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js library written with ts, use select and chan like golang in js.
interface ReadChannel
import { type ReadChannel } from "";

a read-only channel


isClosed: boolean

Returns whether the channel is closed

length: number

Returns the channel buffer size

capacity: number

Returns how much data the channel has buffered


read(): ReadReturn<T>

Read a value from the channel, block if there is no value to read, and return until there is a value or the channel is closed

readRaw(): ReadRawReturn<T>

Read a value from the channel, block if there is no value to read, and return until there is a value or the channel is closed

tryRead(): IteratorResult<T> | undefined

Attempts to read a value from the channel, returns undefined if no value is readable, returns {done:true} if the channel is closed

readCase(): ReadCase<T>

Create a case for select to read

[[Symbol.asyncIterator]](): AsyncGenerator<T>

Implement asynchronous iterators

wait(): undefined | Promise<void>

Wait for chan to close, no data will be read from chan