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An always-online Earthstar peer for your shares.
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import { Earthstar } from "../../deps.ts";import { IReplicaServerExtension } from "./extension.ts";
const corsHeaders = { "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "Content-Type, Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",};
/** * - `path`: The path at which syncing should take place. Will default to `/earthstar-api/v1/` if not given. */interface ExtensionSyncClassicOpts { path?: string;}
/** An extension which enables synchronisation with pre-v7 Earthstar peers. Useful if you want to migrate Earthstar data from older clients to new one, or if you just want to keep using pre-v7 Earthstar clients. */export class ExtensionSyncClassic implements IReplicaServerExtension { private peer: Earthstar.Peer | null = null; private path = "/earthstar-api/v1/";
constructor(opts: ExtensionSyncClassicOpts) { if (opts.path) { this.path = opts.path; } }
register(peer: Earthstar.Peer) { this.peer = peer;
return Promise.resolve(); }
async handler( req: Request, ): Promise<Response | null> { const allPathsPattern = new URLPattern({ pathname: `${this.path}:workspace/paths `, }); const allDocsPattern = new URLPattern({ pathname: `${this.path}:workspace/documents `, });
const allPathsResult = allPathsPattern.exec(req.url); const allDocsResult = allDocsPattern.exec(req.url);
if (this.peer && allPathsResult && req.method === "GET") { const shareAddress = allPathsResult.pathname.groups["workspace"];
const replica = this.peer.getReplica(shareAddress);
if (!replica) { return new Response("Not found", { headers: { status: "404", ...corsHeaders, }, }); }
const docs = await replica.getLatestDocs(); const paths = => doc.path);
return new Response(JSON.stringify(paths), { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", ...corsHeaders, }, }); }
if (this.peer && allDocsResult && req.method === "GET") { const shareAddress = allDocsResult.pathname.groups["workspace"];
const replica = this.peer.getReplica(shareAddress);
if (!replica) { return new Response("Not found", { headers: { status: "404", ...corsHeaders, }, }); }
const docs = await replica.getAllDocs();
return new Response(JSON.stringify(docs), { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", ...corsHeaders, }, }); }
if (this.peer && allDocsResult && req.method === "POST") { const shareAddress = allDocsResult.pathname.groups["workspace"];
const replica = this.peer.getReplica(shareAddress);
if (!replica) { return new Response("Not found", { headers: { status: "404", ...corsHeaders, }, }); }
const incomingDocs = await req.json();
if (!Array.isArray(incomingDocs)) { return new Response("Bad request", { headers: { status: "400", ...corsHeaders, }, }); }
let numIngested = 0; for (const doc of incomingDocs) { const ingestRes = await replica.ingest(doc);
if (!Earthstar.isErr(ingestRes)) { numIngested += 1; } }
const result = { numIngested: numIngested, numIgnored: incomingDocs.length - numIngested, numTotal: incomingDocs.length, };
return new Response(JSON.stringify(result), { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", ...corsHeaders, }, }); }
return Promise.resolve(null); }}