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Basic security API for Typescript that optimizes for easy use
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import { crypto } from "";import { toHashString } from "";import { assertEquals, assertNotEquals,} from "";import { bytesToHex, bytesToString, hexToBytes, stringToBytes,} from "";
/** * produce the hex-encoded string of the sha256 hash of string s * @param {string} s - the string to hash * @returns {Promise<string>} the hex-encoded sha256 of s */const sha256Hex = async (s: string): Promise<string> => toHashString(await crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", stringToBytes(s)));
/** * re-export crypto.randomUUID in this namespace * @returns {string} a random v4 uuid */const randomUUID = (): string => crypto.randomUUID();
const AES_CBC = "AES-CBC";
/** * @class Key provides a simple wrapper for AES CryptoKeys allowing for serialization to hex. */class Key { static readonly Params: AesKeyGenParams = { name: AES_CBC, length: 128 }; static readonly Extractable = true; static readonly Usages: KeyUsage[] = ["encrypt", "decrypt"];
readonly cryptoKey: CryptoKey; // internal representation
/** * @constructor * @param {CryptoKey} cryptoKey - caller provided key */ constructor(cryptoKey: CryptoKey) { assertEquals(cryptoKey.algorithm, Key.Params, "key algorithm"); assertEquals(cryptoKey.extractable, Key.Extractable, "key extractable"); assertEquals(cryptoKey.usages, Key.Usages, "key usages"); this.cryptoKey = cryptoKey; }
/** * construct a new Key based on the exported Key hex representation * @param {string} hexKey - previously exported Key hex (from toHex()) * @returns {Promise<Key>} - a new Key constructed from the hexKey */ static async fromHex(hexKey: string): Promise<Key> { return new Key( await crypto.subtle.importKey( "raw", hexToBytes(hexKey), Key.Params, Key.Extractable, Key.Usages, ), ); }
/** * construct a new Key based on a new random seed * @returns {Promise<Key>} - a new Key constructed from the random seed */ static async generate(): Promise<Key> { return new Key( await crypto.subtle.generateKey( Key.Params, Key.Extractable, Key.Usages, ), ); }
/** * export the hex serialization of the Key * @returns {Promise<string>} - hex serialization of the Key */ async toHex(): Promise<string> { const keyBytes = new Uint8Array( await crypto.subtle.exportKey("raw", this.cryptoKey), ); return bytesToHex(keyBytes); }}
/** * @class IV provides a simple wrapper for AES IVs allowing for serialization to hex. */class IV { static readonly Length = 16; readonly bytes: Uint8Array; // internal representation
/** * @constructor * @param {Uint8Array} bytes - caller provided iv (len 16 Uint8Array) */ constructor(bytes: Uint8Array) { assertEquals(bytes.length, IV.Length, "iv length"); this.bytes = bytes; }
/** * construct a new Key based on the exported IV hex representation * @param {string} hexIV - previously exported IV hex (from toHex()) * @returns {Promise<IV>} - a new IV constructed from the hexIV */ static fromHex(hexIV: string): IV { return new IV(hexToBytes(hexIV)); }
/** * construct a new IV using a provided string as the seed * @param {string} s - the seed for the IV * @returns {Promise<IV>} a 16-byte long Uint8Array suitable as an AEC-CBC IV */ static async fromString(s: string): Promise<IV> { assertNotEquals(s.length, 0, "empty iv input"); return new IV(stringToBytes(await sha256Hex(s)).slice(0, IV.Length)); }
/** * construct a new IV based on a new random seed * @returns {Promise<IV>} - a new IV constructed from the random seed */ static generate(): IV { return new IV(crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(IV.Length))); }
/** * export the hex serialization of the IV * @returns {Promise<string>} - hex serialization of the IV */ toHex(): string { return bytesToHex(this.bytes); }}
/** * @class Crypter provides a simple wrapper for encrypting to and decrypting from hex-encoded values */class Crypter { readonly key: Key; readonly iv: IV;
/** * @constructor * @param {Key} key - the encryption Key * @param {IV} iv - the encryption IV */ constructor(key: Key, iv: IV) { this.key = key; this.iv = iv; }
/** * construct a new Crypter using a hex-encoded Key and IV * @param {string} hexKey - the hex-encoded encryption Key (from Key.toHex()) * @param {string} hexIV - the hex-encoded encryption IV (from IV.toHex()) * @returns {Promise<Crypter>} - a new Crypter constructed from hexKey and hexIV */ static async fromHex(hexKey: string, hexIV: string): Promise<Crypter> { return new Crypter(await Key.fromHex(hexKey), IV.fromHex(hexIV)); }
/** * construct a new Crypter using newly generated Key and IV * @returns {Promise<Crypter>} - a new Crypter constructed with generated Key and IV */ static async generate(): Promise<Crypter> { return new Crypter(await Key.generate(), IV.generate()); }
/** * decrypt a hex-encoded encryption output and return the original clear text * @param {string} hexEncrypted - the output of a previous call to encryptToHex * @returns {Promise<string>} - the decrypted clear text */ async decryptFromHex(hexEncrypted: string): Promise<string> { return bytesToString( new Uint8Array( await crypto.subtle.decrypt( { name: AES_CBC, iv: this.iv.bytes }, this.key.cryptoKey, hexToBytes(hexEncrypted), ), ), ); }
/** * encrypt a clear text and hex-encode the resulting encrypted value * @param {string} clearText - the string to encrypt * @returns {Promise<string>} - the decrypted clear text */ async encryptToHex(clearText: string): Promise<string> { return bytesToHex( new Uint8Array( await crypto.subtle.encrypt( { name: AES_CBC, iv: this.iv.bytes }, this.key.cryptoKey, stringToBytes(clearText), ), ), ); }}
export { Crypter, IV, Key, randomUUID, sha256Hex };