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Fastest JS implementation of ed25519, x25519 & ristretto255. Independently audited, high-security, 0-dependency EDDSA sigs & ECDH key agreement
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/*! noble-ristretto255 - MIT License (c) Paul Miller ( */export declare class FieldElement { static readonly P: bigint; static readonly D: FieldElement; static readonly D2: FieldElement; static readonly SQRT_M1: FieldElement; static readonly INVSQRT_A_MINUS_D: FieldElement; static readonly SQRT_AD_MINUS_ONE: FieldElement; static readonly PRIME_ORDER: bigint; private static load8; static fromBytes(bytes: Uint8Array): FieldElement; static one(): FieldElement; static zero(): FieldElement; static mod(a: bigint, b: bigint): bigint; readonly value: bigint; constructor(value: bigint); toBytesBE(length?: number): Uint8Array; toBytesLE(length?: number): Uint8Array; equals(other: FieldElement): boolean; isNegative(): boolean; isZero(): boolean; add(other: FieldElement): FieldElement; subtract(other: FieldElement): FieldElement; div(other: FieldElement): FieldElement; multiply(other: FieldElement): FieldElement; pow(power: bigint): FieldElement; pow2k(power: bigint): FieldElement; invert(): FieldElement; negative(): FieldElement; square(): FieldElement; private pow22501; private powP58; select(other: FieldElement, choice: 0n | 1n | 0 | 1 | boolean): FieldElement; condNegative(choice: 0n | 1n | 0 | 1 | boolean): FieldElement; condSwap(other: FieldElement, choice: 0n | 1n | 0 | 1 | boolean): FieldElement[]; sqrtRatio(v: FieldElement): { isNotZeroSquare: boolean; value: FieldElement; }; invertSqrt(): { isNotZeroSquare: boolean; value: FieldElement; };}export declare const P: bigint;export declare const PRIME_ORDER: bigint;export declare class ProjectiveP1xP1 { x: FieldElement; y: FieldElement; z: FieldElement; T: FieldElement; static zero(): ProjectiveP1xP1; constructor(x: FieldElement, y: FieldElement, z: FieldElement, T: FieldElement);}export declare class ProjectiveP2 { x: FieldElement; y: FieldElement; z: FieldElement; static fromP1xP1(point: ProjectiveP1xP1): ProjectiveP2; static fromP3(point: ProjectiveP3): ProjectiveP2; static zero(): ProjectiveP2; constructor(x: FieldElement, y: FieldElement, z: FieldElement); double(): ProjectiveP1xP1;}export declare class ProjectiveP3 { x: FieldElement; y: FieldElement; z: FieldElement; T: FieldElement; static fromP1xP1(point: ProjectiveP1xP1): ProjectiveP3; static fromP2(point: ProjectiveP2): ProjectiveP3; static one(): ProjectiveP3; constructor(x: FieldElement, y: FieldElement, z: FieldElement, T: FieldElement); toProjectiveNielsPoint(): ProjectiveP3; toExtendedProjective(): ProjectiveP3; toExtendedCompleted(): ProjectiveP3; addCached(other: ProjectiveCached): ProjectiveP1xP1; subtractCached(other: ProjectiveCached): ProjectiveP1xP1; addAffine(other: AffineCached): ProjectiveP1xP1; subtractAffine(other: AffineCached): ProjectiveP1xP1; add(other: ProjectiveP3): ProjectiveP3; subtract(other: ProjectiveP3): ProjectiveP3; double(): ProjectiveP3; negative(): ProjectiveP3; multiply(n: bigint): ProjectiveP3; equals(other: ProjectiveP3): boolean;}export declare class ProjectiveCached { yPlusX: FieldElement; yMinusX: FieldElement; z: FieldElement; T2d: FieldElement; static one(): ProjectiveCached; static fromP3(point: ProjectiveP3): ProjectiveCached; constructor(yPlusX: FieldElement, yMinusX: FieldElement, z: FieldElement, T2d: FieldElement); select(other: ProjectiveCached, cond: 0 | 1 | 0n | 1n | boolean): ProjectiveCached; condNegative(cond: 0 | 1 | 0n | 1n | boolean): ProjectiveCached;}export declare class AffineCached { yPlusX: FieldElement; yMinusX: FieldElement; T2d: FieldElement; static fromP3(point: ProjectiveP3): AffineCached; static one(): AffineCached; constructor(yPlusX: FieldElement, yMinusX: FieldElement, T2d: FieldElement); select(other: AffineCached, cond: 0 | 1 | 0n | 1n | boolean): AffineCached; condNegative(cond: 0 | 1 | 0n | 1n | boolean): AffineCached;}export declare let sha512: (a: Uint8Array) => Promise<Uint8Array>;export declare function fromBytesLE(bytes: Uint8Array): bigint;export declare function hexToBytes(hash: string): Uint8Array;export declare function toBigInt(num: string | Uint8Array | bigint | number): bigint;export declare function isBytesEquals(b1: Uint8Array, b2: Uint8Array): boolean;export declare function numberToBytes(num: bigint): Uint8Array;export declare function concatTypedArrays(...args: Uint8Array[]): Uint8Array;export declare class RistrettoPoint { private point; static one(): RistrettoPoint; static fromHash(hash: Uint8Array): RistrettoPoint; private static elligatorRistrettoFlavor; static fromBytes(bytes: Uint8Array): RistrettoPoint; constructor(point: ProjectiveP3); toBytes(): Uint8Array; add(other: RistrettoPoint): RistrettoPoint; subtract(other: RistrettoPoint): RistrettoPoint; multiply(n: bigint): RistrettoPoint; equals(other: RistrettoPoint): boolean;}export declare const BASE_POINT: RistrettoPoint;