import * as eitherway from "";
Utilities to work with collections of Result<T, E> |
Use this as | |
f Err | |
f Ok | |
Use this to lift the result of an infallible function into a | |
Use this to lift the result of a fallible function into a | |
Use this to lift a function into a | |
Use this to lift a fallible function into a | |
Base interface implemented by |
Type Aliases
T Err | Err |
Use this to infer the encapsulated | |
Use this to infer the encapsulated | |
Use this to infer a union of all encapsulated | |
Use this to infer the encapsulated | |
Use this to infer the encapsulated | |
Use this to infer a union of all encapsulated | |
T Ok | Ok |
Result<T, E> |