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Structured concurrency and effects for JavaScript
import * as effection from "";


Create an Operation that can be either resolved (or rejected) with a synchronous callback. This is the Effection equivalent of new Promise().

Block and wait for all of the given operations to complete. Returns an array of values that the given operations evaluated to. This has the same purpose as Promise.all.

Pause the current operation, then run an async function, or operation function in a new scope. The calling operation will be resumed (or errored) once call is completed.

Create a new Channel. Use channels to communicate between operations. In order to dispatch messages from outside an operation such as from a callback, use Signal.

Creates a new queue. Queues are unlimited in size and sending a message to a queue is always synchronous.

Create a new scope to serve as an entry point from normal JavaScript execution into Effection.

Create a new Signal

Consume an effection stream using a simple for-of loop.

Run the given function or operation when the current operation shuts down. This is equivalent to running the function or operation in a finally {} block, but it can help you avoid rightward drift.

Halt process execution immediately and initiate shutdown. If a message is provided, it will be logged to the console after shutdown:

Convert a simple function into an Operation

Top-level entry point to programs written in Effection. That means that your program should only call main once, and everything the program does is handled from within main including an orderly shutdown. Unlike run, main automatically prints errors that occurred to the console.

Create a Stream of events from any EventTarget.

Create an Operation that yields the next event to be emitted by an EventTarget.

Race the given operations against each other and return the value of whichever operation returns first. This has the same purpose as Promise.race.

Define an Effection resource

Execute an operation.

Sleep for the given amount of milliseconds.

Run another operation concurrently as a child of the current one.

Convert any AsyncIterable into an Effection Stream.

Convert any AsyncIterator into an effection Subscription

Indefinitely pause execution of the current operation. It is typically used in conjunction with an action to mark the boundary between setup and teardown.

Create an AbortSignal bound to the current scope. Whenever that scope is completed, errored, or halted, the abort signal will be triggered.

Get the scope of the currently running Operation.


A broadcast channel that multiple consumers can subscribe to the via the same Stream, and messages sent to the channel are received by all consumers. The channel is not buffered, so if there are no consumers, the message is dropped.

`Context`` defines a value which is in effect for a given scope which is an (action, resource, call, or spawn).

A value that is both an Operation and Promise.

An Operation in Effection describes an abstract computation. An operation does not do anything on its own. Rather, it only describes the steps it will take when it runs.

A FIFO queue which can be used to implement the Subscription interface directly. Most of the time, you will use either a Signal or a Channel as the mechanism, but Queue allows you to manage a single subscription directly.

A programatic API to interact with an Effection scope from outside of an Operation.

Convert plain JavaScript function calls into a Stream that can be consumed within an operation. If no operation is subscribed to a signal's stream, then sending messages to it is a no-op.

The Effection equivalent of an AsyncIterator

A handle to a concurrently running operation that lets you either use the result of that operation, or shut it down.

Type Aliases

A uniform integration type representing anything that can be evaluated as a the parameter to call.

The Effection equivalent of an AsyncIterable.

Unwrap the type of an Operation. Analogous to the built in Awaited type. Yielded<Operation> === T