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Yet Another Option and Result Implementation - providing safe abstractions for fallible flows inspired by F# and Rust
type alias None
import { type None } from "";


None represents the absence of a value and is the opinionated, composable equivalent of undefined.

It support coercion to the falsy representation of primitive types Furthermore, it implements the iterator protocol and returns undefined when it gets JSON encoded via JSON.stringify()

Please checkout Some for the opposite case.


Example 1

import { assert } from "./assert.ts";
import { Option, None, Some } from "./option.ts";

const none = None;
const rec = { a: 1, b: none };
const arr = [ ...none ];

const encode = JSON.stringify;

//TS Bug:
assert(none instanceof (None as any) === true);
assert(none.isNone() === true);
assert(none.isSome() === false);
assert(none.unwrap() === undefined);
assert(String(none) === "");
assert(Number(none) === 0);
assert(none[Symbol.toPrimitive]() === false);
assert(Boolean(none) === true); //object always evaluate to true
assert(encode(rec) === encode({ a: 1 }));
assert(arr.length === 0);
definition: _None
variable None
import { None } from "";