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Like JSON-RPC, but supports streaming.
import { Envelope } from './types-envelope.ts';import { Fn, FnsBag } from './types-bag.ts';import { Watchable, WatchableSet } from './watchable.ts';
export type Thunk = () => void;
/** * Typical options for the Transport constructor. * * But note that each flavor of Transport will have a slightly different constructor */export interface ITransportOpts<BagType extends FnsBag> { deviceId: string; // id of this device methods: BagType; //streams: { [method: string]: Fn },}
export type TransportStatus = 'OPEN' | 'CLOSED';
/** * Manages a specific kind of connection (an HTTP server, etc). * * Creates Connections. */export interface ITransport<BagType extends FnsBag> { status: Watchable<TransportStatus>; isClosed: boolean;
methods: BagType; deviceId: string; connections: WatchableSet<IConnection<BagType>>;
onClose(cb: Thunk): Thunk; close(): void;
// constructor(opts: ITransportOpts)}
export interface ConnectionOpts<BagType extends FnsBag> { description: string; transport: ITransport<BagType>; deviceId: string; methods: BagType;
// conn will be "this" sendEnvelope: (conn: IConnection<BagType>, env: Envelope<BagType>) => Promise<void>;}
/** * Status always starts as CONNECTING, then * can switch back and forth between OPEN and ERROR, * (or skips OPEN and ERROR completely) * and finally ends at CLOSED. * * ERROR means something failed but it's ok to try again. * CLOSED means it's never coming back. */export type ConnectionStatus = | 'CONNECTING' | 'OPEN' | 'ERROR' | 'CLOSED';
/** * Converts method calls to Envelopes and passes them to a Transport. * * Represents a one-to-one network connection. */export interface IConnection< MethodsType extends FnsBag,> { // TODO: actually connections need to track their incoming and outgoing // statuses separately, and then exposed a combined status somehow? // What if only one direction has an error?
status: Watchable<ConnectionStatus>; _closeCbs: Set<Thunk>;
description: string; _transport: ITransport<MethodsType>; _deviceId: string; _otherDeviceId: string | null; // null until we discover it _methods: { [methodName: string]: Fn }; _lastSeen: number;
get isClosed(): boolean; onClose(cb: Thunk): Thunk; close(): void;
_sendEnvelope: (conn: IConnection<MethodsType>, env: Envelope<MethodsType>) => Promise<void>; // the transport provides this function for us
// constructor(transport: ITransport);
handleIncomingEnvelope(env: Envelope<MethodsType>): Promise<void>;
// TODO: maybe this can be synchronous since // we don't care about the result -- // does it wait until sent over the network, or just queued in a batch? notify<MethodKey extends keyof MethodsType>( method: MethodKey, ...args: Parameters<MethodsType[MethodKey]> ): Promise<void>;
// Wait for the return value to come back request<MethodKey extends keyof MethodsType>( method: MethodKey, ...args: Parameters<MethodsType[MethodKey]> ): Promise<ReturnType<MethodsType[MethodKey]>>;
// TODO: stream}