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Like JSON-RPC, but supports streaming.
import { withTimeout } from './util.ts';import { logWatchable as log } from './log.ts';
type Thunk = () => void;type CbOldNew<T> = (oldVal: T, newVal: T) => void;type CbValue<T> = (value: T) => void;
export class Watchable<T> { value: T; // general onChange callbacks _cbs: Set<CbOldNew<T>> = new Set(); // targeted callbacks (onChangeTo) _cbsByTarget: Map<any, Set<CbOldNew<T>>> = new Map(); constructor(val: T) { log('constructor:', val); this.value = val; } get(): T { return this.value; } set(newVal: T) { const oldVal = this.value; log('set:', oldVal, ' --> ', newVal); this.value = newVal; if (newVal !== oldVal) { for (const cb of this._cbs) { cb(oldVal, this.value); } const cbsByTarget = this._cbsByTarget.get(newVal); if (cbsByTarget) { cbsByTarget.forEach((cb) => cb(oldVal, newVal)); } } } onChange(cb: CbOldNew<T>): Thunk { this._cbs.add(cb); return () => this._cbs.delete(cb); } onChangeTo(target: any, cb: CbOldNew<T>): Thunk { // this uses strict equality const cbsByTarget = this._cbsByTarget.get(target) ?? new Set<CbOldNew<T>>(); cbsByTarget.add(cb); this._cbsByTarget.set(target, cbsByTarget); return () => { this._cbsByTarget.get(target)?.delete(cb); }; } waitUntil(target: any, timeout?: number): Promise<void> { // this uses strict equality if (this.value === target) { log('waitUntil: is already equal to', target); return Promise.resolve(); } log('waitUntil: setting up Promise', target); let prom = new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => { let unsub = this.onChangeTo(target, (oldVal, newVal) => { unsub(); resolve(); }); }); if (timeout !== undefined) { log('waitUntil: adding timeout', target); prom = withTimeout(timeout, prom); } return prom; }}
export class WatchableSet<T> extends Set<T> { _addCbs: Set<CbValue<T>> = new Set(); _deleteCbs: Set<CbValue<T>> = new Set(); _changeCbs: Set<Thunk> = new Set(); constructor(iterable?: Iterable<T>) { super(iterable); } add(value: T) { const had = super.has(value); super.add(value); if (!had) { this._addCbs.forEach((cb) => cb(value)); this._changeCbs.forEach((cb) => cb()); } return this; } delete(value: T) { const had = super.has(value); super.delete(value); if (had) { this._deleteCbs.forEach((cb) => cb(value)); this._changeCbs.forEach((cb) => cb()); } return had; } clear() { for (const value of super.values()) { super.delete(value); this._deleteCbs.forEach((cb) => cb(value)); } this._changeCbs.forEach((cb) => cb()); }
onAdd(cb: CbValue<T>) { this._addCbs.add(cb); return () => this._addCbs.delete(cb); } onDelete(cb: CbValue<T>) { this._deleteCbs.add(cb); return () => this._deleteCbs.delete(cb); } onChange(cb: Thunk) { this._changeCbs.add(cb); return () => this._changeCbs.delete(cb); }}