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Like JSON-RPC, but supports streaming.
import { RpcErrorTimeout } from './errors.ts';
export function fetchWithTimeout( timeout: number, ...args: Parameters<typeof fetch>) { const controller = new AbortController();
const [input, init] = args;
const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { if (!controller.signal.aborted) { controller.abort(); } }, timeout);
const request = fetch(input as string, { ...init as unknown as any, signal: controller.signal, }).then( (res) => { clearTimeout(timeoutId); return res; }, );
const cancel = () => { clearTimeout(timeoutId); if (!controller.signal.aborted) { controller.abort(); } };
const clearFetchTimeout = () => { clearTimeout(timeoutId); };
return { request, cancel, clearFetchTimeout };}
export const withTimeout = async <T>(ms: number, prom: Promise<T>): Promise<T> => { let timeout = 0; const rejectAfterMs = new Promise((res, rej) => { timeout = setTimeout(() => rej(new RpcErrorTimeout()), ms); });
const result = await Promise.race([rejectAfterMs, prom]) as Promise<T>; clearTimeout(timeout); return result;};
export const ensureEndsWith = (s: string, suffix: string) => { if (s.endsWith(suffix)) return s; return s + suffix;};
export const ensureDoesNotEndWith = (s: string, suffix: string) => { if (s.endsWith(suffix)) return s.slice(0, -1); return s;};
/** * A Deferred is a Promise and its resolve and reject methods. * * Normally you can't resolve or reject a Promise from the outside; * this lets you do that. */export interface Deferred<T> { resolve: (value: T | PromiseLike<T>) => void; reject: (reason?: any) => void; promise: Promise<T>;}
export const makeDeferred = <T>(): Deferred<T> => { const def: any = {}; def.promise = new Promise<T>((resolve, reject) => { def.resolve = (arg: T) => { try { resolve(arg); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } }; def.reject = (arg: any) => { try { reject(arg); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } }; }); return def as Deferred<T>;};
// /**// * Construct a ReadableStream and return it along with the controller object.// *// * Normally you can't access the controller object from the outside;// * this lets you do that so you can push things into the stream more easily.// *// * `controller.enqueue(...)`// */// export interface ExposedReadableStream {// stream: ReadableStream;// controller: ReadableStreamDefaultController;// }// export const makeExposedStream = (// source: UnderlyingSource = {},// ): ExposedReadableStream => {// let exposedController;// const newSource: any = {// start: (controller: ReadableStreamDefaultController) => {// exposedController = controller;// if (source.start) source.start(controller);// },// };// if (source.pull) newSource.pull = source.pull;// if (source.cancel) newSource.cancel = source.cancel;// const stream = new ReadableStream(newSource, {// highWaterMark: 0,// });// return {// stream,// controller: exposedController as any as ReadableStreamDefaultController,// };// };
export const sleep = (ms: number): Promise<void> => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
/** Return a random integer (inclusive of endpoints) */export const randInt = (lo: number, hi: number): number => lo + Math.floor(Math.random() * (hi - lo));
/** Make a random string id */export const makeId = (): string => ('' + randInt(0, 999999999999999)).padStart(15, '0');
export const setImmediate2 = (fn: any) => { Promise.resolve().then(fn);};