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Fastest JS implementation of ed25519, x25519 & ristretto255. Independently audited, high-security, 0-dependency EDDSA sigs & ECDH key agreement
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/*! noble-ristretto255 - MIT License (c) Paul Miller ( *//* Optional file — it's unnecessary for ed25519 itself */
// Ristretto is a technique for constructing prime order elliptic curve// groups with non-malleable encodings. It extends Mike Hamburg's Decaf// approach to cofactor elimination to support cofactor-8 curves such as Curve25519.
// In particular, this allows an existing Curve25519 library to implement// a prime-order group with only a thin abstraction layer, and makes it// possible for systems using Ed25519 signatures to be safely extended// with zero-knowledge protocols, with no additional cryptographic assumptions// and minimal code changes.//
const mask64Bits = (1n << 64n) - 1n;const low51bitMask = (1n << 51n) - 1n;
export class FieldElement { // 𝔽p static readonly P = 2n ** 255n - 19n;
static readonly D = new FieldElement( 37095705934669439343138083508754565189542113879843219016388785533085940283555n ); // Edwards `2*d` value, equal to `2*(-121665/121666) mod p`. static readonly D2 = new FieldElement( 16295367250680780974490674513165176452449235426866156013048779062215315747161n );
// sqrt(-1 % P) static readonly SQRT_M1 = new FieldElement( 19681161376707505956807079304988542015446066515923890162744021073123829784752n );
// `= 1/sqrt(a-d)`, where `a = -1 (mod p)`, `d` are the Edwards curve parameters. static readonly INVSQRT_A_MINUS_D = new FieldElement( 54469307008909316920995813868745141605393597292927456921205312896311721017578n );
// `= sqrt(a*d - 1)`, where `a = -1 (mod p)`, `d` are the Edwards curve parameters. static readonly SQRT_AD_MINUS_ONE = new FieldElement( 25063068953384623474111414158702152701244531502492656460079210482610430750235n );
// Prime subgroup. 25519 is a curve with cofactor = 8, so the order is: static readonly PRIME_ORDER = 2n ** 252n + 27742317777372353535851937790883648493n;
private static load8(input: Uint8Array, padding = 0) { return ( BigInt(input[0 + padding]) | (BigInt(input[1 + padding]) << 8n) | (BigInt(input[2 + padding]) << 16n) | (BigInt(input[3 + padding]) << 24n) | (BigInt(input[4 + padding]) << 32n) | (BigInt(input[5 + padding]) << 40n) | (BigInt(input[6 + padding]) << 48n) | (BigInt(input[7 + padding]) << 56n) ); }
static fromBytes(bytes: Uint8Array) { const octet1 = this.load8(bytes, 0) & low51bitMask; const octet2 = (this.load8(bytes, 6) >> 3n) & low51bitMask; const octet3 = (this.load8(bytes, 12) >> 6n) & low51bitMask; const octet4 = (this.load8(bytes, 19) >> 1n) & low51bitMask; const octet5 = (this.load8(bytes, 24) >> 12n) & low51bitMask; return new FieldElement( octet1 + (octet2 << 51n) + (octet3 << 102n) + (octet4 << 153n) + (octet5 << 204n) ); }
static one() { return new FieldElement(1n); }
static zero() { return new FieldElement(0n); }
static mod(a: bigint, b: bigint) { const res = a % b; return res >= 0 ? res : b + res; }

public readonly value: bigint;
constructor(value: bigint) { this.value = FieldElement.mod(value, FieldElement.P); }
toBytesBE(length: number = 0) { let hex = this.value.toString(16); hex = hex.length & 1 ? `0${hex}` : hex; hex = hex.padStart(length * 2, "0"); const len = hex.length / 2; const u8 = new Uint8Array(len); for (let j = 0, i = 0; i < hex.length; i += 2, j++) { u8[j] = parseInt(hex[i] + hex[i + 1], 16); } return u8; }
toBytesLE(length = 0) { return this.toBytesBE(length).reverse(); }
equals(other: FieldElement) { return this.value === other.value; }
isNegative() { const bytes = this.toBytesLE(); return Boolean(bytes[0] & 1); }
isZero() { return this.value === 0n; }
add(other: FieldElement) { return new FieldElement(this.value + other.value); }
subtract(other: FieldElement) { return new FieldElement(this.value - other.value); }
div(other: FieldElement) { return new FieldElement(this.value / other.value); }
multiply(other: FieldElement) { return new FieldElement(this.value * other.value); }
pow(power: bigint) { let res =; let x = this as FieldElement; while (power > 0) { if (power & 1n) { res = res.multiply(x); } power >>= 1n; x = x.square(); } return res; }
pow2k(power: bigint) { let res = this as FieldElement; while (power-- > 0) { res = res.square(); } return res; }
invert() { const [t19, t3] = this.pow22501(); return t19.pow(5n).multiply(t3); }
negative() { return new FieldElement(-this.value); }
square() { return this.multiply(this); }
private pow22501() { const t0 = this.square(); const t1 = t0.square().square(); const t2 = this.multiply(t1); const t3 = t0.multiply(t2); const t4 = t3.square(); const t5 = t2.multiply(t4); const t6 = t5.pow2k(5n); const t7 = t6.multiply(t5); const t8 = t7.pow2k(10n); const t9 = t8.multiply(t7); const t10 = t9.pow2k(20n); const t11 = t10.multiply(t9); const t12 = t11.pow2k(10n); const t13 = t12.multiply(t7); const t14 = t13.pow2k(50n); const t15 = t14.multiply(t13); const t16 = t15.pow2k(100n); const t17 = t16.multiply(t15); const t18 = t17.pow2k(50n); const t19 = t18.multiply(t13); return [t19, t3]; }
private powP58() { const [t19] = this.pow22501(); return t19.pow2k(2n).multiply(this); }
// Select sets v to a if cond == 1, and to b if cond == 0. select(other: FieldElement, choice: 0n | 1n | 0 | 1 | boolean) { return choice ? this : other; }
condNegative(choice: 0n | 1n | 0 | 1 | boolean) { return this.negative().select(this, choice); }
// CondSwap swaps a and b if cond == 1 or leaves them unchanged if cond == 0. condSwap(other: FieldElement, choice: 0n | 1n | 0 | 1 | boolean) { choice = BigInt(choice) as 0n | 1n; const mask = choice !== 0n ? mask64Bits : choice; const tmp = mask & (this.value ^ other.value); return [ new FieldElement(this.value ^ tmp), new FieldElement(other.value ^ tmp) ]; }
sqrtRatio(v: FieldElement) { // Using the same trick as in ed25519 decoding, we merge the // inversion, the square root, and the square test as follows. // // To compute sqrt(α), we can compute β = α^((p+3)/8). // Then β^2 = ±α, so multiplying β by sqrt(-1) if necessary // gives sqrt(α). // // To compute 1/sqrt(α), we observe that // 1/β = α^(p-1 - (p+3)/8) = α^((7p-11)/8) // = α^3 * (α^7)^((p-5)/8). // // We can therefore compute sqrt(u/v) = sqrt(u)/sqrt(v) // by first computing // r = u^((p+3)/8) v^(p-1-(p+3)/8) // = u u^((p-5)/8) v^3 (v^7)^((p-5)/8) // = (uv^3) (uv^7)^((p-5)/8). // // If v is nonzero and u/v is square, then r^2 = ±u/v, // so vr^2 = ±u. // If vr^2 = u, then sqrt(u/v) = r. // If vr^2 = -u, then sqrt(u/v) = r*sqrt(-1). // // If v is zero, r is also zero. const v3 = v.multiply(v).multiply(v); const v7 = v3.multiply(v3).multiply(v); let r = this.multiply(v7) .powP58() .multiply(this) .multiply(v3); const check = r.square().multiply(v); const i = FieldElement.SQRT_M1; const correctSignSqrt = check.equals(this); const flippedSignSqrt = check.equals(this.negative()); const flippedSignSqrtI = check.equals(this.negative().multiply(i)); const rPrime = FieldElement.SQRT_M1.multiply(r); r =, flippedSignSqrt || flippedSignSqrtI); r = r.condNegative(r.isNegative()); const isNotZeroSquare = correctSignSqrt || flippedSignSqrt; return { isNotZeroSquare, value: r }; }
// Attempt to compute `sqrt(1/self)` in constant time. invertSqrt() { return; }}
export const P = FieldElement.P;export const PRIME_ORDER = FieldElement.PRIME_ORDER;
export class ProjectiveP1xP1 { static zero() { return new ProjectiveP1xP1(,,, ); }
constructor( public x: FieldElement, public y: FieldElement, public z: FieldElement, public T: FieldElement ) {}}
export class ProjectiveP2 { static fromP1xP1(point: ProjectiveP1xP1) { return new ProjectiveP2( point.x.multiply(point.T), point.y.multiply(point.T), point.z.multiply(point.T) ); }
static fromP3(point: ProjectiveP3) { return new ProjectiveP2(point.x, point.y, point.z); }
static zero() { return new ProjectiveP2(,, ); }
constructor( public x: FieldElement, public y: FieldElement, public z: FieldElement ) {}
double() { const squaredX = this.x.square(); const squaredY = this.y.square(); const squaredZ = this.z.square(); const squaredZ2 = squaredZ.add(squaredZ); const xPlusYSquared = this.x.add(this.y).square(); const y = squaredY.add(squaredX); const z = squaredY.subtract(squaredX); const x = xPlusYSquared.subtract(y); const T = squaredZ2.subtract(this.z); return new ProjectiveP1xP1(x, y, z, T); }}
export class ProjectiveP3 { static fromP1xP1(point: ProjectiveP1xP1) { return new ProjectiveP3( point.x.multiply(point.T), point.y.multiply(point.z), point.z.multiply(point.T), point.x.multiply(point.y) ); }
static fromP2(point: ProjectiveP2) { return new ProjectiveP3( point.x.multiply(point.z), point.y.multiply(point.z), point.z.square(), point.x.multiply(point.y) ); }
static one() { return new ProjectiveP3(,,, ); }
constructor( public x: FieldElement, public y: FieldElement, public z: FieldElement, public T: FieldElement ) {}
toProjectiveNielsPoint() { return new ProjectiveP3( this.y.add(this.x), this.y.subtract(this.x), this.z, this.T.multiply(FieldElement.D2) ); }
toExtendedProjective() { return new ProjectiveP3( this.x.multiply(this.z), this.y.multiply(this.z), this.z.multiply(this.z), this.x.multiply(this.y) ); }
toExtendedCompleted() { return new ProjectiveP3( this.x.multiply(this.T), this.y.multiply(this.z), this.z.multiply(this.T), this.x.multiply(this.y) ); }
addCached(other: ProjectiveCached) { const yPlusX = this.y.add(this.x); const yMinusX = this.y.subtract(this.x); const PP = yPlusX.multiply(other.yPlusX); const MM = yMinusX.multiply(other.yMinusX); const TT2 = this.T.multiply(other.T2d); const ZZ = this.z.multiply(other.z); const ZZ2 = ZZ.add(ZZ); return new ProjectiveP1xP1( PP.subtract(MM), PP.add(MM), ZZ2.add(TT2), ZZ2.subtract(TT2) ); }
subtractCached(other: ProjectiveCached) { const yPlusX = this.y.add(this.x); const yMinusX = this.y.subtract(this.x); const PP = yPlusX.multiply(other.yMinusX); const MM = yMinusX.multiply(other.yPlusX); const TT2 = this.T.multiply(other.T2d); const ZZ = this.z.multiply(other.z); const ZZ2 = ZZ.add(ZZ); return new ProjectiveP1xP1( PP.subtract(MM), PP.add(MM), ZZ2.subtract(TT2), ZZ2.add(TT2) ); }
addAffine(other: AffineCached) { const yPlusX = this.y.add(this.x); const yMinusX = this.y.subtract(this.x); const PP = yPlusX.multiply(other.yPlusX); const MM = yMinusX.multiply(other.yMinusX); const TT2 = this.T.multiply(other.T2d); const ZZ = this.z.multiply(this.z); const ZZ2 = ZZ.add(ZZ); return new ProjectiveP1xP1( PP.subtract(MM), PP.add(MM), ZZ2.add(TT2), ZZ2.subtract(TT2) ); }
subtractAffine(other: AffineCached) { const yPlusX = this.y.add(this.x); const yMinusX = this.y.subtract(this.x); const PP = yPlusX.multiply(other.yMinusX); const MM = yMinusX.multiply(other.yPlusX); const TT2 = this.T.multiply(other.T2d); const ZZ = this.z.multiply(this.z); const ZZ2 = ZZ.add(ZZ); return new ProjectiveP1xP1( PP.subtract(MM), PP.add(MM), ZZ2.subtract(TT2), ZZ2.add(TT2) ); }
add(other: ProjectiveP3) { const cached = ProjectiveCached.fromP3(other); const result = this.addCached(cached); return ProjectiveP3.fromP1xP1(result); }
subtract(other: ProjectiveP3) { const cached = ProjectiveCached.fromP3(other); const result = this.subtractCached(cached); return ProjectiveP3.fromP1xP1(result); }
double() { const x2 = this.x.square(); const y2 = this.y.square(); const z2 = this.z.square(); const xPlusY2 = this.x.add(this.y).square(); const y2PlusX2 = y2.add(x2); const y2MinusX2 = y2.subtract(x2); return new ProjectiveP3( xPlusY2.subtract(y2MinusX2), y2PlusX2, y2MinusX2, z2.subtract(y2MinusX2) ); }
negative() { return new ProjectiveP3( this.x.negative(), this.y, this.z, this.T.negative() ); }
multiply(n: bigint) { let q =; for (let db: ProjectiveP3 = this; n > 0n; n >>= 1n, db = db.double()) { if ((n & 1n) === 1n) { q = q.add(db); } } return q; }
// by @ebfull // equals(other: ProjectiveP3) { const t1 = this.x.multiply(other.z); const t2 = other.x.multiply(this.z); const t3 = this.y.multiply(other.z); const t4 = other.y.multiply(this.z); return t1.equals(t2) && t3.equals(t4); }}
export class ProjectiveCached { static one() { return new ProjectiveCached(,,, ); }
static fromP3(point: ProjectiveP3) { return new ProjectiveCached( point.y.add(point.x), point.y.subtract(point.x), point.z, point.T.multiply(FieldElement.D2) ); }
constructor( public yPlusX: FieldElement, public yMinusX: FieldElement, public z: FieldElement, public T2d: FieldElement ) {}
// Select sets v to a if cond == 1 and to b if cond == 0. select(other: ProjectiveCached, cond: 0 | 1 | 0n | 1n | boolean) { const yPlusX =, cond); const yMinusX =, cond); const z =, cond); const T2d =, cond); return new ProjectiveCached(yPlusX, yMinusX, z, T2d); }
// Select sets v to a if cond == 1 and to b if cond == 0. condNegative(cond: 0 | 1 | 0n | 1n | boolean) { const [yPlusX, yMinusX] = this.yPlusX.condSwap(this.yMinusX, cond); const T2d = this.T2d.condNegative(cond); return new ProjectiveCached(yPlusX, yMinusX, this.z, T2d); }}
export class AffineCached { static fromP3(point: ProjectiveP3) { const yPlusX = point.y.add(point.x); const yMinusX = point.y.subtract(point.x); const T2d = point.T.multiply(FieldElement.D2); const invertedZ = point.z.invert(); const newYPlusX = yPlusX.multiply(invertedZ); const newYMinusX = yMinusX.multiply(invertedZ); const newT2D = T2d.multiply(invertedZ); return new AffineCached(newYPlusX, newYMinusX, newT2D); }
static one() { return new AffineCached(,, ); }
constructor( public yPlusX: FieldElement, public yMinusX: FieldElement, public T2d: FieldElement ) {}
// Select sets v to a if cond == 1 and to b if cond == 0. select(other: AffineCached, cond: 0 | 1 | 0n | 1n | boolean) { const yPlusX =, cond); const yMinusX =, cond); const T2d =, cond); return new AffineCached(yPlusX, yMinusX, T2d); }
condNegative(cond: 0 | 1 | 0n | 1n | boolean) { const [yPlusX, yMinusX] = this.yPlusX.condSwap(this.yMinusX, cond); const T2d = this.T2d.condNegative(cond); return new AffineCached(yPlusX, yMinusX, T2d); }}
export let sha512: (a: Uint8Array) => Promise<Uint8Array>;
if (typeof window == "object" && "crypto" in window) { sha512 = async (message: Uint8Array) => { const buffer = await window.crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-512", message.buffer); return new Uint8Array(buffer); };} else if (typeof process === "object" && "node" in process.versions) { const { createHash } = require("crypto"); sha512 = async (message: Uint8Array) => { const hash = createHash("sha512"); hash.update(message); return Uint8Array.from(hash.digest()); };} else { throw new Error("The environment doesn't have sha512 function");}
function fromHexBE(hex: string) { return BigInt(`0x${hex}`);}
function fromBytesBE(bytes: string | Uint8Array) { if (typeof bytes === "string") { return fromHexBE(bytes); } let value = 0n; for (let i = bytes.length - 1, j = 0; i >= 0; i--, j++) { value += (BigInt(bytes[i]) & 255n) << (8n * BigInt(j)); } return value;}
export function fromBytesLE(bytes: Uint8Array) { let value = 0n; for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { value += (BigInt(bytes[i]) & 255n) << (8n * BigInt(i)); } return value;}
export function hexToBytes(hash: string) { hash = hash.length & 1 ? `0${hash}` : hash; const len = hash.length; const result = new Uint8Array(len / 2); for (let i = 0, j = 0; i < len - 1; i += 2, j++) { result[j] = parseInt(hash[i] + hash[i + 1], 16); } return result;}
export function toBigInt(num: string | Uint8Array | bigint | number) { if (typeof num === "string") { return fromHexBE(num); } if (typeof num === "number") { return BigInt(num); } if (num instanceof Uint8Array) { return fromBytesBE(num); } return num;}
export function isBytesEquals(b1: Uint8Array, b2: Uint8Array) { if (b1.length !== b2.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < b1.length; i++) { if (b1[i] !== b2[i]) { return false; } } return true;}
export function numberToBytes(num: bigint) { let hex = num.toString(16); hex = hex.length & 1 ? `0${hex}` : hex; const len = hex.length / 2; const u8 = new Uint8Array(len); for (let j = 0, i = 0; i < hex.length; i += 2, j++) { u8[j] = parseInt(hex[i] + hex[i + 1], 16); } return u8;}
export function concatTypedArrays(...args: Uint8Array[]) { const result = new Uint8Array(args.reduce((a, arr) => a + arr.length, 0)); for (let i = 0, pad = 0; i < args.length; i++) { const arr = args[i]; result.set(arr, pad); pad += arr.length; } return result;}

export class RistrettoPoint {
static one() { return new RistrettoPoint(; }
static fromHash(hash: Uint8Array) { const r1 = FieldElement.fromBytes(hash.slice(0, ENCODING_LENGTH)); const R1 = this.elligatorRistrettoFlavor(r1); const r2 = FieldElement.fromBytes(hash.slice(ENCODING_LENGTH, ENCODING_LENGTH * 2)); const R2 = this.elligatorRistrettoFlavor(r2); return new RistrettoPoint(R1.add(R2)); }
// Computes the Ristretto Elligator map. // This method is not public because it's just used for hashing // to a point -- proper elligator support is deferred for now. private static elligatorRistrettoFlavor(r0: FieldElement) { const one =; const oneMinusDSq = one.subtract(FieldElement.D.square()); const dMinusOneSq = (FieldElement.D.subtract(one)).square(); const r = FieldElement.SQRT_M1.multiply(r0.square()); const NS = r.add(one).multiply(oneMinusDSq); let c = one.negative(); const D = c.subtract(FieldElement.D.multiply(r)).multiply(r.add(FieldElement.D)); let { isNotZeroSquare, value: S } = NS.sqrtRatio(D); let sPrime = S.multiply(r0); const sPrimeIsPos = !sPrime.isNegative(); sPrime = sPrime.condNegative(sPrimeIsPos); S =, isNotZeroSquare); c =, isNotZeroSquare); const NT = c.multiply(r.subtract(one)).multiply(dMinusOneSq).subtract(D); const sSquared = S.square(); const projective = new ProjectiveP3( S.add(S).multiply(D),, NT.multiply(FieldElement.SQRT_AD_MINUS_ONE),, ); return projective.toExtendedCompleted(); }
static fromBytes(bytes: Uint8Array) { // Step 1. Check s for validity: // 1.a) s must be 32 bytes (we get this from the type system) // 1.b) s < p // 1.c) s is nonnegative // // Our decoding routine ignores the high bit, so the only // possible failure for 1.b) is if someone encodes s in 0..18 // as s+p in 2^255-19..2^255-1. We can check this by // converting back to bytes, and checking that we get the // original input, since our encoding routine is canonical. const s = FieldElement.fromBytes(bytes); const sEncodingIsCanonical = isBytesEquals(s.toBytesLE(ENCODING_LENGTH), bytes); const sIsNegative = s.isNegative(); if (!sEncodingIsCanonical || sIsNegative) { throw new Error("Cannot convert bytes to Ristretto Point"); } const one =; const s2 = s.square(); const u1 = one.subtract(s2); // 1 + as² const u2 = one.add(s2); // 1 - as² where a=-1 const squaredU2 = u2.square(); // (1 - as²)² // v == ad(1+as²)² - (1-as²)² where d=-121665/121666 const v = u1.square().multiply(FieldElement.D.negative()).subtract(squaredU2); const { isNotZeroSquare, value: I } = v.multiply(squaredU2).invertSqrt(); // 1/sqrt(v*u_2²) const Dx = I.multiply(u2); const Dy = I.multiply(Dx).multiply(v); // 1/u2 // x == | 2s/sqrt(v) | == + sqrt(4s²/(ad(1+as²)² - (1-as²)²)) let x = s.add(s).multiply(Dx); const xIsNegative = BigInt(x.isNegative()) as 0n | 1n; x = x.condNegative(xIsNegative); // y == (1-as²)/(1+as²) const y = u1.multiply(Dy); // t == ((1+as²) sqrt(4s²/(ad(1+as²)² - (1-as²)²)))/(1-as²) const t = x.multiply(y); if (!isNotZeroSquare || t.isNegative() || y.isZero()) { throw new Error("Cannot convert bytes to Ristretto Point"); } return new RistrettoPoint(new ProjectiveP3(x, y, one, t)); }
constructor(private point: ProjectiveP3) {}
toBytes() { let { x, y, z, T } = this.point; // u1 = (z0 + y0) * (z0 - y0) const u1 = z.add(y).multiply(z.subtract(y)); const u2 = x.multiply(y); // Ignore return value since this is always square const { value: invsqrt } = u2.square().multiply(u1).invertSqrt(); const i1 = invsqrt.multiply(u1); const i2 = invsqrt.multiply(u2); const invertedZ = i1.multiply(i2).multiply(T); let invertedDenominator = i2; const iX = x.multiply(FieldElement.SQRT_M1); const iY = y.multiply(FieldElement.SQRT_M1); const enchantedDenominator = i1.multiply(FieldElement.INVSQRT_A_MINUS_D); const isRotated = BigInt(T.multiply(invertedZ).isNegative()) as 0n | 1n; x =, isRotated); y =, isRotated); invertedDenominator =, isRotated); const yIsNegative = BigInt(x.multiply(invertedZ).isNegative()) as 0n | 1n; y = y.condNegative(yIsNegative); let s = z.subtract(y).multiply(invertedDenominator); const sIsNegative = BigInt(s.isNegative()) as 0n | 1n; s = s.condNegative(sIsNegative); return s.toBytesLE(ENCODING_LENGTH); }
add(other: RistrettoPoint) { return new RistrettoPoint(this.point.add(other.point)); }
subtract(other: RistrettoPoint) { return new RistrettoPoint(this.point.subtract(other.point)); }
multiply(n: bigint) { return new RistrettoPoint(this.point.multiply(n)); }
equals(other: RistrettoPoint) { return this.point.equals(other.point); }}
// const BASE_POINT = new RistrettoPoint( new ProjectiveP3( new FieldElement(15112221349535400772501151409588531511454012693041857206046113283949847762202n), new FieldElement(46316835694926478169428394003475163141307993866256225615783033603165251855960n), new FieldElement(1n), new FieldElement(46827403850823179245072216630277197565144205554125654976674165829533817101731n), ));

// Commented out signature implementation.// ristretto255 doesn't specify details for ecdsa/eddsa signatures.// For the future work.
// type PrivateKey = Uint8Array | string | bigint | number;// type PublicKey = Uint8Array | string | RistrettoPoint;// type Signature = Uint8Array | string | SignatureResult;// type Bytes = Uint8Array | string;
// const ENCODING_LENGTH = 32;// class SignatureResult {// constructor(public r: RistrettoPoint, public s: bigint) {}
// static fromBytes(hex: Bytes) {// hex = typeof hex === "string" ? hexToBytes(hex) : hex;// const r = RistrettoPoint.fromBytes(hex.slice(0, 32));// const s = fromBytesLE(hex.slice(32));// return new SignatureResult(r, s);// }
// toBytes() {// const sBytes = numberToBytes(this.s).reverse();// const rBytes = this.r.toBytes();// return concatTypedArrays(rBytes, sBytes);// }// }
// function getPrivateBytes(privateKey: bigint) {// return sha512(numberToBytes(privateKey));// }
// function encodePrivate(privateBytes: Uint8Array) {// const last = ENCODING_LENGTH - 1;// const head = privateBytes.slice(0, ENCODING_LENGTH);// head[0] &= 248;// head[last] &= 127;// head[last] |= 64;// return fromBytesLE(head);// }
// function normalizeHash(hash: Bytes) {// return typeof hash === "string" ? hexToBytes(hash) : hash;// }
// function normalizePublicKey(publicKey: PublicKey) {// if (publicKey instanceof RistrettoPoint) {// return publicKey;// }// publicKey = normalizeHash(publicKey);// return RistrettoPoint.fromBytes(publicKey);// }
// function normalizeSignature(signature: Signature) {// if (signature instanceof SignatureResult) {// return signature;// }// signature = normalizeHash(signature);// return SignatureResult.fromBytes(signature);// }
// async function hashNumber(...args: Uint8Array[]) {// const messageArray = concatTypedArrays(...args);// const hash = await sha512(messageArray);// const value = fromBytesLE(hash);// return FieldElement.mod(value, PRIME_ORDER);// }
// export async function getPublicKey(privateKey: PrivateKey, shouldBeRaw = false) {// const multiplier = toBigInt(privateKey);// const privateBytes = await getPrivateBytes(multiplier);// const privateInt = encodePrivate(privateBytes);// const publicKey = exports.BASE_POINT.multiply(privateInt);// return shouldBeRaw ? publicKey : publicKey.toBytes();// }
// export async function sign(message: Bytes, privateKey: PrivateKey) {// privateKey = toBigInt(privateKey);// message = normalizeHash(message);// const [publicKey, privateBytes] = await Promise.all([// getPublicKey(privateKey, true),// getPrivateBytes(privateKey)// ]);// const privatePrefix = privateBytes.slice(ENCODING_LENGTH);// const r = await hashNumber(privatePrefix, message);// const R = B.multiply(r);// const h = await hashNumber(R.toBytes(), publicKey.toBytes(), message);// const S = FieldElement.mod(r + h * encodePrivate(privateBytes), PRIME_ORDER);// const signature = new SignatureResult(R, S);// return signature.toBytes();// }
// export async function verify(// signature: Signature,// message: Bytes,// publicKey: PublicKey// ) {// message = normalizeHash(message);// publicKey = normalizePublicKey(publicKey);// signature = normalizeSignature(signature);// const h = await hashNumber(signature.r.toBytes(), publicKey.toBytes(), message);// const S = BASE_POINT.multiply(signature.s);// const R = signature.r.add(publicKey.multiply(h));// return S.equals(R);// }