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Storage for private, distributed, offline-first applications.
/** * [Earthstar]( is a small and resilient distributed storage protocol designed with a strong focus on simplicity and versatility, with the social realities of peer-to-peer computing kept in mind. * * This is a reference implementation written in Typescript. You can use it to add Earthstar functionality to applications running on servers, browsers, the command line, or anywhere else JavaScript can be run. * * ### Example usage * * ```ts * import { Replica, ReplicaDriverMemory, Crypto, Peer } from "earthstar"; * * const shareKeypair = await Crypto.generateShareKeypair("gardening"); * * const replica = new Replica({ * driver: ReplicaDriverMemory(shareKeypair.shareAddress), * shareSecret: shareKeypair.secret, * }); * * const authorKeypair = await Crypto.generateAuthorKeypair("suzy"); * * await replica.set(authorKeypair, { * path: "/my-note", * text: "Saw seven magpies today", * }); * * const allDocs = await replica.getAllDocs(); * * const peer = new Peer(); * * peer.addReplica(replica); * * peer.sync("https://my.server") * ``` * * This module also exposes server APIs for for building always-online peers. The below example reads some on-disk JSON to initiate some share replicas, and stores their data using the filesystem. * * ```ts * import { * ExtensionKnownShares, * ExtensionSyncWeb, * Server, * } from ""; * * const server = new Server([ * new ExtensionKnownShares({ * knownSharesPath: "./known_shares.json", * onCreateReplica: (shareAddress) => { * return new Earthstar.Replica({ * driver: new ReplicaDriverFs(shareAddress, "./share_data"), * }); * }, * }), * new ExtensionSyncWebsocket(), * ]); * * @module */
export * from "../core-validators/addresses.ts";export * from "../core-validators/characters.ts";export * from "../core-validators/checkers.ts";
export * from "../crypto/base32.ts";export * from "../crypto/crypto-driver-noble.ts";export * from "../crypto/crypto-types.ts";export * from "../crypto/crypto.ts";export * from "../crypto/global-crypto-driver.ts";export * from "../crypto/keypair.ts";
export * from "../formats/format_es4.ts";export * from "../formats/format_es5.ts";export * from "../formats/util.ts";export * from "../formats/format_types.ts";
export * from "../syncer/syncer.ts";export * from "../syncer/partner_local.ts";export * from "../syncer/partner_web_client.ts";export * from "../syncer/syncer_types.ts";
export * from "../peer/peer-types.ts";export * from "../peer/peer.ts";
export * from "../query/query-types.ts";export * from "../query/query.ts";export * from "../query/query-helpers.ts";
export * from "../replica/compare.ts";export * from "../replica/replica.ts";export * from "../replica/replica_cache.ts";export * from "../replica/replica-types.ts";export * from "../replica/multiformat_replica.ts";export * from "../replica/util-types.ts";export * from "../replica/doc_drivers/memory.ts";export * from "../replica/attachment_drivers/memory.ts";export * from "../replica/driver_memory.ts";
export * from "../util/bytes.ts";export * from "../util/doc-types.ts";export * from "../util/errors.ts";export * from "../util/invite.ts";export * from "../util/log.ts";export * from "../util/misc.ts";export * from "../util/shared_settings.ts";