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import { type IConnection, SuperbusMap } from "../../deps.ts";import { Peer } from "../peer/peer.ts";import { makeSyncerBag, SyncerBag } from "./_syncer-bag.ts";import { ShareAddress } from "../util/doc-types.ts";import { ShareQueryRequest, ShareState, SyncSessionStatus,} from "./syncer-types.ts";
/** Orchestrates different requests in order to syncrhronise a Peer using a connection */export class SyncCoordinator { private connection: IConnection<SyncerBag>; private syncerBag: SyncerBag; private shareStates: Record<ShareAddress, ShareState> = {}; private peerReplicaMapUnsub: () => void; private pullTimeouts: Map<string, number> = new Map();
/** A subscribable map of shares and the status of their synchronisation operations. */ syncStatuses: SuperbusMap<ShareAddress, SyncSessionStatus> = new SuperbusMap();
partnerLastSeenAt: number | null = null; state: "ready" | "active" | "closed" = "ready";
/** The shares which this SyncCoordinator has in common with the peer at the other end of the connection. */ get commonShares() { return Array.from(this.syncStatuses.keys()); }
constructor(peer: Peer, connection: IConnection<SyncerBag>) { this.syncerBag = makeSyncerBag(peer); this.connection = connection;
this.peerReplicaMapUnsub = peer.replicaMap.bus.on("*", () => { this.performSaltedHandshake().then(() => { this.getShareStates(); }); }); }
/** Start the coordinator - establish common shares and begin pulling * @returns - A promise for an initial pull of all shares. */ async start() { this.state = "active";
await this.performSaltedHandshake();
// Get the share states from the partner
this.connection.onClose(() => { this.close(); });
await this.getShareStates(); }
async performSaltedHandshake() { // Perform salted handshake
const saltedHandshakeRes = await this.connection.request( "serveSaltedHandshake", );
const { commonShares, partnerLastSeenAt } = await this.syncerBag .processSaltedHandshake(saltedHandshakeRes);
// Add a new sync status entry for each share for (const share of commonShares) { if (!this.syncStatuses.has(share)) { this.syncStatuses.set(share, { ingestedCount: 0, pulledCount: 0, isCaughtUp: false, partnerIsCaughtUp: false, }); } }
// Make sure to remove any status entries for shares no longer in common for (const shareAddress in this.syncStatuses) { if (!commonShares.includes(shareAddress)) { await this.syncStatuses.delete(shareAddress); } }
this.partnerLastSeenAt = partnerLastSeenAt; }
async pull(shareAddress: string) { const state = this.shareStates[shareAddress];
if (this.state === "closed" || !state) { console.error( `%c Could not find ${shareAddress} in share states...`, "background-color: red;", ); return; }
const queryResponse = await this.connection.request( "serveShareQuery", { query: { historyMode: "all", orderBy: "localIndex ASC", startAfter: { localIndex: state.partnerMaxLocalIndexSoFar, }, limit: 10, }, storageId: state.partnerStorageId, share: state.share, }, );
const { lastSeenAt, shareStates, ingested, pulled } = await this.syncerBag .processShareQuery( this.shareStates, queryResponse, );
this.mergeShareStates(shareStates); this.partnerLastSeenAt = lastSeenAt;
const mergedShareState = this.shareStates[shareAddress];
const syncStatus = this.syncStatuses.get(shareAddress);
if (!syncStatus) { return; }
const nextIsCaughtUp = mergedShareState.partnerMaxLocalIndexSoFar >= mergedShareState.partnerMaxLocalIndexOverall;
if ( ingested > 0 || pulled > 0 || nextIsCaughtUp !== syncStatus.isCaughtUp ) { await this.syncStatuses.set(shareAddress, { ingestedCount: syncStatus.ingestedCount + ingested, pulledCount: syncStatus.pulledCount + pulled, isCaughtUp: nextIsCaughtUp, partnerIsCaughtUp: syncStatus.partnerIsCaughtUp, }); }
if ((this.state as "ready" | "active" | "closed") === "closed") { return; }
await this.connection.notify( "notifyCaughtUpChange", mergedShareState.storageId, nextIsCaughtUp, );
this.pullTimeouts.set( shareAddress, setTimeout( () => { this.pull(shareAddress); }, nextIsCaughtUp ? 1000 : 0, ), ); }
private async getShareStates() { const shareStatesRequest = { commonShares: Array.from(this.syncStatuses.keys()), };
const shareStatesResponse = await this.connection.request( "serveAllShareStates", shareStatesRequest, );
const { lastSeenAt, shareStates } = this.syncerBag .processAllShareStates( this.shareStates, shareStatesRequest, shareStatesResponse, );
this.partnerLastSeenAt = lastSeenAt;
const prevShares = Object.keys(this.shareStates); const nextShares = Object.keys(shareStates);
this.shareStates = shareStates;
// Start / end pulls for new / deleted shares, respectively.
for (const nextShare in shareStates) { if (!prevShares.includes(nextShare)) { this.pull(nextShare); } }
for (const oldShare of prevShares) { if (!nextShares.includes(oldShare)) { this.pullTimeouts.delete(oldShare); } } }
private mergeShareStates(newShareStates: Record<string, ShareState>) { const nextShareStates: Record<string, ShareState> = {};
for (const shareAddress in newShareStates) { const newShareState = newShareStates[shareAddress]; const existingShareState = this.shareStates[shareAddress];
if (!existingShareState) { nextShareStates[shareAddress] = newShareState; break; }
nextShareStates[shareAddress] = { ...newShareState, lastSeenAt: Math.max( newShareState.lastSeenAt, ), partnerMaxLocalIndexOverall: newShareState.partnerMaxLocalIndexOverall, partnerMaxLocalIndexSoFar: newShareState.partnerMaxLocalIndexSoFar, }; }
this.shareStates = nextShareStates; }
async storageCaughtUp(storageId: string, isCaughtUp: boolean) { for (const shareAddress in this.shareStates) { const shareState = this.shareStates[shareAddress]; const syncStatus = this.syncStatuses.get(shareAddress);
if (shareState.partnerStorageId === storageId && syncStatus) { await this.syncStatuses.set(shareState.share, { ...syncStatus, partnerIsCaughtUp: isCaughtUp, }); } } }
close() { this.pullTimeouts.forEach((timeout) => clearTimeout(timeout));
this.state = "closed"; }}