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edcb is a build tool and task runner for Deno. It has support for formatting, linting, testing, code coverage, bundling, and more, and it can be used via command line or TypeScript import.

License Deno module Github
tag Build Code

edcb in action


The edcb CLI can be installed with Deno.

deno install -f -A

After installation, building a project is as simple as running edcb in the project root.



The --ci flag changes the behavior as follows:

  1. Runs the Deno formatter with the --check flag.
  2. Generates a test coverage file.
  3. Uploads the test coverage file to This step likely fails on local systems.
edcb --ci


The --debug flag can be used to display sub-process output. Per default, the output is only logged if the process failed. For example, a developer may use the flag to see the full code coverage report in order to write tests for the missing lines.

edcb --debug


The --ignore option can be used to ignore files and directories. It has the same format as the --ignore option of deno fmt and deno lint.

edcb --ignore=deps,docs


edcb can be configured with TypeScript. See the dev.ts module for an example. Import the createEdcb function and call one of its methods with custom options. For example, one can specify the ignore option, which will then be used if the --ignore option was not provided:

// NOTE: Change this URL to a specific version of edcb.
import { createEdcb } from "./mod.ts";

// Create an instance.
const edcb = createEdcb();

// Run the build action.
  // Specify options.
  ignore: "deps",