback when the stored author changes. */ onAuthorChanged(cb: (keypair: AuthorKeypair | null) => void) { this.authorChangedCbs.add(cb);
return () => { this.authorChangedCbs.delete(cb); }; }
private sharesChangedCbs = new Set<(shares: ShareAddress[]) => void>();
/** Fires the given callback when the stored list of shares changes. */ onSharesChanged(cb: (shares: ShareAddress[]) => void) { this.sharesChangedCbs.add(cb);
return () => { this.sharesChangedCbs.delete(cb); }; }
private shareSecretsChangedCbs = new Set< (secrets: Record<ShareAddress, string>) => void >();
/** Fires the given callback when the stored record of share secrets changes. */ onShareSecretsChanged(cb: (secrets: Record<ShareAddress, string>) => void) { this.shareSecretsChangedCbs.add(cb);
return () => { this.shareSecretsChangedCbs.delete(cb); }; }
private serversChangedCbs = new Set<(shares: string[]) => void>();
/** Fires the given callback when the stored list of server URLs changes. */ onServersChanged(cb: (shares: string[]) => void) { this.serversChangedCbs.add(cb);
return () => { this.serversChangedCbs.delete(cb); }; }
/** Get a new `Peer` preconfigured with shares, secrets, and syncers derived from these settings. * * When settings are updated, the peer's replicas and syncers will be updated too. */ getPeer( { sync, onCreateReplica }: { /** Whether to start syncing using the settings' servers. */ sync: "once" | "continuous" | false; /** Used to create replicas when a new share is added to settings. */ onCreateReplica: (addr: ShareAddress, secret?: string) => Replica; }, ): { /** A preconfigured Peer. */ peer: Peer; /** Stop changes to SharedSettings from propagating to the Peer. */ unsubscribeFromSettings: () => void; } { const peer = new Peer();
// Get all shares const shares = this.shares;
// Add ones for those we do for (const share of shares) { const replica = onCreateReplica(share, this.shareSecrets[share]); peer.addReplica(replica); }
// Listen for share events const unsubSharesChanged = this.onSharesChanged(async (newShares) => { const existingReplicas = peer.replicas(); const existingShares = peer.shares();
for (const replica of existingReplicas) { if (!newShares.includes(replica.share)) { peer.removeReplica(replica);
await replica.close(false); } }
for (const share of newShares) { if (!existingShares.includes(share)) { const replica = onCreateReplica(share, this.shareSecrets[share]); peer.addReplica(replica); } } });
// Secrets
// Listen for secret events const unsubSecretsChanged = this.onShareSecretsChanged( async (newSecrets) => { // We know that we can't add a secret without adding the share first. const existingShares = peer.shares(); const nextShares = Object.keys(newSecrets);
for (const share of existingShares) { // If the secret was removed, re-add the share's replica without the secret. if (!nextShares.includes(share)) { const existingReplica = peer.getReplica(share);
if (existingReplica) { peer.removeReplica(existingReplica); existingReplica.close(false); }
const replica = onCreateReplica(share); peer.addReplica(replica); } }
for (const share of nextShares) { // If the secret was added, remove the old replica and add the new one with a secret
// But only if the share doesn't have a secret yet. const existingReplica = peer.getReplica(share); if ( existingReplica?.formatsConfig["es.5"] && (existingReplica.formatsConfig["es.5"] as ConfigEs5)["shareSecret"] ) { continue; }
await existingReplica?.close(false); peer.removeReplicaByShare(share); const replica = onCreateReplica(share, newSecrets[share]); peer.addReplica(replica); } }, );
// Servers
// Add syncers for each server if (sync) { for (const server of this.servers) { peer.sync(server, sync === "continuous"); } }
// Listen for server events const unsubServersChanged = this.onServersChanged((newServers) => { if (sync) { // Remove syncers no longer in the new list const syncers = peer.getSyncers();
for (const [_id, { description, syncer }] of syncers) { if (!newServers.includes(description)) { syncer.cancel(); } }
// Add syncers for servers not in the list yet. for (const newServer of newServers) { peer.sync(newServer, sync === "continuous"); } } });
const unsubscribeFromSettings = () => { // Unsub. unsubSharesChanged(); unsubSecretsChanged(); unsubServersChanged(); };
return { peer, unsubscribeFromSettings }; }
private fireAuthorEvent() { const author =;
for (const cb of this.authorChangedCbs) { cb(author); } }
private fireSharesEvent() { const shares = this.shares;
for (const cb of this.sharesChangedCbs) { cb(shares); } }
private fireSecretsEvent() { const secrets = this.shareSecrets;
for (const cb of this.shareSecretsChangedCbs) { cb(secrets); } }
private fireServersEvent() { const servers = this.servers;
for (const cb of this.serversChangedCbs) { cb(servers); } }}
function makeStorageKey(key: string, namespace?: string) { return `${EARTHSTAR_KEY}:${namespace ? `${namespace}:` : ""}${key}`;}
function getParsedValue<T>( storage: Storage, key: string, check: (parsed: unknown) => parsed is T,): T | undefined { const value = storage.getItem(key);
if (value === null) { return undefined; }
try { const parsed = JSON.parse(value);
if (check(parsed)) { return parsed; } else { return undefined; } } catch { return undefined; }}
function isObject(t: unknown): t is Record<string, unknown> { if (t === null || t === undefined) { return false; }
if (typeof t !== "object") { return false; }
return true;}
function isParsedAuthorKeypair(t: unknown): t is AuthorKeypair { if (!isObject(t)) { return false; }
if (Object.keys(t).length !== 2) { return false; }
if ("address" in t === false) { return false; }
if ("secret" in t === false) { return false; }
return true;}
function isParsedSharesArray(t: unknown): t is ShareAddress[] { if (!Array.isArray(t)) { return false; }
if (t.some((val) => typeof val !== "string")) { return false; }
if (t.some((val) => isErr(checkShareIsValid(val)))) { return false; }
return true;}
function isParsedSecretsDict(t: unknown): t is Record<ShareAddress, string> { if (!isObject(t)) { return false; }
for (const key in t) { const secret = t[key];
if (typeof secret !== "string") { return false; }
if ( isErr(Crypto.checkKeypairIsValid({ shareAddress: key, secret: secret, })) ) { return false; } }
return true;}
function isParsedUrlArray(t: unknown): t is ShareAddress[] { if (!Array.isArray(t)) { return false; }
if (t.some((val) => typeof val !== "string")) { return false; }
for (const val of t) { try { new URL(val); } catch { return false; } }
return true;}