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An always-online Earthstar peer for your shares.
import { deferred } from "";import { Earthstar } from "../../deps.ts";import { IReplicaServerExtension } from "./extension.ts";
/** * - `path`: The path to accept HTTP sync requests from, e.g. `/earthstar-api/v2`. Make sure to set this if you're using other extensions which handle requests, as by default this will match any request to /. */interface ExtensionSyncOpts<F> { path?: string; formats?: Earthstar.FormatsArg<F>;}
/** An extension which enables synchronisation over the web via HTTP. */export class ExtensionSyncWeb<F> implements IReplicaServerExtension { private path = ""; private syncers = new Map<string, Earthstar.Syncer<WebSocket, F>>(); private peer = deferred<Earthstar.Peer>(); private formats: Earthstar.FormatsArg<F> | undefined;
constructor(opts: ExtensionSyncOpts<F>) { if (opts.path) { this.path = opts.path; }
if (opts.formats) { this.formats = opts.formats; } }
register(peer: Earthstar.Peer) { this.peer.resolve(peer);
return Promise.resolve(); }
async handler(req: Request): Promise<Response | null> { const transferPattern = new URLPattern({ pathname: `${this.path}/:syncerId/:kind/:shareAddress/:formatName/:author/:path*`, });
const initiatePattern = new URLPattern({ pathname: `${this.path}/:mode`, });
const transferMatch = transferPattern.exec(req.url);
if (transferMatch) { const { syncerId, shareAddress, formatName, path, author, kind } = transferMatch.pathname.groups;
const syncer = this.syncers.get(syncerId);
if (!syncer) { return new Response("Not found", { status: 404, }); }
const { socket, response } = Deno.upgradeWebSocket(req);
// We don't await this, as we need to return the response. syncer.handleTransferRequest({ shareAddress, formatName, path: `/${path}`, author, kind: kind as "download" | "upload", source: socket, });
return response; }
const initiateMatch = initiatePattern.exec(req.url);
if (initiateMatch) { const { socket, response } = Deno.upgradeWebSocket(req, {});
const peer = await this.peer;
const { mode } = initiateMatch.pathname.groups;
if (mode !== "once" && mode !== "continuous") { return Promise.resolve(null); }
const partner = new Earthstar.PartnerWebClient({ socket, appetite: mode === "once" ? "once" : "continuous", });
const description = `Client ${Earthstar.randomId()}`;
const newSyncer = peer.addSyncPartner(partner, description, this.formats);
console.log(`${description}: started sync`);
newSyncer.isDone().then(() => { console.log(`${description}: completed sync`); }).catch((err) => { console.error(`Syncer ${}: cancelled`, err); }).finally(() => { console.log(`${description}: removed`); this.syncers.delete(; });
this.syncers.set(, newSyncer);
return response; }
return Promise.resolve(null); }}