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Entity API

Entity based API-Platform

The aim of this project is to create a lightweight and easy to use library, that provides you with typesupport on the backend as well as the frontend.

You start by defining your api-schema in code. That will you provide you with typesupport for you server implementation, and for you api client. Without code generation.
You can also use your schema to generate an openapi documentation

Supported actions are: get, post, patch, delete, getCollection


1. Define your api-schema

const foo_endpoint_def = createEndpointDefinition({
  getResult: {
    id: "number",
    name: "string",
  postBody: {
    name: "string",

2. Implement your RequestHandler

let c = 0;
const foos = {} as Record<number, { id: number; name: string }>;

const foo_endpoint_impl = createEndpointImplementation<
  typeof foo_endpoint_def
  get: (id) => foos[id],
  post: (body) => foos[++c] = { ...body, id: c },

3. Choose your favorite webserver (enapi is web-server agnostic)

import {
} from "";
import { json, opine } from "";
import { opineCors } from "";
import { endpoints } from "./api.ts";

const api_base_url = "http://localhost:3000";

const requestHandler = RequestHandler(endpoints);

const server = opine();

// handle entity requests
server.use(async (req, res, next) => {
  const result = await requestHandler.handle({
    method: req.method as any,
    url: req.url.split("?")[0],
    body: req.parsedBody,
    queryParams: req.query,

  if (!result) next();
  else res.setStatus(result.statusCode).json(result.body);

// provide openapi documentation
server.get("/_docs.openapi", (_req, res) => {
  const doc = createOpenApiJsonDoc(api_base_url, endpoints);

  () => console.log(`server has started on ${api_base_url} 🚀`),

4. Call your api on the frontend

import { endpoints } from "./api.ts";
import { Client } from "";

const client = Client("http://localhost:3000", endpoints);

const data_post_result = await{ name: "dfg" });
const data_get_result = await;


Future Plans

  • add more entity property types
  • support entity-relations
  • include errors in return types
  • support transactions