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Storage for private, distributed, offline-first applications.
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import { advertise, browse, MulticastInterface,} from "";import { AsyncQueue, deferred } from "../../deps.ts";import { ValidationError } from "../util/errors.ts";import { PartnerTcp } from "../syncer/partner_tcp.ts";import { Syncer } from "../syncer/syncer.ts";import { DecryptLengthDelimitStream, DecryptStream,} from "../syncer/message_crypto.ts";import { ISyncPartner, SyncAppetite } from "../syncer/syncer_types.ts";
import { DiscoveryService, DiscoveryServiceEvent } from "./types.ts";import { sleep } from "../util/misc.ts";import { TcpProvider } from "../tcp/tcp_provider.ts";import { ITcpConn } from "../tcp/types.ts";
type DiscoveryLANOpts = { /** The name we wish to use to identify ourselves to other peers on the network. */ name: string; /** Whether to advertise our presence on the network or not. Defaults to true. */ advertise?: boolean; /** The port to listen for incoming connections on. Defaults to 17171. */ port?: number;};
const ES_PORT = 17171;
/** A discovery service for finding peers on the local network, to be used with ``. */export class DiscoveryLAN implements DiscoveryService { private abortController = new AbortController(); private multicastInterface = new MulticastInterface();
private tcpProvider = new TcpProvider();
// IP address. private sessions = new Map<string, LANSession>(); // A map of IP addresses to service names. private serviceNames = new Map<string, string>();
private eventQueue = new AsyncQueue<DiscoveryServiceEvent>();
constructor(opts: DiscoveryLANOpts) { // Need to set up a listener here that can create partners... const listener = this.tcpProvider.listen({ port: opts.port || ES_PORT });
const shouldAdvertise = opts.advertise === undefined ? true : opts.advertise;
if (shouldAdvertise) { advertise({ multicastInterface: this.multicastInterface, service: { name:, port: opts.port || ES_PORT, protocol: "tcp", txt: { version: new TextEncoder().encode("10"), }, type: "earthstar", }, signal: this.abortController.signal, }); }
(async () => { for await (const conn of listener) { const key = `${conn.remoteAddr.hostname}`; const existingSession = this.sessions.get(key);
if (existingSession) { existingSession.addConn(conn); } else { this.eventQueue.push({ kind: "PEER_INITIATED_SYNC", description: this.serviceNames.get(key) || key, begin: async (peer) => { const session = new LANSession( { onComplete: () => { this.sessions.delete(key); this.serviceNames.delete(key); }, target: { hostname: conn.remoteAddr.hostname, name: this.serviceNames.get(key), }, ourPort: opts.port || ES_PORT, }, ); this.sessions.set(key, session); session.addConn(conn);
const partner = await session.partner;
const syncer = peer.addSyncPartner( partner, this.serviceNames.get(key) || key, );
return syncer; }, }); } } })();
(async () => { for await ( const service of browse({ multicastInterface: this.multicastInterface, signal: this.abortController.signal, service: { protocol: "tcp", type: "earthstar", }, }) ) { const key = `${}`;
if (service.isActive === false) { this.eventQueue.push({ kind: "PEER_EXITED", description:, });
continue; }
this.eventQueue.push({ kind: "PEER_DISCOVERED", description:, begin: async (peer, appetite) => { if (this.sessions.has(key)) { throw new Error( "A syncer for this peer has already been started", ); }
await sleep(Math.random() * (120 - 20) + 20);
const session = new LANSession( { initiator: { appetite, port: service.port }, onComplete: () => { this.sessions.delete(key); this.serviceNames.delete(key); }, target: { hostname:, name:, }, ourPort: opts.port || ES_PORT, }, );
this.sessions.set(key, session);
const partner = await session.partner;
const syncer = peer.addSyncPartner( partner, this.serviceNames.get(key) || key, );
return syncer; }, }); } })(); }
get events() { return this.eventQueue; }
stop() { this.abortController.abort();
this.eventQueue.push({ kind: "SERVICE_STOPPED", });
this.eventQueue.close(); }}
type LANSessionOpts = { initiator?: { appetite: SyncAppetite; port: number }; target: { hostname: string; name?: string }; ourPort: number; onComplete: () => void;};
export class LANSession { initiator: { appetite: SyncAppetite } | undefined; description: string;
private tcpProvider = new TcpProvider();
// ECDH private keypair = deferred<CryptoKeyPair>(); private derivedSecret = deferred<CryptoKey>();
// private onComplete: () => void; private targetPort = deferred<number>(); private ourPort: number;
partner = deferred<ISyncPartner<ITcpConn>>(); syncer = deferred<Syncer<ITcpConn, unknown>>();
constructor( opts: LANSessionOpts, ) { this.initiator = opts.initiator; this.ourPort = opts.ourPort;
this.description = || `${}`; this.onComplete = opts.onComplete;
crypto.subtle.generateKey( { name: "ECDH", namedCurve: "P-256", }, true, ["deriveKey", "deriveBits"], ).then((keypair) => { this.keypair.resolve(keypair); });
if (opts.initiator) { this.targetPort.resolve(opts.initiator?.port);
// Open keyexchange connection this.tcpProvider.connect({ hostname:, port: opts.initiator.port, }).then((conn) => { this.addKeyExchangeConn(conn); });
// Open messaging connection this.tcpProvider.connect({ hostname:, port: opts.initiator.port, }).then((conn) => { this.addMessageConn(conn); }); }
this.syncer.then((syncer) => { syncer.isDone().then(() => { this.onComplete(); }).catch(() => { this.onComplete(); }); }); }
async addConn(conn: ITcpConn) { const connKind = await identifyConn(conn);
if (this.initiator && connKind !== ConnKind.Attachment) { // Only the initiator can start initiate messaging and key exchange. conn.close();
return; }
switch (connKind) { case ConnKind.Messages: { this.addMessageConn(conn); break; } case ConnKind.Attachment: { this.addAttachmentConn(conn); break; } case ConnKind.KeyExchange: { this.addKeyExchangeConn(conn); } } }
async addKeyExchangeConn(conn: ITcpConn) { const ourKeypair = await this.keypair;
if (this.initiator) { const idByte = new Uint8Array(1); const idView = new DataView(idByte.buffer); idView.setUint8(0, ConnKind.KeyExchange);
await conn.write(idByte); }
// Send our key to them. const publicKeyExported = await crypto.subtle.exportKey( "raw", ourKeypair.publicKey, );
const keyExchangeMessageBytes = new Uint8Array(publicKeyExported);
await conn.write(keyExchangeMessageBytes);
const pubkeyBytes = new Uint8Array(65);
const bytesRead = await;
if (bytesRead === null) { throw new ValidationError("Was not able to read bytes of public key"); }
const otherPublicKey = await crypto.subtle.importKey( "raw", pubkeyBytes, { name: "ECDH", namedCurve: "P-256", }, true, [], );
// set that to our other public key. const derivedKey = await crypto.subtle.deriveKey( { name: "ECDH", public: otherPublicKey }, ourKeypair.privateKey, { name: "AES-GCM", length: 256 }, true, ["encrypt", "decrypt"], );
this.derivedSecret.resolve(derivedKey); }
async addMessageConn(conn: ITcpConn) { if (this.syncer.state === "fulfilled") { return; }
let appetite = this.initiator?.appetite;
// If we're the initiator, send the identifying byte. if (this.initiator) { const idByte = new Uint8Array(1); const idView = new DataView(idByte.buffer); idView.setUint8(0, ConnKind.Messages);
await conn.write(idByte);
// and don't forget the appetite byte const appetiteByte = new Uint8Array(1); const appetiteView = new DataView(appetiteByte.buffer); appetiteView.setUint8(0, this.initiator.appetite === "once" ? 0 : 1);
await conn.write(appetiteByte);
// And don't forget the port byte. const portBytes = new Uint8Array(2); const portView = new DataView(portBytes.buffer); portView.setUint16(0, this.ourPort);
await conn.write(portBytes); }
if (!appetite) { // Read the conn for the appetite byte... const appetiteByte = new Uint8Array(1);
const appetiteView = new DataView(appetiteByte.buffer);
appetite = appetiteView.getUint8(0) === 0 ? "once" : "continuous"; }
if (!this.initiator) { const portBytes = new Uint8Array(2);
const portView = new DataView(portBytes.buffer);
this.targetPort.resolve(portView.getUint16(0)); }
// Create a new TCP partner here. const derivedKey = await this.derivedSecret;
const partner = new PartnerTcp( conn, appetite, derivedKey, await this.targetPort, );
this.partner.resolve(partner); }
async addAttachmentConn(conn: ITcpConn) { const derivedSecret = await this.derivedSecret;
const transferDetails = deferred<{ author: string; shareAddress: string; formatName: string; path: string; }>();
conn.readable .pipeThrough(new DecryptLengthDelimitStream(derivedSecret)) .pipeThrough(new DecryptStream(derivedSecret)) .pipeTo( new WritableStream({ write(chunk) { // We are only expecting one chunk. if (transferDetails.state !== "pending") { return; }
const authorBytes = chunk.subarray(0, 59);
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const shareLengthBytes = chunk.subarray(59, 60); const shareLenView = new DataView( shareLengthBytes.buffer, shareLengthBytes.byteOffset, ); const shareLength = shareLenView.getUint8(0);
const shareAddressBytes = chunk.subarray(60, 60 + shareLength);
const formatLengthBytes = chunk.subarray(60 + shareLength, 1); const formatLenView = new DataView( formatLengthBytes.buffer, formatLengthBytes.byteOffset, ); const formatLength = formatLenView.getUint8(0);
const formatBytes = chunk.subarray( 60 + shareLength + 1, 60 + shareLength + 1 + formatLength, );
const pathBytes = chunk.subarray( 60 + shareLength + 1 + formatLength, );
const author = decoder.decode(authorBytes); const shareAddress = decoder.decode(shareAddressBytes); const formatName = decoder.decode(formatBytes); const path = decoder.decode(pathBytes);
transferDetails.resolve({ author, shareAddress, formatName, path, }); }, }), ).catch(() => { // At some point the other side will close the connection and this will throw. });
const { author, path, formatName, shareAddress } = await transferDetails;
const syncer = await this.syncer;
await syncer.handleTransferRequest({ kind: "download", author, path, formatName, shareAddress, source: conn, }); }}
enum ConnKind { Messages, Attachment, KeyExchange,}
async function identifyConn(conn: ITcpConn): Promise<ConnKind> { const firstByte = new Uint8Array(1);
const dataView = new DataView(firstByte.buffer);
const kindId = dataView.getUint8(0);
if (kindId > 2) { throw new ValidationError("Incoming connection was not of valid type"); }
return kindId;}