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Storage for private, distributed, offline-first applications.
import { Crypto } from "../crypto/crypto.ts";import { DEFAULT_FORMAT, getFormatIntersection, getFormatsWithFallback,} from "../formats/util.ts";import { DefaultFormats, FormatsArg } from "../formats/format_types.ts";import { IPeer } from "../peer/peer-types.ts";import { BlockingBus } from "../streams/stream_utils.ts";import { AuthorAddress, Path, ShareAddress } from "../util/doc-types.ts";
import { randomId } from "../util/misc.ts";import { ISyncPartner, SyncAgentEvent, SyncAppetite, SyncerEvent, SyncerOpts, SyncerStatus,} from "./syncer_types.ts";import { SyncAgent } from "./sync_agent.ts";import { TransferManager } from "./transfer_manager.ts";import { MultiDeferred } from "./multi_deferred.ts";import { AsyncQueue, deferred } from "../../deps.ts";import { SyncerManager } from "./syncer_manager.ts";import { BumpingTimeout } from "./bumping_timeout.ts";import { TIMEOUT_MS } from "./constants.ts";
/** Syncs the data of a Peer's replicas with that of another peer. * * ```ts * const syncer = peer.sync("https://my.server"); * * syncer.onStatusChange((newStatus) => { * console.log(newStatus); * }); * * await syncer.isDone(); * * console.log('Sync complete!'); * ``` */export class Syncer<IncomingTransferSourceType, FormatsType = DefaultFormats> { peer: IPeer; id = randomId(); private manager: SyncerManager; private partner: ISyncPartner<IncomingTransferSourceType>; private syncAgents = new Map<ShareAddress, SyncAgent<FormatsType>>(); private syncAgentQueues = new Map<ShareAddress, AsyncQueue<SyncAgentEvent>>(); private appetite: SyncAppetite; private statusBus = new BlockingBus<SyncerStatus>(); private formats: FormatsArg<FormatsType>; private transferManager: TransferManager< FormatsType, IncomingTransferSourceType >;
private partnerIsFulfilled = deferred<true>(); private isDoneMultiDeferred = new MultiDeferred(); private heartbeatInterval: number; // Used to timeout when we haven't heard from the other peer in a while. private bumpingTimeout: BumpingTimeout;
constructor(opts: SyncerOpts<FormatsType, IncomingTransferSourceType>) { // Have to do this because we'll be using these values in a context where 'this' is different // (the streams below) this.manager = opts.manager; this.peer = opts.manager.peer; this.appetite = opts.partner.syncAppetite;
this.formats = getFormatsWithFallback(opts.formats); this.partner = opts.partner;
this.transferManager = new TransferManager( { partner: this.partner, formats: this.formats, }, );
this.transferManager.onReportUpdate(async () => { await this.statusBus.send(this.getStatus()); });
this.heartbeatInterval = setInterval(() => { this.partner.sendEvent({ kind: "HEARTBEAT" }); }, 1000);
(async () => { try { for await (const event of opts.partner.getEvents()) { this.handleIncomingEvent(event); } } catch (err) { this.cancel(err || "Partner disconnected"); } })();
// Send off a salted handshake event const salt = randomId(); Promise.all( this.peer.shares().map((ws) => saltAndHashShare(salt, ws)), ).then((saltedShares) => { this.partner.sendEvent({ kind: "DISCLOSE", salt, syncerId:, shares: saltedShares, formats: this.formats ? => : [], canRespond: false, }); });
this.transferManager.transfersRequestedByUsFinished().then(async () => { if (opts.partner.syncAppetite === "continuous") { return; }
await this.partner.sendEvent({ kind: "SYNCER_FULFILLED", });
await this.partnerIsFulfilled;
await this.partner.closeConnection();
this.isDoneMultiDeferred.resolve(); });
this.peer.onReplicasChange(async (replicas) => { if (this.appetite === "once") { return; }
const shares = Array.from(replicas.keys());
for (const [address, agent] of this.syncAgents) { if (shares.includes(address) === false) { await agent.cancel("Replica was removed from peer."); this.syncAgents.delete(address); } }
// send out disclose event again const salt = randomId(); Promise.all( => saltAndHashShare(salt, ws)), ).then((saltedShares) => { this.partner.sendEvent({ kind: "DISCLOSE", salt, syncerId:, shares: saltedShares, formats: this.formats ? => : [], canRespond: true, }); }); });
this.bumpingTimeout = new BumpingTimeout(() => { this.cancel( "No communication from the other peer in the last three seconds.", ); }, TIMEOUT_MS); }
private addShare( address: string, formats: FormatsArg<FormatsType>, initiateMessaging: boolean, ) { // Bail if we already have a sync agent for this share. if (this.syncAgents.has(address)) { return; }
const replica = this.peer.getReplica(address);
if (!replica) { console.error( "Couldn't get the replica for a share we had in common.", ); return; }
const agent = new SyncAgent({ replica, formats, syncerManager: this.manager, transferManager: this.transferManager, initiateMessaging: initiateMessaging, payloadThreshold: this.partner.payloadThreshold, rangeDivision: this.partner.rangeDivision, syncAppetite: this.appetite, });
agent.onStatusUpdate(() => { this.statusBus.send(this.getStatus()); });
this.syncAgents.set(address, agent); this.transferManager.registerSyncAgent(agent);
const existingQueue = this.syncAgentQueues.get(address); let queueToUse: AsyncQueue<SyncAgentEvent>;
if (!existingQueue) { const queue = new AsyncQueue<SyncAgentEvent>(); queueToUse = queue; this.syncAgentQueues.set(address, queue); } else { queueToUse = existingQueue; }
(async () => { for await (const incomingEvent of queueToUse) { agent.sendEvent(incomingEvent); } })();
(async () => { for await (const event of { await this.partner.sendEvent({ to: address, ...event, }); } })(); }
/** Handle inbound events from the other peer. */ private async handleIncomingEvent(event: SyncerEvent) { this.bumpingTimeout.bump();
if (this.isDoneMultiDeferred.state !== "pending") { return; }
switch (event.kind) { // Handle an incoming salted handsake case "DISCLOSE": { const intersectingFormats = getFormatIntersection( event.formats, this.formats, );
if (intersectingFormats.length === 0) { break; }
const serverSaltedSet = new Set<string>(event.shares); const commonShareSet = new Set<ShareAddress>(); const uncommonShareSet = new Set<ShareAddress>();
// For each of our own shares, hash with the salt given to us by the event // If it matches any of the hashes sent by the other side, we have a share in common. for (const planeAddr of this.peer.shares()) { const saltedAddr = await saltAndHashShare(event.salt, planeAddr); if (serverSaltedSet.has(saltedAddr)) { commonShareSet.add(planeAddr); } else { uncommonShareSet.add(planeAddr); } }
const initiateMessaging = > event.syncerId;
for (const share of commonShareSet) { this.addShare(share, intersectingFormats, initiateMessaging); }
for (const share of uncommonShareSet) { const syncAgent = this.syncAgents.get(share);
if (syncAgent) { syncAgent.cancel("No longer in common with the other peer."); this.syncAgents.delete(share); } }
if (this.appetite === "once") { this.transferManager.allSyncAgentsKnown(); }
if (event.canRespond) { const salt = randomId(); Promise.all( this.peer.shares().map((ws) => saltAndHashShare(salt, ws)), ).then((saltedShares) => { this.partner.sendEvent({ kind: "DISCLOSE", salt, syncerId:, shares: saltedShares, formats: this.formats ? => : [], canRespond: false, }); }); }
if (commonShareSet.size === 0 && this.appetite === "once") { this.partner.sendEvent({ "kind": "SYNCER_FULFILLED", }); }
break; } case "SYNCER_FULFILLED": { this.partnerIsFulfilled.resolve(); break; } case "HEARTBEAT": { break; }
// Pass on to the sync agent.
default: { // Get the share address; const { to } = event;
const agentQueue = this.syncAgentQueues.get(to);
if (!agentQueue) { const queue = new AsyncQueue<SyncAgentEvent>(); queue.push(event); this.syncAgentQueues.set(to, queue); break; }
agentQueue.push(event); } } }
/** Get the status of all shares' syncing progress. */ getStatus(): SyncerStatus { const status: SyncerStatus = {};
for (const [shareAddr, agent] of this.syncAgents) { status[shareAddr] = { docs: agent.getStatus(), attachments: this.transferManager.getReport()[shareAddr] || [], }; }
return status; }
/** Fires the provided callback whenever any shares' syncing progress changes. */ onStatusChange(callback: (status: SyncerStatus) => void): () => void { return this.statusBus.on(callback); }
/** Stop syncing. */ async cancel(reason?: Error | string) { this.bumpingTimeout.close();
for (const [_addr, agent] of this.syncAgents) { await agent.cancel(); }
await this.partner.closeConnection(); }
// externally callable... to get a readable... /** Handle a transfer request which came out of band. This method is mostly used by other syncing APIs. */ handleTransferRequest( { shareAddress, path, author, source, kind, formatName }: { shareAddress: string; formatName: string; path: Path; author: AuthorAddress; source: IncomingTransferSourceType; kind: "upload" | "download"; }, ) { if (this.isDoneMultiDeferred.state !== "pending") { return; }
const replica = this.peer.getReplica(shareAddress);
if (!replica) { return; }
let counterpartId = "unused";
if (kind === "upload") { // Someone is uploading to us... // Get their counterpart Id. const agent = this.syncAgents.get(shareAddress);
if (agent) { counterpartId = agent.counterpartId; } }
return this.transferManager.handleTransferRequest( { replica, author, formatName, kind, path, source, counterpartId, }, ); }
/** If the syncer was configured with the `appetite: 'once'`, this promise will resolve when all the partner's existing documents and attachments have synchronised. */ isDone() { return this.isDoneMultiDeferred.getPromise(); }}
function saltAndHashShare( salt: string, share: ShareAddress,): Promise<string> { return Crypto.sha256base32(salt + share + salt);}